Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Fri 15 Sep, 2006 09:59 am
What? rl has cited, without attribution, an author who's work misinterprets, misconstrues, misrepresents, and/or misquotes the propositions and data at discussion?


I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!
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Fri 15 Sep, 2006 10:06 am
Priceless, Claude . . .
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Fri 15 Sep, 2006 10:59 am
Setanta quoted-

Human kind cannot bear very much reality.

Neither can anti-IDers which is why they are much more comfortable with the fatuity rl provides than with discussing the social consequences, (the only substance), of atheistic, scientific materialism.

You're an escape mechanism rl. You've let them off the hook. Do you work for them? You might as well.

Gentle readers-prepare yourselves for a few rounds of exhibition boxing.
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Wolf ODonnell
Fri 15 Sep, 2006 11:06 am
Yes, but when I challenge you on the social consequences, Spendi, you shirk away by either claiming ignorance or going off on some unrelated tangent. You're the guy that forfeits.
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Fri 15 Sep, 2006 02:11 pm
I don't like mentioning them. They are so obvious and so shocking (not to me though) and why should I when I'm not pushing to bring them on. If the ones pushing for them don't have a clue about them they are like a baby playing with matches in an oil refinery.

Don't think I don't know what they are. I've hinted at a few for those who can take hints and read carefully which you've admitted you don't.

I trust you don't think the voters have any interest is this stuff about eyes evolving or DNA replication. That's for specialists who know a little bit about electrical impulses in the cilium, the centriol, the mitochondrion and the endoplasmic reticulum and suchlike which are only labels really for vast molecular worlds which will never be seen. And it is a little bit compared to what is there to be known and which science, with my full approval, will explore using the usual suck it and see processes.

Have you ever seen an electron microscope picture of the muscle fibres that go into action when they turn the lights way down low and the music starts for a slinky dance. There will be some action, of a different sort, during dreaming and all changing from micro-moment to micro-moment posibly depending whether the dreamer has imbibed anyone one of a vast range of nutrient for supper or cocktail of them.

Each of my eyes, and hairs for that matter, are different in some way from each other and from every other eye or hair that ever existed, exists, or ever will exist.

Some Australian science claimed to show that they could roughly predict the year of a person's death from analysing one hair. Did you know that greying can be speeded up by bad lifestyle.

It's a bit like saying that 50,000 BC, 1249 AD and 2006 are all the same because they are all numbers representing a similar time period under varying exposures to sunlight and other changing factors.

The voters are interested in other things. The ones interested in DNA and eye evolution at crude levels are probably no more that 0.0001% of the population and they are probably arguing among themselves all the time.

Parties getting 5% of the vote never win a seat in parliament and lose their deposit every time they stand before the electorate.

That's why anti-IDers shy off social consequences and greet people like rl like a long lost brother who they can argue with whilst showing off until the end of time with no possibility of resolution.

To get halfway to solving irreducible complexity will take so long that the scientific culture will be long gone and have been returned to the magma for a retread.

If the Pope had authority and declared unneccesary travelling a mortal sin the carbon dioxide emission problem would disappear as would any chance of the oil running out.

You lot just want to continue your binge of self indulgence with no thought for future generations and the limit is a natural and terrible one which you have no institutions to control other than directives and terror to enforce them and surveillance to spot infringements.

Evolving eyes and DNA are pipsqueak stuff and focussing on them when it isn't your trained task is hiding your head under a pillow like a girl watching a horror movie.

Is that any clearer.

Anyway- the A2K censor would cut out any feeble attempt to describe the social consequences of scientific materialism with no religious inhibitions. ID is your best friend because without it you would get fundamentalism voted for. Aldous Huxley has been called "obscene" by readers good enough to follow his trains of thought which were a bit bourgeiose all through. ID is a political trimming exercise.
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Wolf ODonnell
Fri 15 Sep, 2006 03:42 pm
spendius wrote:
I don't like mentioning them. They are so obvious and so shocking (not to me though) and why should I when I'm not pushing to bring them on. If the ones pushing for them don't have a clue about them they are like a baby playing with matches in an oil refinery.

In other words you're not going to say anything, because you know we'll be able to call you on your bullshit and expose it for what it is. Fair enough.

Don't think I don't know what they are. I've hinted at a few for those who can take hints and read carefully which you've admitted you don't.

Laughing I read carefully.

I trust you don't think the voters have any interest is this stuff about eyes evolving or DNA replication. That's for specialists who know a little bit about electrical impulses in the cilium, the centriol, the mitochondrion and the endoplasmic reticulum and suchlike which are only labels really for vast molecular worlds which will never be seen.

Never been seen? We can see them quite clearly with electron microscopes. We can see them quite well with light microscopes, but not as detailed.

You see, this stuff isn't really relevant to social consequences.

When somebody votes Conservative, they aren't going to think, "Hm, these people best represent the evolutionary processes". They don't think, "Hm, these people really know how an eye is formed." You ask any person on the street about a politician, they're not going to go on about scientific details and theories related to Evolution.

Have you ever seen an electron microscope picture of the muscle fibres that go into action when they turn the lights way down low and the music starts for a slinky dance. There will be some action, of a different sort, during dreaming and all changing from micro-moment to micro-moment posibly depending whether the dreamer has imbibed anyone one of a vast range of nutrient for supper or cocktail of them.

Each of my eyes, and hairs for that matter, are different in some way from each other and from every other eye or hair that ever existed, exists, or ever will exist.

Some Australian science claimed to show that they could roughly predict the year of a person's death from analysing one hair. Did you know that greying can be speeded up by bad lifestyle.

It's a bit like saying that 50,000 BC, 1249 AD and 2006 are all the same because they are all numbers representing a similar time period under varying exposures to sunlight and other changing factors.

See? You seem to think quantity is better than quality, despite the fact that you only end up writing so much because you go off on wild tangents.

The voters are interested in other things. The ones interested in DNA and eye evolution at crude levels are probably no more that 0.0001% of the population and they are probably arguing among themselves all the time.

Parties getting 5% of the vote never win a seat in parliament and lose their deposit every time they stand before the electorate.

Yes, but they're going to be interested in whether people teach proper science to students in a science class, which ID is not. You've agreed it isn't and you have agreed that ID shouldn't be taught in science classes. So when some politicians comes along saying they'll ensure ID is taught in classes, a larger number of voters will vote against his proposal.

That's why anti-IDers shy off social consequences and greet people like rl like a long lost brother who they can argue with whilst showing off until the end of time with no possibility of resolution.

So, basically, you spouted out a lot of stuff about science, stated that very few voters are interested in science and then state that is the reason anti-IDers shy off social consequences?

Because people aren't interested in science?

Here's a question for you, spendi. If you believe so few people are interested in evolutionary science, and therefore the anti-ID debate, why do you think anti-ID will have any social consequences at all?

If they're not interested, they're not paying attention. They cannot be influenced by anti-ID, if they're not paying attention. There cannot be any social consequences from an ideal if it exerts no influence.

To get halfway to solving irreducible complexity will take so long that the scientific culture will be long gone and have been returned to the magma for a retread.

An assertion without proof, Spendius. You don't know how long it may take, and it's not irreducible complexity. It's answers to questions we don't have. Irreducible complexity is complete bullshit that simply boils down to, "IDers cannot believe it happened, so therefore it is evidence of God".

If the Pope had authority and declared unneccesary travelling a mortal sin the carbon dioxide emission problem would disappear as would any chance of the oil running out.

Another paragraph that has no relevance to the topic at hand.

You lot just want to continue your binge of self indulgence with no thought for future generations and the limit is a natural and terrible one which you have no institutions to control other than directives and terror to enforce them and surveillance to spot infringements.

On the contrary. Our lot are also the ones advocating less carbon dioxide emissions, the research of greener alternatives and any other solutions that may decrease or remove the impact of Global Warming.

You have made an assertion without proof and an illogical assertion at that.

Anyway- the A2K censor would cut out any feeble attempt to describe the social consequences of scientific materialism with no religious inhibitions.

Well, I didn't realise your delusional fears contained so many swear words as I suspect that is the only thing A2K will censor out.

Besides, you fail to link scientific materialism with no religious inhibitions with anti-ID. As I pointed out to you before, anti-ID can include Creationists as well. They are religious and also anti-science, which kinda blows your argument out of the water.

ID is your best friend because without it you would get fundamentalism voted for. Aldous Huxley has been called "obscene" by readers good enough to follow his trains of thought which were a bit bourgeiose all through. ID is a political trimming exercise.

Once again, you're redefining ID in a way that suits you but doesn't reflect what ID is really about.

The only feeble thing here is your attempt to link Evolution with bad social consequences. No evidence provided. Illogical connections between disparate themes with no real justification for their connection and so forth.

And when somebody calls you on your complete bullshit, you dismiss them as either too young or too stupid.

Perhaps, Spendius, perhaps you're the one that doesn't quite get it.
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Fri 15 Sep, 2006 04:06 pm
Wolf, i wish you would show the good sense to stop encouraging that gobshite to puke his irrelevant crap all over this thread. Every time you respond to Spurious, he comes out with one of these iditiotic rants. You're doing none of us any favors. Can you possibly bring yourself to ignore him?
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Wolf ODonnell
Fri 15 Sep, 2006 04:52 pm
He spews out his nonsense anyway regardless of whether I "encourage" him or not. I might as well counter him as best as I can.
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Fri 15 Sep, 2006 05:41 pm

It's pity you weren't in the pub just now with that long post. We could have had a right good set-to on a fair few of the points you raised.

Setanta's nul-points would have had me staring at the legs and bottoms again.

The pub was full of legs, bottoms and fractions of tits. Vic and myself put together a scientific theory on the whole subject but I've forgotten what the basic principle was after strolling home which is probably just as well.

I remember thinking it would be too much for A2K.

I do agree that I find it very difficult to believe that it "just happened". How do you explain suspender belts Wolf? Have any fossils been found with the remnants of suspender belts still clinging to their loins. Is there anything in the DNA double helix to guide one in the direction of a suspender belt display in a window on Oxford Street. (assuming they are permitted I mean.) They are a factor in sexual selection I gather. Black ones mainly with little bows on the clasps. And stretched taut.

What about open-crotch panties then? They seem a bit pointless from a scientific perspective don't you think? You could make a scientific case for bloomers at a pinch but not for open crotch panties.

Your last post was the sort of thing I might expect you to say as you headed for the GENTS.
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Fri 15 Sep, 2006 10:18 pm
spendius wrote:
The pub was full of legs, bottoms and fractions of tits. Vic and myself put together a scientific theory on the whole subject...

Chicks must really dig you.
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Fri 15 Sep, 2006 10:25 pm
rosborne979 wrote:
spendius wrote:
The pub was full of legs, bottoms and fractions of tits. Vic and myself put together a scientific theory on the whole subject...

Chicks must really dig you.

I doubt that's why they're brandishing shovels at him.
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Fri 15 Sep, 2006 11:14 pm
Aw, Spendi would have as good a chance as the rest of you geezers.
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Fri 15 Sep, 2006 11:24 pm
Can't recall ever having had a lady brandish a shovel my way ...
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real life
Sat 16 Sep, 2006 12:01 am
I would love to see a list of these 40 critters that have evolved eyes independently of one another; but this seems to be something folks like to talk about, but not too much.
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Wolf ODonnell
Sat 16 Sep, 2006 03:56 am
rosborne979 wrote:
spendius wrote:
The pub was full of legs, bottoms and fractions of tits. Vic and myself put together a scientific theory on the whole subject...

Chicks must really dig you.

Yeah, but judging from his last post, I'd assume that any chicks that do dig him must be insane.

And it would seem that real life has an eye fetish.

The only source I can link your spurious claim to is Ernst Mayr and his study done in 1976. He came to his conclusion through taxonomical studies. Whether he came to the right conclusion or not, is irrelevant to this discussion. If he's right or not, it doesn't really matter.

It doesn't stop evolution from being true.
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Sat 16 Sep, 2006 05:39 am
ros wrote-

spendius wrote:
The pub was full of legs, bottoms and fractions of tits. Vic and myself put together a scientific theory on the whole subject...

Chicks must really dig you.

They must dig something to be coming out in flocks dressed the way they were last night. If I turned up in a similar fashion I'd get arrested. One had a black frock on not big enough to blow your nose on. And blemish free pure white skin.

Vic and Paul and Alan and Mike and myself stand contendedly within two or three square yards next to the interface but these ladies are traipsing round the whole pub all night making sure nobody misses them.

timber wrote-

Can't recall ever having had a lady brandish a shovel my way ...

You haven't lived timber. They need a good ranger every now and again.
It's good for them. Brings them to life. It's probably only because of them having had a sound Christian upbringing that prevents them being like that all the time. Like Xanthippe. And look how she inspired her hubby.

Is The Taming of the Shrew not a set-book in American literature classes?

I can understand King Lear not being. That nearly shocked me.
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Sat 16 Sep, 2006 12:25 pm
Excerpt from Douglas J. Futuyma, Evolutionary Biology, 3rd edition, 1998:

Darwin acknowledged, in The Origin of Species: "that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree." But he then proceeded to supply examples of animal's eyes as evidence that "in numerous gradations from a perfect and complex eye to one very imperfect and simple, each grade being useful to its possessor, can be shown to exist; if further, the eye does vary ever so slightly, and the variations be inherited, which is certainly the case; and if any variation or modification in the organ be ever useful to the animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, can hardly be considered real." Since Darwin's time a great deal of information on the photoreceptive organs of various animals has been amassed. These organs are exceedingly diverse in structure and function, ranging from small groups of merely light sensitive cells to the complex structures, capable of registering precise images, found in many arthropods, some molluscs, and vertebrates. Many protists, such as dinoflagellates, have an "eyespot" consisting of an aggregation of visual pigment associated with the chloroplast or the base of the flagellum. These organisms can move in response to change in light intensity. This photoreceptive structure resembles that of ciliated photosensitive cells that are widely distributed among the animal phyla.
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Sat 16 Sep, 2006 01:03 pm
No problem wande.

If you wish to continue to bore yourself to death fighting with extreme forms of Biblical American Protestantism you are, of course, perfectly at liberty to do so but your thread is about religion(ID) and science not BAP and science or even evolution and religion or eye physiology and religion.

The impossibilty of a settlement between BAP and science is the precise reason for these expensive disputes. One couldn't have disputes of this order if a settlement was possible and thus one couldn't have the expense which is the main purpose. BAP is no more than an eccentric sect within the Christian community of a type which has existed in some form or other under different names for many hundreds of years and all drawing their tenets from certain sections of the Bible or certain interpretations of it or parts of it.

Some branches of Islam consider Jesus to be an effeminate figure. The name they use is Isu and in areas in the far east where forms of very loose Islam are practiced it is used exclusively as a girl's name.

This debate with rl (who is an individual and not even a sect)
over eye evolution is a comfort for you anti-IDers just as it is for rl. It enables you to continue debating without moving in any direction and thus avoids any exploration into avenues which one presumes you are uncomfortable with or unfamiliar with. It's running on the spot. It's Darwin's spot for 150 years and still going strong.

What matrimonial structures would you expect to develop after a period of established secular, scientific materialism. The push for the latter is a push for the former it seems to me.
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real life
Sat 16 Sep, 2006 04:29 pm
Wolf_ODonnell wrote:
rosborne979 wrote:
spendius wrote:
The pub was full of legs, bottoms and fractions of tits. Vic and myself put together a scientific theory on the whole subject...

Chicks must really dig you.

Yeah, but judging from his last post, I'd assume that any chicks that do dig him must be insane.

And it would seem that real life has an eye fetish.

The only source I can link your spurious claim to is Ernst Mayr and his study done in 1976. He came to his conclusion through taxonomical studies. Whether he came to the right conclusion or not, is irrelevant to this discussion. If he's right or not, it doesn't really matter.

It doesn't stop evolution from being true.

It's an interesting point. But it could be said of other organs as well.

If two species who are not thought to have an evolutionary link ( one did not descend from the other, and they don't share common ancestry ) have organs (such as an eye) that are structurally similar (which is often given as 'evidence' for evolution), then the question must arise: How came they to have similar eyes (or whatever) if there is no evolutionary link?

Did virtually the same organ 'evolve' in the same way numerous times?

If the answer is yes, then the practice of considering homology as 'evidence' of evolution is shown to be selectively and arbitrarily applied , i.e. it means nothing.
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Sat 16 Sep, 2006 05:21 pm
What exactly are you getting at rl with this theory of organ differentiation?

What do you mean by "whatever"?
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