A choice or a curse?

Reply Sun 15 May, 2005 04:44 pm

so ure saying that homosexuality is evolutionary population control?? Laughing

Also I don't agree with you on the morality issue. I believe that everyone is free to base their individual moral code on whatever they wish. Like for example mine is based in large part on he bible.

The problem arises in imposing moral codes of behaviour. I mean that I am free to hold onto my bible-thumping arguments as long as I dont try to inflict the same on you. The same precept applies to liberal arguments on what is moral and what is not.
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Reply Sun 15 May, 2005 10:24 pm
1. Homosexuals are five times more likely to be child molesters. About half (50% more or less) of all child molesters are homosexuals. Homosexuals are less than 10 percent of the population.

This is a key point. Homosexuals site study(http://www.robincmiller.com/gayles4.htm) after stud(http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_chil.htm)y saying there's no relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia. Others say(http://www.familyresearchinst.org/FRI_EduPamphlet2.html) different. Homosexuals can argue that most pedophiles are heterosexual. That doesn't matter. They can also argue that no causal link has been proven. That doesn't matter either. They'll point out that most homosexuals are not pedophilia. Ditto. The key is proportionality. Make a big sign that says: "If 2% of the population is responsible for 20% to 40% of something as socially and personally troubling as child molestation, something must be desperately wrong with that 2%. " .

Your opponent will agree to some percentage of the population that matches some definition of homosexuality. He might cite Kinsey's number that 37 percent reported some homosexual contact in their lives.

Using that definition you can then say that all cases of 'same-sex' pedophilia are committed by homosexuals. However, when the discussion goes to pedophilia homosexuals prefer to narrow the definition and say it's a "serious error... [to] ... assume that all males who molest boys are homosexuals..." that 'same-sex' pedophiles are in reality males "present themselves as heterosexuals".(http://christianity.about.com/library/weekly/bldalevsbsa.htm) They will then say that there's not even "1.2 million gay people living with a same sex partner in America". (http://www.avert.org/hsexu1.htm) IOW, when it comes to pedophilia, the percentage of homosexuals in the US suddenly drops from 37 percent to 0.4% percent.

2. Homosexuals want some of benefits and compensation that are now given to heterosexuals, to be instead given to homosexuals. This hurts society.

From Cornell University school of law(http://www.law.cornell.edu/topics/marriage.html): In the English common law tradition, from which our legal doctrines and concepts have developed, a marriage was a contract based upon a voluntary private agreement by a man and a woman to become husband and wife. Marriage was viewed as the basis of the family unit and vital to the preservation of morals and civilization.

The policy of the state governs the institution of marriage in a large part as a conduit for inheritance. Marriage (not baseball teams, garden clubs, and homosexual unions) is viewed this way because only marriage sustains the race beyond the life time of a single human. If marriage is state policy because it makes it possible for the state to exist in the next century, then conversely anything that diverts resources from this policy diminishes the ability of the state to exist over time.

Humanity is innovative. Over the hundreds of thousands of years of humanity's existance some cultures have been good at sustaining themselves and some were good at being diverse. By definition, all people alive today are descended from social groups that were good at reproducing, and all groups that were not good at reproducing are gone.

3. Almost all people already know intuitively that homosexuality is 'bad'.

Concepts of 'good/bad' or 'right/wrong' are not logical or observable. They are intuitive. Ask anyone how they know if anyone but themselves exist-- or if they're just imagining other people's existence (solipsism). Only intuition can refute solipsism-- logic and observation fail. The same with morality. Why is diversity good and cruelty bad? Why would it be wrong to say, kill all the elephants? The basis for communication is that there is more than 'your truth' and 'my truth', there is 'The Truth' that we can find together.

In his heart of hearts virtually everyone prefers that heterosexuality to homosexuality. Ask anybody in the room if they want it announced that they are a homosexual. We're not taking a poll here, we're demonstrating that homosexuality is like a bad smell-- there are so many people who intuitively don't like that we end up having to laws to limit it. I don't like bad smells, I don't have to give a reason. You make a bad smell where I can know about it I can put you in jail. Homosexuality stinks.

If you don't want to bother reading my articles or doing/posting any reserach of your own don't bother arguing your opinion
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extra medium
Reply Sun 15 May, 2005 10:36 pm
Discreet wrote:
1. Homosexuals are five times more likely to be child molesters. About half (50% more or less) of all child molesters are homosexuals.

Is this actually true? Anyone? This seems amazing, if true.

Discreet wrote:
This is a key point. Homosexuals site study after stud

This was kind of funny....not sure why yet... Twisted Evil
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Reply Sun 15 May, 2005 10:39 pm
Discreet wrote:
You make a bad smell where I can know about it I can put you in jail.

??? Are you with the Stink Police now??? Rolling Eyes

Who kidnapped Discreet and is using her screename to post here? This is below her usual level of verbage?
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Reply Sun 15 May, 2005 11:16 pm
As far 50% of all child molesters are homo is concerned, thats probably accurate. Think about it, almost all child molesters are male...(curious right, maybe the women are made better Smile )..and on average 1/2 the children molested will be male..so going by easy math, about 50% of child molesters are gay. But this doesn't imply 50% of gays are child molesters..so I guess the point that discreet is making is that bias exists in stats posted on gay-friendly sites..

I disagree with the argument against marriage though, you seem to imply that providing marital benefits for gays takes them away from other couples. The whole concept is based on the fact that those benefits are available to straight people. Don't get me wrong, I do not endorse gay marriage. But my reason is that marriage is largely based on religion and if the church has no business in state policy, then why should the state dictate church policy. I do not believe that it is the state's duty to bring about social change.

As far as putting people in jail is concerned..are you serious?? I grew up in a relatively conservative household, thus there are a lot of things that I believe are wrong and wouldn't do, like pre-marital sex for one, does that mean if you believe thats ok, I can lock you up. A lot of ure arguments generalize to pre marital sex:

1. it weakens the moral fabric of my society
2. it spreads disease
3. it leads to teenage pregnancy, increases abortion rates
4. leads to unwanted neglected children who are then more likely to do drugs

the point being is that these are my moral standards and I have no business expecting you to uphold them.
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Reply Mon 16 May, 2005 04:51 am
But my reason is that marriage is largely based on religion and if the church has no business in state policy, then why should the state dictate church policy. I do not believe that it is the state's duty to bring about social change.

It was my understanding that marriage was a legal ceremony until around the 11th century, when the Church decided it should be a religious ceremony. Can anyone verify/contradict this? I can't remember my source for it.

Discreet, I do not intuitively find homosexuality repulsive. Others may. A friend of mine finds bananas intuitively repulsive. I don't. But I do think deep water should be banned, I find it terrifying. If this is the intuitive Truth for me, is it also for you?

Is what seems to you intuitively bad your only guide to what is bad? If so, I fear there is no Truth. However, I think you also knew the Bible as a guide, as well as your intuition. They are probably often in line with each other, which lead you to believe both are True. But that does not mean they are in line to all. I have Jewish friend who finds his attitude towards homosexuality differs from that of his faith. He thinks that his intuition is wrong and the Bible - the word of God - is right. But he doesn't find homosexuality to be a 'bad smell'.
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Reply Mon 16 May, 2005 06:23 am
Even if I concede that marriage might have roots other than the church, it does not alter the fact that marriage today is largely religion based..its a sacrament for crying out loud..

That being said..I favor civil unions as an effort to be fair.

Also as regards my comment on social change and the function of government, what I mean is that the government should not be a tool for social change. Insisting the state recognise gay marriage is an attempt to engineer acceptance of something that most people disapprove of. It amounts to inflicting a moral code on the rest of society.
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Reply Mon 16 May, 2005 07:49 am
It seems then that this is not a question of state vs. religion, but of state vs. popular opinion. A referendum, perhaps? Was the imposition of civil rights/abolition of slavery also an affliction? What if the majority of people are wrong to approve/disapprove of something? Would you argue against changing Roman laws to stop Christians being fed to lions?
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Reply Mon 16 May, 2005 08:09 am
Was the imposition of civil rights/abolition of slavery also an affliction? What if the majority of people are wrong to approve/disapprove of something? Would you argue against changing Roman laws to stop Christians being fed to lions?

Slavery and christians being fed to lions are issues where the laws themselves were oppressive and unfair. And as such it is/was correct to try and change those laws.

I'm not in favor of the state discriminating against citizens of any group. Let me reintirate my support for civil unions, thereby allowing Gay couples the same status as married ones in the eyes of the law.

What I do not think the state should do is try to change the way people think. Like if you dislike bananas but dont stop me from eating them, then you should be able to hate bananas to your hearts content. However, if the state tried to change the way you think regarding those bananas, then that is wrong and not the function of the state. We should not censor ideas or the freedom to express them no matter how repulsive they might seem to us.

So many people on the left crib about some republicans imposing right wing morality on their lives. And if that is the case then they have legitimate beef. However, the problem stays a problem if your replace right wing imposition by left wing imposition.
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Reply Mon 16 May, 2005 08:11 am
Also..slightly off topic..but i dont favor marriage incentives for anyone..marriage is a privilege, not a job.
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Mon 16 May, 2005 11:15 am
Discreet wrote:
1. Homosexuals are five times more likely to be child molesters. About half (50% more or less) of all child molesters are homosexuals. Homosexuals are less than 10 percent of the population.

This is a key point. Homosexuals site study(http://www.robincmiller.com/gayles4.htm) after stud(http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_chil.htm)y saying there's no relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia. Others say(http://www.familyresearchinst.org/FRI_EduPamphlet2.html) different. Homosexuals can argue that most pedophiles are heterosexual. That doesn't matter. They can also argue that no causal link has been proven. That doesn't matter either. They'll point out that most homosexuals are not pedophilia. Ditto. The key is proportionality. Make a big sign that says: "If 2% of the population is responsible for 20% to 40% of something as socially and personally troubling as child molestation, something must be desperately wrong with that 2%. " .

Your entire logic here is wrong.

If 50% of child offenders are homosexual, then that does not mean that 50% of homosexuals are child offenders, although this is what you are stating.

If 50% of child offenders are homosexual, it must follow that 50% of heterosexual. If we apply your logic to that statement (50% of all child molesters are heterosexual) then that means that 50% of all heterosexuals are child molesters, meaning that 45% of the population in general are child molesters.

It is like the saying, all grass is green therefore everything that is green must be grass. It is wrong.


2. Homosexuals want some of benefits and compensation that are now given to heterosexuals, to be instead given to homosexuals. This hurts society.

From Cornell University school of law(http://www.law.cornell.edu/topics/marriage.html): In the English common law tradition, from which our legal doctrines and concepts have developed, a marriage was a contract based upon a voluntary private agreement by a man and a woman to become husband and wife. Marriage was viewed as the basis of the family unit and vital to the preservation of morals and civilization.

You have done something which is to misquote. Technically, you have reproduced the words from that website perfectly, with two exceptions.

You did not reproduce the entire paragraph and you didn't make a distinction between the text from that site and the below text, which is not from that site. If you were doing this in an academic thesis (doesn't matter what academic thesis, scientific, religious...) you would be held accountable for plagiarism and not just plagiarism but distorting information. Please bear that in mind in future, and if I do it, please point it out so I can correct my mistakes.

Humanity is innovative. Over the hundreds of thousands of years of humanity's existance some cultures have been good at sustaining themselves and some were good at being diverse. By definition, all people alive today are descended from social groups that were good at reproducing, and all groups that were not good at reproducing are gone.

Your last statement is true. That is the whole point of natural selection. Your second sentence at first does not seem to bear any relevance to the third.

What are you trying to say and what relevance does that entire paragraph have to this debate?

Homosexuality has never been deterimental to the society in reproductive terms. The Greeks are still here. The Romans are still here. The Japanese are still here (and they're more technologically advanced too).

3. Almost all people already know intuitively that homosexuality is 'bad'.

No, almost all people intuitively know that homosexuality is something that not everyone accepts and that is best not made public in the presence of someone who might be homophobic.

Concepts of 'good/bad' or 'right/wrong' are not logical or observable. They are intuitive. Ask anyone how they know if anyone but themselves exist-- or if they're just imagining other people's existence (solipsism). Only intuition can refute solipsism-- logic and observation fail. The same with morality. Why is diversity good and cruelty bad? Why would it be wrong to say, kill all the elephants? The basis for communication is that there is more than 'your truth' and 'my truth', there is 'The Truth' that we can find together.

You are wrong on diversity at least. Diversity, genetically at least, is good because it means that if a virus comes along that exploits a certain genetic trait, then 100% of the population will not die.

In his heart of hearts virtually everyone prefers that heterosexuality to homosexuality. Ask anybody in the room if they want it announced that they are a homosexual.

This has more to do with being afraid of what any homophobic people might think or do. Otherwise it would just be Christian doctrine being enforced on to people to make them think its bad.

We're not taking a poll here, we're demonstrating that homosexuality is like a bad smell-- there are so many people who intuitively don't like that we end up having to laws to limit it. I don't like bad smells, I don't have to give a reason. You make a bad smell where I can know about it I can put you in jail. Homosexuality stinks.[/qoute]

That sounds of bigotry, and I will now comment that Nero once called Christians "sexual perverts", because they dared to have males and females share Communion at the same table! Oh my!

You know what? I think bigotry stinks more than homosexuality and your comment, "homosexuality stinks", just screams bigot to me.

If you don't want to bother reading my articles or doing/posting any reserach of your own don't bother arguing your opinion

I've read your article from the FRI. At first, it seemed rather respectable. Not! It didn't seem quite right and the more I read it, the less respectable and trustworthy it became.

It wasn't long before I noticed the name at the top of the page, Dr. Cameron.

I then checked for any articles by Cameron on homosexuality, using Entrez PubMed and guess what I found. I found out his first initial was P and that of the 24 articles from the FRI, published in respectable journals, 23 were attributed to him (the remaining one was attributed to Cameron K, whose name appears on some of the other 23 articles).

Further delving revealed him to be none other than Paul Cameron, the same guy who gave that faulty statistic of decreased life span in non-AIDS infected homosexuals and the same guy who was thrown off four various associations related to sociology or psychology.

Type in "Paul Cameron" in Google and the first two pages you'll come across are:

He is not trustworthy, but if you don't believe me, let me give you my opinion on his article.

First things, first, have you noticed his references section? It's a small picture (picture?) about 359 by 335 pixels, small enough to shrink the text such that you need to magnify it in order to read it properly. I find that suspicious.

After saving it to disk and expanding it, I read some of the references he cited. Most either require the laymen to pay for access, thus denying them access to the original article, or are second-hand sources.

Take reference 10, referring to the statistic "40% to 45%". Note how the quotation marks are around "40% to 45%" have the words, "of child molesters have had" and then "significant homsexual experiences". Why is his quote fragmented like that? It looks as if its been taken out of context, but I can't check, because its a second-hand quote from a newspaper that requires payment to access its old articles.

Also, try searching for article 11 on Entrez PubMed. You won't be able to. I tried searching for the journal, Sexual Behaviour, I couldn't find it. I tried searching for McGaghy and I couldn't find him.

Try using Google Scholar to do the same thing. The same results.

I'd do it for the other references in his pamphlet, but frankly, that's far too much effort for me for one day. I've spent three hours doing this and have far more important things to attend to.

I find the entire article suspicious and untrustworth. Four different associations of psychologists and sociologits have complained of Paul Cameron distorting their data for his own anti-gay political motives.

There is no secret Gay Agenda (Paul Cameron was the first person to coin this phrase, I think). There is only an Anti-Gay Agenda.
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Reply Mon 16 May, 2005 12:43 pm
physgrad wrote:
Also..slightly off topic..but i dont favor marriage incentives for anyone..marriage is a privilege, not a job.

You obviously have never been married? Twisted Evil

I repeat again:

Let gays marry.
Let them be miserable like the rest of us!
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Reply Mon 16 May, 2005 01:49 pm
physgrad wrote:

so ure saying that homosexuality is evolutionary population control?? Laughing

Yes and no. I'm positing that there are a multitude of possible explanations for homosexuality (which is not just found in humans) within an evolutionary framework. Perhaps not all the explanations seem plausible, but I'm just throwing some out there to demonstrate that it isn't as simple as "if you don't breed you're an anti-nature sicko". So yes, I'm talking out my arse a bit.


Also I don't agree with you on the morality issue. I believe that everyone is free to base their individual moral code on whatever they wish. Like for example mine is based in large part on he bible.

The problem arises in imposing moral codes of behaviour. I mean that I am free to hold onto my bible-thumping arguments as long as I dont try to inflict the same on you. The same precept applies to liberal arguments on what is moral and what is not.

Of course everyone is free to hold their own views on morality, but that doesn't mean that all views should be enshrined in law. I don't believe that arbitrary legislation of morality fits within the bounds of how the law works (or at least should work).
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Reply Mon 16 May, 2005 02:21 pm
What about this argument:

If you let gays marry, this will encourage them to form stable long-lasting relationships. Thus, the incidence of socially problematic behavior will actually be reduced.

Imagine if we didn't let men marry women. We'd have even more single hetero males wandering the street at night, looking for trouble...

Perhaps letting gays marry will make society safer. ?
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Reply Mon 16 May, 2005 07:00 pm
If you let gays marry, this will encourage them to form stable long-lasting relationships. Thus, the incidence of socially problematic behavior will actually be reduced.

What you are saying is that if you force society to accept gay relationships on par with hetero relations, then gays will all hook up with someone and society will be safer?

In other words the reason that there are gay sexual offenders is because they are not allowed to marry?

I'm sorry but this argument doesn't make sense. Sex offenders choose to be sex offenders, and they can be either gay or straight, unless you can show that being gay is in and of itself a sexual offence then the argument doesn't hold.

Also you are implying that marriage in and of itself stops someone from becoming a sexual offender. I don't agree with ure cause and effect on that one. Isn't it much more logical to believe that people who choose to get married are much less likely to commit sexual offences just becuse thats the kind of people they are. Marriage is a commitment to another human being, but just to one other, most sexual offenders would hardly be satisfied with that.

You obviously have never been married?

I repeat again:

Let gays marry.
Let them be miserable like the rest of us!

nope too young..still studying and mooching off my parents....
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Reply Mon 16 May, 2005 07:05 pm
Of course everyone is free to hold their own views on morality, but that doesn't mean that all views should be enshrined in law. I don't believe that arbitrary legislation of morality fits within the bounds of how the law works (or at least should work).

And I totally agree with you..but I was just pointing out that the argument cuts both ways..imposing liberal values is just as wrong as trying to impose conservative ones in law..
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Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 12:49 pm
Re: A choice or a curse?
Discreet wrote:
Recently my school had a day of silence.....Where a group of students walked around for an entire day without speaking. It was to supporting homosexuality. I don't know what silence is gonna get them but they chose to do it. And on the backk of their shirts it says WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT?

This ticked me off cause to me it inovokes anger in people that are against homosexuality. I think homosexuality is wrong but i can still talk to a person that is gay, I just don't like it when they flaunt being gay and get in my way.

I am always swaying on which side i stand on in the gay issue whether or not people are born gay or choose to be gay.

I think that being gay is a depressing lifestyle so i cannot see why anyone would want to choose this.

This may be really unfactual but i always thought of it this way. You can be born with genes that make you more aggressive and make your statistics of being a murderer higher but you can still choose not to kill someone.

With homosexuality i think people are born often times with hormonal unbalances or something that makes them like the same sex. I used to think it was the people that couldn't get with the other sex but recently i have seen studs that got all the girls come out of the closet. They say that girls were fun but it was emotionally unfullfilling. Being with a guy felt more comfortable and they could relate to him better. I think that homosexuality lowers social standards and if it is commonly accepted i think society suffers. What is your opinion?

I am a lesbian and proud of that fact no i didnt choose to be this way but i choose to be proud of it and the day of silence is for the people who cant come out and tell people that there gay for the people who wont be accepted and my lifestyle is nowhere near being depressing I live a very happy life I work I love and I live I dont see where you can come off saying its a depressing lifestyle when you cant prove this I have a very prominant social life I dont go around telling everyone that Im gay but yes I do go to pride I do the day of silence I hope one day I will legally be married to my girlfriend how do you figure if homosexuality is accepted the society suffers
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 01:41 pm
Whoa...who dragged this thread back up after almost 2 years?
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Reply Tue 27 Feb, 2007 02:36 pm

You have indeed pointed out a mistake in Discreet's math. However, the actual calculation would be much more extreme than what Discreet came up with...

Discreet started with the facts that
P(H|M) = 0.5
P(H) = 0.1

where H = homosexual, M = child molestor

Discrete said that 2% of the population was committing 20-40% of all molestations.

The 2% in his calculation refers to molestors who are homosexual.

To actually do this calculation you need P(M), the percent of the population that is a molestor. I have no idea what this number is. I will take a conservatively high guess (I hope) and say 1 in 5,000, P(M) = 0.0002.

P(H & M) = P(M)*P(H|M) = 0.0002*0.5 = 0.0001

This would mean that 0.01% of the population is responsible for 50% of child molestations. Despite being more extreme than what Discreet said, this is not a cause for concern, it is not really surprising because we expect a small number of deviants to be responsible for the majority of the problem. If this were not the case, it would mean that there were deviants all over the place!

The only number we REALLY should be concerned about is P(M|H), the probability that a gay person is a child molestor.

P(M|H) = P(M & H)/P(H) = 0.0001/0.1 = 0.001
P(M|!H) = P(M&H)/(1-P(H)) = 0.0001/0.9 = 0.000111

Ok, so what does this mean? It means that 1% of homosexuals are child molestors, compared to 0.01% of straight people are molestors....in other words, if you are homosexual, you are 100 times more likely to be a molestor.

So while Discreet's math may have been wrong, his point was correct.
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