There are tons of parents on this forum that can help out. Mostly, 3 key ingredients:
Repetition. The same thing over and over again.
Continuity. The same thing over and over again.
Consistency. The same thing over and over again.
How this can work for you:
Stay at the same lodging every time you visit. This way, she can associate location with you. When you pick her up, have the same routine. Pick a food type experience. Whether it's Friday night dinner or Saturday morning breakfast, she knows what to expect and what time to expect it. Try not to deviate, she needs to learn to count on you. Pizza Nights or Blueberry Pancake Mornings (or whatever your taste buds like.)
There are other things besides video chatting, you know. Like the good, old fashioned Post Office. You know, like letters and post cards and stuff like that there that doesn't cost a lot but sends a message.
How this can work for you:
Something gets mailed every day. Yes, EVERY DAY. You don't live close but you can BE close. A hand drawn heart, a pic of you, a very simple poem, a cd/dvd of her favorite movie, song, place to be. Or just a video of you reading a bedtime story or Bible lesson. It can be easy or as complicated as you want. You're the dad, make it your tradition.
And laugh.
Kids are brilliantly funny. Enjoy the time, it doesn't last that long.
Remember to love your kid more than you hate the x. You spend way too much time focusing on the x and not enough time focusing on your kid. Keep grown up issues to the grown ups and don't forget your inner child. He's in you, let him out.