Volume # 60/ The Darker Side

Reply Tue 31 May, 2005 12:00 pm
And where is the EU now? This "no" vote will be major.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 May, 2005 01:06 pm
PWayFarer - yes indeed the French NON is a major factor, as you say, but imho for the best: you may wish to look up the last several pages in the EU thread:

Goodbye from me until late June Smile
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Reply Tue 31 May, 2005 02:56 pm
You must have a good grade of Cuban tobacco - it even brought an Aurora Borealis to your home.

Reminds me of the night I flew with one of those beauties in Alaska.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 May, 2005 03:28 pm
Good info, HofT, and happy sailing! I'll keep my eyes open.

Way to go, Stradee. The healing power of natural spirits, or mind-altering substances. hehehe
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Reply Tue 31 May, 2005 05:09 pm

You and your 283 friends have supported 1,867,755.9 square feet!

Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 41,268.2 square feet.
You have supported: (0.0)
Your 283 friends have supported: (41,268.2)

American Prairie habitat supported: 35,414.0 square feet.
You have supported: (9,949.0)
Your 283 friends have supported: (25,465.0)

Rainforest habitat supported: 1,791,073.7 square feet.
You have supported: (160,910.5)
Your 283 friends have supported: (1,630,163.2)


1 Aktbird57 .. 1116 42.876 acres
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 May, 2005 05:40 pm
Great info, Hoft! Major development! Please keep us infomed during your travels!

Dan, the spirit of Che Quvera lives!! <grin>
I recall you're relating the Aurora Borealis flight when you were stationed in Alaska. What a beautiful sight that must've been!

sumac, not sure what tabakee in the baskets, but the birch varments disappeared to the ether directly after the peyote spirits arrived! <puff (er, poof)> Shocked LOL
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2005 08:51 am
Ah - the Mescal.... One could get stuck on that. big grin

Good morning all,

0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2005 09:38 am
HSUS's Wayne Pacelle:

"...individuals who operate the institutions that cause harm to animals go to great lengths to disguise their actions as tradition or custom, recreation or habit, or economic freedom or opportunity. It is our task to help people unmask these rationalizations and to demand change."

That is, hunting is bad, hunters are bad, they aren't really conservationists...right... This clown is just that. Wacknut!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2005 10:08 am
hmmm. pheasant hunting farms - canned hunting - herd preservation =
kill all the predator animals so hunters have something to shoot at.
Trophy hunting, puma and bear hunting <hound dogs equipped with shock collars so the dogs can't tear the animal apart till the great white hunter gets the chance to shoot the treed animal> And you call animal advocates whackjobs?

I'm sure you'll mention "starvation and disease" - <animals "saved" from human infringement, domestic cattle grazing, etc> animals killed for preservation of the species. How frigging noble.

Geeze, perhaps you could outfit the camper with euthanization equipment instead of ammo?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2005 10:24 am
Stradee needs to spend some time with a noble hunter. Obviously he/she never has.

Here in California, the voters (who should never have been given the chance) outlawed mountain lion hunting. Now, the lions are attacking people as they have no fear of us, and repeatedly show up in suburban neighborhoods (if you can call downtown Palo Alto suburban). What do the authorities do then? They shoot the animal.

But this is the way the antis like it. Hunting is bad. Killing animals after they attack/maim/kill humans is marginally acceptable to them.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2005 12:09 pm

I'd like to suggest that money speaks louder than mouse clicks.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2005 06:42 pm
cjhsa - you can post what you like where you want - you know that

you also know that this particular group of threads primarily involves a group of long-time friends and one of their shared interests

you seem to pop in when you've got some argument going with a member of the group elsewhere on the site

your choice

and in this case, my choice to once again return to ignoring you when you appear in the Rainforest threads


aktbird57 - You and your 283 friends have supported 1,869,207.5 square feet!

Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 41,385.3 square feet.
You have supported: (0.0)
Your 283 friends have supported: (41,385.3)

American Prairie habitat supported: 35,437.4 square feet.
You have supported: (9,949.0)
Your 283 friends have supported: (25,488.4)

Rainforest habitat supported: 1,792,384.9 square feet.
You have supported: (160,910.5)
Your 283 friends have supported: (1,631,474.4)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2005 06:43 pm
1 Aktbird57 .. 1117 42.908 acres


are we really going to make it to 43 acres this time?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2005 06:46 pm
thinkzinc 158
joanlee 250


teenyB - you seem to be stuck at 8
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2005 06:50 pm
a http://www.ergonext.com/aa-clipart/pinch-grip.gif

and a


for the first of the month

Have a great June everyone.

<a pinch and a punch for the first of the month>
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 08:13 am
Great!! Returning from the clicking front in our fight against rain forest destruction - I have clicked.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 12:20 pm

Summer Soltice Celebrations and Traditions ~

Native Americans: The Natchez tribe in the southern U.S. "worshiped the sun and believed that their ruler was descended from him. Every summer they held a first fruits ceremony." Nobody was allowed to harvest the corn until after the feast.

Males in the Hopi tribe dressed up as Kachinas - the dancing spirits of rain and fertility who were messengers between humanity and the Gods. At Midsummer, the Kachinas were believed to leave the villages to spend the next six months in the mountains, where they were believed to visit the dead underground and hold ceremonies on their behalf.

Native Americans have created countless stone structures linked to equinoxes and solstices. Many are still standing. One was called Calendar One by its modern-day finder. It is in a natural amphitheatre of about 20 acres in size in Vermont. From a stone enclosure in the center of the bowl, one can see a number of vertical rocks and other markers around the edge of the bowl "At the summer solstice, the sun rose at the southern peak of the east ridge and set at a notch at the southern end of the west ridge." The winter solstice and the equinoxes were similarly marked.

The Bighorn Medicine Wheel west of Sheridan, WY is perhaps the most famous of the 40 or more similar "wheels" on the high plains area of the Rocky Mountains. Mostly are located in Canada. At Bighorn, the center of a small cairn, that is external to the main wheel, lines up with the center of the wheel and the sun rising at the summer equinox. Another similar sighting cairn provides a sighting for three dawn-rising stars: Aldebaran, Rigel and Sirius. A third cairn lines up with fourth star: Fomalhaut. The term "medicine wheel" was coined by Europeans; it was a term used to describe anything native that white people didn't understand.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 12:24 pm
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Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 12:40 pm
Yaayyy ehBeth! 43 ACRES and beyond ~ Very Happy

all clicked
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 02:20 pm
CJHSA - positng from an airplane and may be cut off in did-sentence sorry also for not correcfting typos - as a fellow Republican I wish to daraw your attention to the fact this thread isn't populated by hippy extraemists.
We have here posters who've served with great distinction in the US Armed Forces and hav eforgotten more about firearms than you and I combined (life member of the NRA here) ever knew existed

Plesase fin ally consider that the all-time-best-selling book on animal reights was written by President Bush's own speechwriter

No hazy leftist he. Pls take his words into consideration before posting here further - thank you in advance!

"Matthew Scully, a former editor at National Review (who has contributed to NR frequently in subsequent years), is a speechwriter for President George W. Bush.

He is the recently publish author of Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and the Call to Mercy.



Once again sorry for gtypos everuybody, and thanks to cjhsa for taking above under advisement !
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