He did live there for the 1st five weeks of his life, but the record books won't record that.
Well, this gal is getting very tired, so I think it's my bed time. See you all later ;-)
LOL Margo! Well your middle of the night is our middle of the day.
between Margo and Gezzy, the international date line means nothing.
anyone want to know the latin for 'hmmmm'?
International Date Line? I need all the help I can get to line up dates - could you give me the number?
How do you say "do you have a death wish" in Latin? LOL!
MArgo, go Kenyans ??? Ar eyou afraid of us Indians or what ?
Gezz, I think "hmmmm" in Latin is mea culpa and te amo
Romani quidem artem amatoriam invenerunt...
Sorry translation:
"The romans invented the art of love "
Great people those Romans ;-)
When in Rome.....

( get that stupid grin off your face Hiama !)