I usually don't take pleasure in the hardship of others but I must confess to a certain amount of hilarity when people who hold themselves up as morally superior are exposed as hypocrites.
I'm talking about the mayor of Spokane, Washington and his baloney.
Yes, James West. The man who....
...supported a bill that would have barred gay men and lesbians from working in schools, day-care centers and some state agencies. It called for screening prospective employees for sexual orientation and firing employees whose homosexuality became known.
....voted to bar the state from distributing pamphlets telling people how to protect themselves from AIDS during sex. He said such instruction "is something people go buy at dirty bookstores.
...proposed that teen sex be criminalized.
Yes, James West, the fierce opponet of abortion rights and gay rights who...
...was offering internships to a young man on the gay chat site.
...was complaining about "sex-Nazi" telling everyone else what to do.
...now stand accused of molesting boys in his scouting troup years ago.
The man who considered his private life private while sticking his nose in everybody else's.....
...now wants us to pray for him.
Personally, I think I'll pray for all of the people who were affected by the idiotic laws this man supported.
Read all about it:
As long as I live I will never be able to understand such hypocracy.