sinus headache remedy??? please help!!

Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 09:21 am
i have the worst sinus headache today (to the point i am naseous). i have taken sudafed sinus headache and ultracet (what my doc prescribed for it) and it is not working. anyone have an remedies? i have a very important presentation today at 5pm for work and i can barely function let alone concentrate enough to make a pitch to clients!!! help!!!!
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material girl
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 09:24 am
Soory, Ive no idea what a sinus headache is but if I ever have a headache bad enough to throw up i find anadin always work.
If you can go talk to a chemist before your presentation, they can advise you on what to get.
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Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 09:28 am
thanks material girl, but do they sell that in the states??? i am getting ready to drill a hole in my forehead right above my left eye (my sinus).
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Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 09:38 am
That sounds awful, dragon... bet you are draggin' (haha... sorry).Sounds like you are allergic to something.

First of all, the reason you are in pain is the pressure from so much yuck in your sinuses. We had a long discussion about that on the board here a couple of months ago. Basically, you need to clear tht out and the best way is by clearing your sinuses with some saltwater snorted up your nostrils, one at a time.

I imagine you are pretty stuffed up, so it won't be easy and you'll need to do it more than once. Start asap... do it again about an hour before the presentation and maybe one other time inbetween.

Make up a warm salt water mix -- should taste about as salty as the ocean --hold about a tablespoon in the palm of your hand, pinch one nostril closed and sniff that up the other. Do this over a sink as you're likely to make a mess. Do this a couple of times in each nostril. If you can, afterwards, put hot as youcan stand water on a wash cloth and lay it over your face. Repeat. That feels great, doesn't it?

Ultracet has acetominophin which I avoid. I'm an advocate for Advil + Aspirin, but whatever you do, continue to use some sort of analgesic -- just don't overdo it. I'd dump the sudafed sinus stuff. Find some plain sudafed... little red pills. It is better to use single symptom meds, rather than doubling them up, 'cause then you can control them better and won't accidentally overdose on tylenol.

The salt-water rinsing should work and you can do it at work. Just go to any deli or fast-food place and grab a few packets of salt (and some napkins). Then head to the restroom. It is a little gross... a little uncomfortable, but will give you, in the end, a lot of relief.

To counteract your allergiic reaction (I assume the sinus attack is from allergies)... what are you taking? Claritin? A prescription? Anything? I've found that a tablespoon or two of good honey always makes me feel better... but I like honey. Very Happy

I hope you feel better quick and let us know how you're doing.
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Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 09:39 am
Oh poor you, sinus headaches are painful. I get them in
real dry, hot weather conditions.

If you get them due to allergies take some OTC Claritin or
some other OTC decongestants, or Zyrtec (prescription).
Nasal spray helps additionally.

Ibuprofen helps to calm down the sinus inflamation. A steam
bath or hot/cold compresses do help too.

I hope you feel better soon!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 09:53 am
thank you all so much. i recall doing the salt water thing when i was younger so i may try that at lunch in a few minutes-and believe it or not i am not congested at all! just have this pounding, piercing pain above and below my left eye and in my left ear. i take allegra-d twice a day already so maybe i am just overdosing myself. the steam bath sounds like a good idea. thanks again hopefully something will work.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 May, 2005 10:01 am
Not congested? That sounds weird, but the salt water snorting may still help. I take Allegra, too (don't think it is Allegra-d... maybe) & also have Flonase spray prescribed. Those have helped me enormously. You must be close to lunchtime in VA. I hope so! Good luck with your ministrations and with the presentation.
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 06:41 am
all, thanks for your responses! as it turns out, as most of you sorta indicated, because i wasn't congested, my doctor (who i finally broke down and called) told me i had a migrane. never had one of those before but wow, i feel badly for people who get them often. Thanks for all of you help, my presentation went very well too :-)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 08:13 am
You had a migraine? Oh, no!

Glad the presentation went well -- you must have recovered quickly. Didn't you need to go into a dark room and lie down?

What did the doctor prescribe? It sounds like a wonder drug.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 08:52 am
Oh, Migraines are terrible. On rare occasion I get them
too and it immobilizes me completely.

The only thing that works for my migraines is Maxalt.
Within 10 minutes I'm free of pain.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:00 am
since it was my first one, doc said excedrine migrane should work. i took it, put my head under a pillow for about 2.5 hours because the light was killing me and when i got up, it wasn't gone, but manageable pain. it took the edge off enough so that i could function and sound halfway intelligent that night. is maxalt a prescribed drug.??? may have to look into. apparently these are brought on by my BCP...will be changing that asap to say the least.
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:46 am
Read labels carefully before you buy prepared foods. MSG is one of the most common causes of migraine.
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 10:25 am
Really?? that i did not know and i guess it doesn't help that i am half chinese who are well known for their use of MSG.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 10:30 am
Yes dragon, Maxalt is a prescription drug and shouldn't
be taken too often either due to the usual side effects...

MSG is one of the triggers, as is cheese and redwine,
and unfortunately chocolate too.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 10:31 am
My son gets migraines occasionally. Hadn't had one for a couple of years, then was hit hard last week (midterms~). His seem to be related to allergies + stress. Excedrin for Migraines works for him, too, if he can get it soon enough. I'll tell him about the Maxalt, Jane.

I think that the Excedrin has caffeine in it, Dragon, but it is amazingly effective for being OTC. Glad it all worked out.
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Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 10:40 am
i have read on my BCP that migranes are a side effect. i never had one until i started taking this pill, which is why for the past 3 months i have trying in vain to get rid of these killer headaches with sinus medication. wow. i am so hopeful that if i change my pill they will go away because that was not fun. my condolences to everyone who gets migranes and here's to hoping they (doctors/researchers) can find the root of them and help get rid of them!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 10:46 am
Certain things are thought to trigger migraine attacks in some people. Some of these triggers are:
• certain foods or beverages (e.g., cheese, chocolate, citrus fruit, caffeine, alcohol)
• stress
• change in a behavior (e.g., under/oversleeping; missing a meal; change in diet)
• hormonal changes in women (e.g., menstruation)

i just found this on a site about migranes. amazingly, i still have the remants of it and it is getting worse again. the excedrine migrane says take every 24 hours, so i brought it with me to take. again my sympathies to anyone who gets these, no one ever understands until you experience it first hand!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 11:44 am
Chinese may be susceptable to MSG migraines
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Reply Thu 30 Jun, 2005 02:17 am
Re: sinus headache remedy??? please help!!
dragon49 wrote:
i have the worst sinus headache today (to the point i am naseous). i have taken sudafed sinus headache and ultracet (what my doc prescribed for it) and it is not working. anyone have an remedies? i have a very important presentation today at 5pm for work and i can barely function let alone concentrate enough to make a pitch to clients!!! help!!!!

Sinus trouble is dear to my heart... i have suffered for years. Collecting numerous antibiotic tablets from the doc's.. never worked. I am very pleased to say that for the last 3 years i have been taking Aloe Vera drinking Gel it is a natural anti inflammatory full of 75 defferent amino acids, vitramins etc. I just don't get it anymore its amazing. It also has loads of healing properties i know people who take it for irritable bowels problems. Colitis, diverticultis etc and also skin problems Psoriasis. Can also help such things like Arthritis and joint conditions.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Jun, 2005 11:12 am
Excedrine Migraine is full of caffeine, and I don't tolerate caffeine well. I have a prescription for Maxalt that gets rid of my migraines in 15 minutes. I carry a tablet with me at all times. Ask your doctor.

Edited: Your first clue that it wasn't a sinus headache: migraines are typically one-sided headaches. Also, they come on quickly, are intense, and cause nausea and light sensitivity. They are often linked to hormone fluctuations. I had trouble with them during my teenage years, then not again until I started having menopausal symptoms. In both cases, it was hormones. I strongly suspect your BC pills may be the cause.
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