Max Myers wrote:Setanta, your hypocrisy amazes me. Both you and Blatham have vilified the two ladies on this forum simply because they hold different beliefs and opinions than you do.
I had not engaged in any vilification of either of those ladies until they--in particular, Miss Elsie--indulged in ridicule for precisely the reason you adduce--a difference of opinion. Additionally, it is disingenuous of you, and an appeal to your dogma, to characterize a preference for the explanations of a theory of evolution as a belief. I don't "believe in" a theory of evolution, i find its contentions to be most consonant with the data which has been found and presented in the literature available to the layman. My preference for those explanations is not dogmatic, and i understand and accept that the process of scientific research can often lead to error; and i also understand that the method is self-correcting. Your criticism here is colored by your preference for a belief in "intelligent design." As those putting forward ID as an acceptable alternative to a theory of evolution in this thread have steadfastly refused to present a scientific justification for that preference, it can only be characterized as belief. In fact, the experience of this thread and of the "Evolution? How?" thread in the Spirituality and Religion forum is that proponents of ID will simply attack, usually in an egregiously faulty manner, the data and conclusions of scientific research, rather than advance any resonable scientific justification for a preference for ID. The examples of faulty or misrepresented statements about geology stand out starkly, as our member Farmerman both teaches the subject at the university level, as well as operating a successful small business engaged in highly technical geologic survey. FM is also extremely well-informed in the literature of this debate. Very quickly, those who propose ID descend into ridicule and accusations of dogmatic belief against those with whom they disagree, attacking their opponents in the area in which they are themselves the weakest. I make no apology for responding in like kind to those who deploy ridicule.
Quote:It is clear that your intentions are to intimidate them, rather than debate the actual issues.
What is clear is that you wish to characterize those with whom you disagree in the worst possible light. The issue is what evidence a supporter of ID can provide that their theory of choice is scientifically sound, as opposed to religiously motivated. Miss Elsie in particular stoops to ridicule and steadfastly refuses to describe a theory of intelligent design or to name the designer. That hardly constitutes a willingness to debate.
Quote:I cringe every time I read your muddled rantings.
You delicate sensibilities are a matter of indifference to me. This is a perfect example of the sort of invidious characterization preferred by those who are unwilling to make a statement of their theory, and to name the designer implicit in a concept of intelligent design.
Quote:George had consistently approached this forum with objectivity and clearly has an interest only in maintaining debate (ie. not censure).
Were one to provide me a nickel for each occasion upon which George has indulged in censuring me, i'd retire tomorrow. I'm sure you find George's presentation attractive, as it is more consonant with your point of view.
Quote:I agree that you have tried to artificially define the debate. In effect, you are attempting to confine everything Elsie says to the matters that you stipulate are important. I hope she doesn't cave in to you.
So then, one can assume that you do not consider the statement of one's premises necessary to debate? How very odd a notion of debate that is. When someone has consistently attacked the point of view of another in debate, it is in fact a normal forensic method to require that individual to state the contrary premise which they propose to offer in rebuttal. Miss Elsie states that a theory of evolution is "unproven" and flawed. Fine, then Miss Elsie should provide a proven and flawless theory which explains all of the data and which is internally consistent. As she advances the propostion that a theory of intelligent design is perferable to a theory of evolution, it is simple rhetorical courtesy to provide a desciption of the putative superior explanation--and in this specific case, to define the designer implicit in the term intelligent design.
I think you have nothing to worry about on this score, however, as Miss Elsie not only has shown no inclination to provide such an alternative statement, she has refused to do so explicitly, and indulged more ridicule for being asked to do so.
Quote:What is your argument in regards to this point?
You are already cross-quoting my responses, taking first a response which i made to George, then taking a response which i made to Miss Elsie. Now you demand that i respond to another remark made by George, who was cross-quoting in his criticism. I have already responded to his remarks that you have quoted, and do not acknowledge any compulsion to repeat the exercise.