Hi everyone, I got a part-time job this week as a Shelter Advocate for women who are victims of domestic violence. I am really thrilled!
I've always done corporate computer work before, and have been looking for a part-time job in this rural area for ages. I got this job last Sunday, and worked 40 hours this week. It was overwhelmingly emotional. I must have seen 2 dozen or more incidences of crying this first week.
I work a 12-hour shift, from 7AM-7PM, which I've never done before. I work inside the (very secret) women's shelter, where 14 women and children are living right now. I help women find resources, like places to live and work, counselling, etc. I also stop fights, make people clean their rooms, drive them to appointments, talk to them about inner strength and empowerment, and provide a shoulder to cry on.
So far, I LOVE IT! I have never in my life had a job I loved. I feel a bit disoriented after this first whirlwind week, but I think I'll be just fine after a few weeks. I've never had a job where being female is not only an advantage, it's Required.
I am really happy to be able to help people... I am a CNA and never really worked as a CNA because nursing homes are so depressing, and terribly under-staffed. But I became a CNA because, once I turned 40, I realized I really do (after all) care about people and genuinely want to help them.
Thank you, A2K folks. Talking with you all has helped me realize I CAN do this, I DO care, and I actually like people. You've helped me more than you know.