BBB wrote-
Quote: It lucky he left because he was about to find out what a pack of monkeys can do to such an idiot.
And blatham wrote-
On the other hand, I have a couple of brothers involved and after fifteen minutes of this sort of talk and you want to beat them senseless with a big brass recess bell.
These liberals eh-If ever they get power it won't take them long to get their own Lubyanka going.
One can't help wondering why there is no ID/SD fight going on in England.The same arguments apply on both sides of the pond.
Could it be that Americans are always spoiling for a spot of bother and the ID/SD business is simply a convenient arena to get polarised on with some encouragement from lawyers and media centres.
Maybe we have more confidence in our kids to make their own mind up when they are old enough and don't much care what they are taught so long as they are out of sight behind the bars of the school railings for long periods.Methinks there are too many parents trying to re-live their life vicariously through their kids.
Not one point I have made of any significance in the interest of toleration has been even addressed let alone answered.The SDers seem to me to be chanting mantras.And if their simple argument,and its simplicity might be its main magnetic force,is followed to an outer ring of its logical conclusion they would mess their britches.
Not me though.I would quite fancy Huxley's Brave New World and I have a suspicion Aldous did as well.And that vision was only an outer ring of an SD logical order.1984 gets to a landing.
Kids are a lot smarter than you seem to give them credit for.