Tue 10 May, 2005 03:43 am
If we assume for a moment that the male sex drive is largely hormonal, while women factor in the state of the relationship, romance, commitment, setting, cuddles and so on...
I'm curious, do you ladies ever think the following? "My man only ever wants to make love when his hormones are raging. I don't think he'd notice if I was replaced by a lobotomised clone."
I think there is a conflict between basic animal biology and human intelligence. Anyone want to discuss it?
I have accused my husband of what I call "old man sex" - that is sex when a man first wakes up and all things are a go - no matter how old a guy is. In fact, I can tell what time it is based on this event (5 AM-6AM is peak at our house). He trys to defend himself by saying it was my sexy ass pressed against his hip that got him going, but personally I think it's just his morning hormonal high. Ok, maybe if I wasn't available he would take care of himself and just as happily go about his day, but I like to think I make it special. I don't feel used, if that's what you are asking.
Women can have these hormonal highs too. I prefer to be seduced into sex, but sometimes my ovaries decide they are up for another round of (futile due to modern science) reproduction and I jump him, few preliminaries necessary.
I think intellect plays a big part for both men and women. Women do have more emotional needs than a man, and a smart man will learn how to use that to his advantage. A man who knows how to make a woman feel attractive, respected and safe will never have to sleep alone,
I'll have to cloak my morning advances with some sweet talking then - if I can get her to wake up, that is...
Thanks for your comments - very useful for me, since my marriage needs some attention (as well as my libido...).
Possibly a matter of discrepancies in your circadian rhythms.