McGentrix wrote:I can answer if for you Intrepid.
George Bush has charged the US military to hunt down Osama Bin Laden. He has also tasked the diplomatic corp. with the job of getting the Pakistani govt as well as other governments to also hunt for Osama.
These tasks are in the process of being fulfilled.
Thanks. Just so I understand this correctly.. The military, most of whom are in Iraq, is looking for OBL. It is assumed that he is in Pakistan, so the diplomatic corp is charged with convincing the Pakitani government to help look for him. Other, unnamed, governments are also being asked to join in the endeavour. Is that about it?
What about the FBI, CIA, Interpol, CSS etc.? Are they involved as well? Why can they find all these other guys, but not him? Of course, when they find him, they will have to stop a lot of the other activities that they are involved in under the guise of hunting terrorists.