Mon 10 Mar, 2003 08:46 pm
When you eat, do you have any little quirks like picking at your food or eating certain things first? I always had this habit of saving the best part of my meal for last.
God am I a quirky woman. I don't even know where to start. I do save the best for last, usually. I guess mostly I really don't want to eat anything I don't want to eat. Sounds reasonable, no? But, I always think things are rancid when they're not. If vegetables are wilty or browning I figure the nutrients are spent anyway. I think I've had food poisoning one too many times.
I never take liquid things, except for beer or wine, immediately before meal (even in the form of soup).
Satt - I don't like drinking water, or much of any beverage while I'm eating.
I never had food poisoning, but I hear it's awful, so I can understand your way of thinking. I'm also really picky about my food being fresh.
I'm the opposite. I like to drink a tall glass of water before I eat so I don't eat too much and I also have a glass of water, orange juice, or milk while I'm eating.
Even when I eat bread a few days old I do not take liquids during I am eating.
Even if you put peanut butter on it? ;-)
I tend to eat meals a portion at the time.
For example . . . a simple meal of salad, baked potato and sirloin steak would allow me to eat all the salad first, then on to devour the potato, and, then, all the steak.
This peculiarity is one I have had since childhood. Sometimes it drives others batty. That's unexpected because I usually pay no attention to the eating habits of others.
That pretty much covers the way I eat, lol! I tend to drive a few people nuts myself
I usually eat my food one dish at a time. First the potato, then the vegetable, then the meat. I drink a lot of water, so that many of the restaurants that I frequent, know to bring me a pitcher, and leave it on the table.
It also has been said that I "inhale" my food, as I eat very quickly. Even when I make a concerted attempt to eat slower, I always finish before anyone else. Funny thing is, my son and brother eat the same way!
I'm a slow eater and am usually the last one to finish. I use to be an inhaler myself years ago until I read something about how it's healthier if you eat slow and you get full faster, so I got into the habit of eating slow. Now it just comes natural.
I'm a slow eater when I eat with others in a social setting..I get to talking, heh heh. Or listening. And yet when I have lunch at work sometimes I inhale it, since I usually eat there later than I want to.
I don't like liquid with my meal, especially coffee...except for wine with a good dinner. I might have coffee first before breakfast, and then go quietly bananas when it gets refilled during the meal...which means it is moving into lukewarm at the end of the meal, when...if I want coffee after the meal, I want it hot.
My biggest idiosyncracy is to be unhappy being asked if everything is ok....once perhaps, but I get especially unhappy if it happens twice, three times, not to think of four times. I try to smother it, because people are trained to ask and it isn't their fault. Drives me nuts though. If it is not ok, I will bring the matter up by seeking out the waiter. One of these days I will plop what is in my mouth at the time right on out and answer them. Instead, I swallow quickly and manage a reply. All this sometimes cuts into business or personal conversation, where we both stop to reassure the waiter, who must be able to see by looking we are perking along with our food and conversation.
This usually happens in the "less fine" restaurants, but that is pretty much what we have in my community.
I know this sounds snotty and I don't mean it so. It is really a cultural thing, in a way, or maybe a matter of age. People just used to watch the tables and came over if you looked like you needed something.
Like, gezzy, I save the best part of the meal for last. And then I'm usually either no longer hungry or the food is cold. Oopsie!
I don't mind them coming over once to see if everything is ok, but any more than that would drive me nuts. Notice how they always come over when your mouth is full!
I know. It kind of defeats the perpose of wanting to save the best for last.
I rarely finish a meal that I've prepared - the cooking odours fill me up, so while we sit around the table I absent-mindedly play with my food while the rest of the family finishes. Things like french fries, green beans, celery sticks, carrot sticks, all lined up in a row from the biggest to the smallest around the rim of the plate. Mom's lining up her food again. Mr. M. calls them my little soldiers.
LOL Mckenzie! That's cute :-)
I love to eat popcorn etc, while laying down in bed.
My quirk in eating is that I prefer meals to be cold. Hot meals decrease my appetite.
New Haven
I don't think I ever ate anything in bed.
That's interesting. I'm pretty much the opposite as I like most of my food to be hot.