Dear me fm-
That's udder milking.
You sound like one of those people who, on being advised by a Nazi not to wipe your arse on the broken neck of a Coca Cola bottle, ordered a lifetime's supply of Coca Cola so as not to ever risk being short of arse-wipes.
What on earth do your smears and innuendoes, all of which are phoney, have to do with these words-
Quote:It is a good morning exercise for a research scientist to discard a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast. It keeps him young.
In case you think my use of "phoney" is exaggerated I offer the following little parable.
A pal of mine in the pub had a triple by-pass done by an Indian surgeon who had an African assistant. In a conversation with the African it turned out he was a consultant surgeon in his own country but he said that he had no work there because nobody lived long enough to need any triple-by-passes and nor was the diet such as to cause symptoms requiring such treatments.
BTW- Is a Nobel Prize "peer reviewing" or not or is "peer reviewing" only applicable if you approve of the peers.
This is a grown up thread fm. Have you not noticed yet. You are not addressing your minions and inferiors on a www you know.
The quote concerns humility in the face of awesome complexity and mystery.