Fri 13 May, 2005 04:07 am
Could anybody help me in translating this title into Latin
"Analysis of prostate cancer tissues by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and X-ray Fluorescence"
Thanks in advance for help
Wow. I barely know what it means in English.
De texto habente carcinoma prostatae resolutio
a spectoscopia absorptorum et a emissione radiorum x.
It is difficult to translate modern - especially technological - terms into Latin.
I used textum for tissue. I believe there is some precedent for that in
medical literature.
I use resolutio for analysis. This was common usage among medieval
De texto habente carcinoma prostatae is literally "concerning tissue
having cancer of the prostate".
The word spectroscopia is made-up.
A spectoscopia absorptorum is literally "by spectroscopy of absorbed [matter]".
I used radius x for X-Ray.
A emissione radiorum x is literally "by emission of x-rays".
Hope this is some help to you.