I guess we don't know what is better for the country until some time has passed and we have more of a perspective about it.
But a great leader does not, in two years, dissipate the legacy of a surplus, and create a staggering budget deficit for years to come. A great leader creates a working, paying job situation for his/her country, while this one has managed to incur a job loss in the millions and growing. A great leader does not let the ordinary citizens of his/her country steadily lose their health care, their pensions, their rights. Nor, in the interests of educating those citizens, does he make a speech to a graduating class at a prestigious university, in which he tells them that they can all make low grades and end up president, like him.
This war he insists on waging has become known as Bush's war, with all that implies. And in back of that is a long-standing ambition of many of the people around him to become dominant in the mid-east region by doing exactly what they are doing. Except, of course, they never reckoned on what's happened as far as world opinion and reaction. They have felt for years that Iraq was a weak link that could be used for starters. Many of the people listed in the link below are the major advisors to Bush - among them Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libbey, Crystol. They are the ones who engineered so much of this. And it looks like perhaps Bush was picked because they thought that was a winnable name.
Powell - could part of it be that his son Michael heads the FCC? And that is held over his head?