fm wrote-
proper IDers.
.GAWD, now they have denominations.
They sure do as with proper nouns and improper nouns or proper behaviour and improper behaviour.
ID is the true religion. It is at odds with all these "here today gone tomorrow" shoe-horned sects and whatnots. It is not corruptible.
What you anti-IDers are criticising is the various corruptions which you pick and choose among for your purpose. You are actually criticising human nature.
Do the members of any other species, our so-called common ancestors, trick each other as humans do with ever increasing skills accelerating now that the TV screen provides a vast range of demonstrations.
As Joubert said-
Quote: No one can give faith unless he has faith; the persuaded persuade, as the indulgent disarm.
What could be more indulgent than going around sinning with the ladies, confessing, mumbling a penance at rap speed and it being all the more exciting for being contrary to the Papal Bulls of the Holy Father, winding up the confessor with the details and emerging smelling of roses or, as they say, in a state of grace. Over and over again.
I don't think the roundhead anti-IDers are indulgent quite like that. They get indignant. Presbyterians really. They're past it and angry.
ID lives in all those famous names you have all heard of but never read starting with Homer. It isn't flavour of the month to help ease the conscience of hung-up suits. Or even of the era.
It lives in those few men who heard what the mob did to Jesus and wondered how to eradicate such an evil force from humanity and who were fully aware of how long it would take and how difficult it would be.
Joubert again-
Quote:Religion is neither a theology nor a theosophy; it is more than all this; it is a discpline, a law, a yoke, an indissoluble engagement.
And it's an indissoluble engagement to turn the other cheek and 9/11 showed just how difficult, and useful, such a doctrine is. Andy Warhol embraced it when he said that Ms Solanis shooting him in the chest a few times at close range was an "accident". Your most famous pictorial artist, by miles, went to church every week.
"It was just an accident Bob," he said.
And Ronnie Barker wanted the burglar who stole his video whilst he was away making rubbish TV programmes racking. Obviously an anti-IDer.