material girl wrote:I dont think being called feminine is bad at all.I am a girl ya know.But for a straight guy to call a straight guy gay, its a put down(tho hopefully in a friendly way).
What I meant is that the general stereotype of a gay man is represented by acting in a feminine way eg voice, mannerisms, dressing well etc
Wheres the humour in depicting a gay man that appears as straight as a homosexual?!
Im aware they dont all act like Elton John.
Don't you think Material Girl - that your post hits the underlying issue of our view of women.
The reason that Gay is ultimatly a put down is because we are calling a Man Feminine and women are not viewed as equals or in a positive light in many ways.
You throw like a girl - you run like a girl - you pee like a girl - whatever.
I think the paradigm example of how our world is anti-feminine is the pandemic of male to femal violence in the home. It became illehal in the 90's (in America) and has not gotten much better yet.