kickycan wrote:I think it is actually the fear that straight guys have of their own gay tendencies. The more insecure the person is in their masculinity or sexuality, the more homophobic they are...I think. That sound right?
This is right Kicky. In fact, we see a correlation between self professed homo-phobia and responses to homoerotic porn. The greater the homophobe the greater the response.
To answer the thread directly - I think that the gay insult is merely the latest social retort (at least among men) that works to insult the other. It is funny - when someone says 'Your gay.' to me I simply do not have an emotional response. If someone says "Your fat." to me, I am all shades of pissed. One I take personally - the other I not only do not see an resemblence of truth in - but do not think it is an insult. I have a bunch of friends that are homosexuals and I simply don't see the insult.
So I think a lot of your question can be answered by the 'insecure' men thing - but not only is your question a valid one but it is a good one.
Here is what I think. 'Gay' is the new 'nigger' or 'Gay' is the new 'Fat Ass'. Let me take these in order.
Gay is the new nigger:
Until our society sees how hateful gay is and the fact that it is societally exeptable to utter, in any situation, we will continue to use it. The statements that it is generic are simpl cover-ups by people who are too insensitive to see its effect.
Gay is the new fat ass.
We have assumed that gays simply choose thier lifestyle and so do all obese people so insulting them is not insulting something that they do not have a choice about - it is insulting thier choices. I mean, fat people are lazy overeaters right? Perhaps some are, perhaps a great deal are - but to utter 'You are a fat ass.' with all the venom that our society places behind that phrase is to assume that ALL have simply chosen thier lifestyle.
So... gay seems to be a protected phrase used by society to an effect and based in ignorance and intolerence that not only works on its intended target - but will continue to work on its intended target until our societal vies of those reffered to by the word 'gay' changes.
I think that is my short answer.