I saw that commercial and another one like it but for a chocolate drink mix.
In the commercial, the kids pass up regular milk and bring thier mom the chocolate drink mix and mom looks at the cover of the can and sees it say " vitamin fortified" and she says Ok. And gives it to them.
This chocolate drink is sugar above all else. The amounts of sugar in a single serving is enough to send normal people into a diabetic coma~!
But because it said vitamin fortified.. it is supposed to be healthy?! Oh b-s.
Too many times the commercials we see, and are SEEN by our kids have subtle , and sometimes BLATENT suggestions about the food in thier commercials.
Those messages really SUCK!
Frosted flakes has a new advertisement saying that thier product promotes healthy kids.
Someone tell me how that is true? If yo ugive this cereal to your kids, you are LOADING sugar into thier veins . Sugar causes MANY vitamin depleations in the system. Served on a regular basis causes many health problems.
( aint gettin on THAT soap box...)
Second, most of the other ingredience in that cereal are either genetically modified, created in a factory or are simply chemical combinations to TASTE like things that are not actually in the cereal . ( "Natural flavors" listed as an ingredient, is a HUGE mask for sometimes pretty nasty chemical combinations...most of them have been linked to forms of cancer.. )
The milk in the cereal is full of hormones, antibiotics and other wastes. Organic milk is a bit better.. but for the sake of arguement.. I wont use it as an example.
Not to mention.. the protien / calcium combinations that naturally occur in milk is enough to cancel out both health benefits of each mineral.
Excessive protien intake inhibits the body from absorbing calcium. Excessive calcium with out vitamin C and a few other vitamins causes calcium absorption to stop as well.
Given the content of both protien and calcium in milk, you might as well be drinking water and expecting your bones to get stronger.
Not saying milk is completely USELESS.. it just isnt as good for your bones as it is sold to be.
Having those strikes against you for breakfast.. KNOWING these kinds of facts..
Why are companies allowed to falsy advertise thier products as healthy?
Isnt there laws against false advertising?
What ticks me off MOST, is that the foods we SHOULD be eating ( broccoli, grains, and other greens ) are referred to as 'nasty' in these commercials. Not wanted and the advertisements show thier products to be above and beyond better for you then NATURAL FOODS? ooooooo... gggggrrrrrrr
( ok.. i will stop rambling now..