Pol Pot!! The lighter side???
I suppose that's what anti-ID really means.
I'll tell you something c.i. You ain't even got a lighter side. How can an anti-IDer have a lighter side?
And I don't go distorting the page width with a photo you might see in any travel agent's brochure.
What's all that got to do with this topic? We've all been to places. What's so special about the places you have chosen to go? Is it that you have chosen to go to them?
You have said that ID is going to wreck American science. Is that your lighter side? Did I jump in and tell you to lighten up then?
If you don't wish to debate the topic you should know what to do. Any viewers here are here because they are interested in the debate and not where you and Mathos have been. Millions of others have been there and they don't bore everybody to death with it.
You haven't been anywhere sunshine!
spendi, But my life's work is to "bore you to death." It's one of the joys of my long life.
Mathos wrote-
Quote:You haven't been anywhere sunshine!
You have obviously caught the American assertion mania old bean. The assertion functions as a self-flattering gambit and the only person whose eyes it pulls the wool over is the person who gobs it out. Apart from the infant's class at the special schools I mean.
Why do I keep having to explain such simple and obvious things as that on a Science forum in the year 2007 after the birth of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. The founder of our civilisation.
c.i. wrote-
Quote:spendi, But my life's work is to "bore you to death." It's one of the joys of my long life.
I shall pray for you tonight c.i. I will ask the heavenly powers to bring you a better joy than that.
The only problem is which one to choose.
spendi, Not to worry your head about me; my life is quite fulfilling and joyful. The time I spend on a2k is a whole lot less than the time you spend at your local pub.
Thanks Wand, there were a couple of good quotes in there...
wandeljw wrote:UK UPDATE
Quote:Intelligent design - fruit or polyps?
(Gwyn Topham, The Guardian, May 27, 2007)
Darwin quote: those who see organisms without the benefit of evolutionary theory view the natural world "as a savage looks at a ship" - a vast and complex object that must have been made by a god.
Jones warns that: "Religion is doing itself huge harm by taking on science in a battle it is bound to lose."
Did Darwin really say that first one? I hadn't heard it before.
And Jones is right, I think fundamentalism in religion is doing huge harm to religion in general by creating conflicts which don't need to exist, and which they cannot win.
If there were a series of ecological, and/or environmental, and/or sociological, and/or political and/or military upheavals you might find that fundamentalism in religion could "win".
Mind the word "win"!
Chumly, you may be right. In a "Road Warrior" type of scenario, the dumbest mentality would fit in with a destroyed civilization.
I hope I'm wrong but the past suggests this can happen in the future!
Chumly, You can bet on that!
There's a quaint seaside place known as Scarborough,
Which is noted for smuggling and rum,
So Mr and Mrs Chucklebottom
Went there with young Spendi their son!
A strange little lad was young Spendi,
With freckles, buck teeth and red hair,
His dad said; "We can show him the ocean,
Then take him a ride on the fair."
Now Spendi was all in his Whit Sunday best
What a swell,
School blazer, flat cap and brown shoes,
The best that Woolworths could sell.
Spendi didn't think much of the ocean,
The waves were fiddlin and small,
There weren't one single ship wreck,
Nobody was drowning,
Simply nowt to amuse Spendi at all.
Looking for further amusement,
They walked down the prom to the fair
Spendi were crying,
When he saw The Big Dipper
And said, "I'm not going up there."
Mrs Chucklebottom cuddled up Spendi,
She said, "Don't cry and weep my dear son,"
His dad said;
"That lad is a bloody mard tyke!"
And kicked Spendi just for some fun.
Mrs Chucklebottom turned rather awkward,
When she saw her old man hit her son
She said,"Spendi my darling,
He won't do that again,
And threw a hard right to dad's tum.
The Chucklebottom's were taken to
Scarborough police station,
Young Spendi was rubbing his bum,
He told 'em what happened to his dear old
And said "Mum was just having some fun!"
Mathos, Great poetic "license."
Quote:Pro-ID Professor Denied Tenure Despite Ranking Highest Among Faculty
This "update" on Gonzalez' case can be misleading in parts. For one thing, his "impact" on his field cannot be determined solely by the NUMBER of times he is cited. Those citations may be negative, as references to his shortcomings as a theoretician or as a researcher. In other words, they may indicate "notoriety" rather than "fame."
Moreover, in the cases where he is cited favorably, it must be determined whether or not such citations reflect "scientific" or "ideological" agreement.
The number of his publications would be sufficient justification for granting him tenure IF the journals are mainstream or scientificallly "legitimate" outlets. If Gonzalez' 68 peer-reviewed articles are published in a very few ideologically slanted journels this would not be of equal value to what the "update" suggests, namely that they were published in many journals. The statement that he "has written 68 peer-reviewed journals" is ambiguous in this respect. Did he publish articles in 68 journals or did he public 68 articles in a few journals?
We should also be aware of another criterion of evaluation: academic tenure committees often distinguish between articles that are published in journals that are of high prestige ("good ink") and of low prestige ("low ink").
JLN, Thank you for bringing out the "other" issues not shown in the article, because what you have "brought to light" are important to consider.
Yes, JLN, good points. The first thing that I thought was that he was cited as being "that idiot who believes in ID" 13 times which of course would not be favorable.
And like you mentioned. If all of his peer-reviewed material was ID related and therefore non-scientific then what's the point? Or if his peer-reviewed material received poor reviews.
That's not "good ink" or "bad ink" heh? LOL
Hitler was like that. He insisted that teachers toed the Party line too. He also devasted Europe and his own country particularly.
spendius wrote:Hitler was like that. He insisted that teachers toed the Party line too. He also devasted Europe and his own country particularly.
Is that what you think happened?