Ican wrote:This despite the fact that these countries have been and/or are quilty of far more reprehensible acts.
Although uncertain if you accuse these nations of being fond of quilts, i'll assume you are referring to guilt.
So you believe you can say without equivocation that these nations were guilty of far worse actions than:
Invading Mexico on a flimsy pretext, defeating them in the field, and then forcing them to accept $15,000,000 for the one third of their sovereign territory which we had stolen.
Attacking Spain on a flimsy pretext, and then taking Cuba, Puerto Rico (despite their objection and their armed resistance) and the Philippines.
Subsequently killing Hukbalahaps and Moros in their thousands because they objected to the tender mercies of American occupation of the Philippines.
Invading Nicaragua and using the United States Marines to suppress a popular uprising, and tracking down and killing Augusto Sandino, and then subsequently installing the Samosa regime.
Invading both Haiti and the Dominican Republic (the two nations on the island of Hispaniola, immediately east of Cuba and west of Puerto Rico) more times since the first "intervention" in the 1790's than it would be reasonable to post here, due to space limitations. The last American "intervention" in the Dominican Republic took place in 1965. The last "intervention" in Haiti took place in 1994.
Supporting the brutal and murderous regime of Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines. (Seems we just love to torment those Philippinos.)
Supporting the right-wing death sqads of Roberto d'Aubisson in El Salvador.
Engineering a coup against the democratically elected government of Salvadore Allende in Chile through the connivance of the CIA,
demonstrated in declassified American documents, with Augusto Pinochet.
Connivance with the brutal and murderous Ba'atist Arab Socialist Party in Iraq, and its leader, Saddam Hussein.
The list could be much longer . . .
. . . so your contention is that we are in a "holier than thou" position with regard to the nations you have listed?
Where do you read history, Classic Comics?