Here's the latest from the Sunday Times....apparently, some Democrats from the US are coming over to ask Blair some questions.
Hope they're more effective than good ol' Norm Coleman.
I would suggest that they bring those special know, the one's they use for picking up eels.,,2087-1622378,00.html
This article also raises the subject of the quality of your Media reporting, over in the USA..........Here is a snippet:-
Congressman John Conyers......"I deplore the fact that our media have been so reticent on the question of whether there was a secret planning of a war for which neither the Congress nor the American people had given permission," Conyers said.
"We have The Sunday Times to thank for this very important activity. It reminds me of Watergate, which started off as a tiny little incident reported in The Washington Post. I think that the interest of many citizens is picking up."