Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Mon 10 Jul, 2006 05:47 pm

I got censored for f**k and "tw*t". Or so Mathos reckons. I think I touched a raw nerve and that was just the excuse.

Mailer used "fug" and "fuggin" if I remember for the soldiers fighting for the city fathers who were outraged at his foul language as they tucked into their banquets with a bib in their shirt fronts.

"futz"??? That's nearly cheating the mods.
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Mon 10 Jul, 2006 05:52 pm
Its a Germanic root word meaning to "mess around with". Its not to be confused with

I wanna see if the little machine thinks outside the box.
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Mon 10 Jul, 2006 05:57 pm
Oops. I hope nobody saw that.
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Tue 11 Jul, 2006 07:46 am

State school board urged to add guide for hot-button discussionsThe state board took no action Monday and will likely discuss it further in September.

In my opinion, this is another example of anti-evolution tactics being refined to get around existing law.
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Tue 11 Jul, 2006 08:15 am
spendius wrote:
timber wrote-

spendi, facts are facts, what I've referenced is fact, and another fact is that your "focus" on some imagined sociological impact is absolutely immaterial in the face of established fact.

There are many other areas besides cloning and stem-cell research which will impact on society and on every member of it and in a profound way.

timber's assertion is obviously not accepted by Ms Grady. Nor by me.

What you or some twit from the bible belt may think is immaterial. Facts are facts.

Evolutionites are living a life of indulgence and hiding behind the fact that the impact of evolution theory on society is too sensitive a subject to discuss even in their own homes.


On the Chicago Meeting thread the impact of global warming was much too sensitive a topic for the participants to even contemplate. They just didn't wish to know. When I raised it I was an "annoying buzzing noise" as if that was a reply suitable for adults.

Indeed you do "annoying buzzing noise" well - that's certainly a form of baiting in which you've established you are a master.

They buried their heads in the sand which is tame stuff indeed compared to what most evolutionites will do in a proper discussion of evolution theory's impact on society which is already strikingly apparent to those who have their eyes and ears open.

I submit, spendi, your social impact theory is as intellectually, academically, and scientifically bankrupt as is Creationism/ID-iocy. Someone's head is buried, yes, though not in sand but rather in anatomically improbable manner and location. Circumstances being as they are, I realize nothing could be served through a suggestion you look in a mirror.
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Tue 11 Jul, 2006 10:10 am
HE would approximate a torus
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Tue 11 Jul, 2006 10:13 am
Fancy that . . . people in the Chicago meeting thread did not wish to discuss global warming . . . the intellectual cowards ! ! !
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Tue 11 Jul, 2006 10:33 am
On the Chicago gathering thread, Timber made a funny comment about the other posters trying to get spendi to shut up:

despite a withering fusillade, not a shot fired so far has taken him out
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Tue 11 Jul, 2006 10:48 am
Just to be clear here; no need or reason for spendi to "shut up" ... nobody should be denied the opportunity to play the twit if that's their preference or limit.
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cicerone imposter
Tue 11 Jul, 2006 10:54 am
spendi does provide some entertainment "value" to a2k.
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Tue 11 Jul, 2006 11:02 am

c.i. and me in chicago (with ossobucco)
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Tue 11 Jul, 2006 11:06 am
timber wrote-

What you or some twit from the bible belt may think is immaterial. Facts are facts.

Well obviously facts are facts like jam is jam. Which facts is what matters.

You might be choosing your facts.

Evolutionites are living a life of indulgence and hiding behind the fact that the impact of evolution theory on society is too sensitive a subject to discuss even in their own homes.


This answer is proof to me that you are choosing. I'm not.

I am working on facts as well timber. And I accept your facts just as much as you do but you choose to ignore the fact that there are some facts, scientific facts, which you couldn't discuss within the usual domestic scene. If you don't have a usual domestic scene I'll accept your criticism. I know,as a fact, that there are a lot of facts that are undiscussable in the pub with an all male and mature company. And those facts are peer reviewed by the top drawer.

Are you saying that all facts are discussable in a 10th grade biology class even if they are dangerous to a society which they are new to and quite profoundly revolutionary. How would a jury trial work out if only two jury members were aware of them.

Take this for example-

One of her gurus was the late Nobel laureate Francis Crick. At a neuroscience meeting in Orlando in 1996, I listened to Crick declaring: "Your sense of personal identity and free will are in fact no more than the behaviour of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules."

Later he invited me to tea at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, where he asserted, waving a blue teapot in the air: "Neuroscience will give us a more authentic causal explanation for human behaviour than unscientific and hence unreliable folk psychology." By folk psychology he meant history, fiction, memoir, poetry, philosophy and religion.

Crick was not alone in believing that the whole of our mental life, including our choices and our sense of responsibility, is no more than a kind of determined chemical software program running in a computer-like brain. Being good means an efficient program; being bad - paedophilia, rape, theft, lying, murder - means a defective program. Against this background, it seems feasible to correct a defective program with mind-altering drugs like Prozac.

Philosophers, too, have long suggested that personal responsibility is an illusion. The British professor Sir Freddie Ayer, famous for his BBC Brains Trust stints, claimed there was no such thing as good or bad acts: merely feelings of "boo!" or "hurrah!" The French philosopher Jacques Derrida taught that a person was just a series of stories from which emerges the illusion of a self - and how is one good or bad without a self?

And that is tame. Putting someone in jail, or even on trial, for any of the offences listed can be seen in the light of that to be victimising them for a particular brain state which they cannot help. It is probably the main reason why Europe no longer uses capital punishment and why even the Chinese are debating the issue.

You can read the whole article online at Sunday Times Magazine- A HEAD FOR TROUBLE. You'll get an idea where science is up to in this field. Adopt that approach and your social control costs will spiral right out of the window.
And,as you say, facts are facts.

Science recognises no morality.

And why reward other states of the brain with high pay and status. You might as well reward them for having long arms or imprison people for having big ears.

Anti-IDers could be likened,stretching it a bit, to a guy bashing a hole below the waterline in a ship carrying himself,his family, friends and compatriots and thinking he is doing a wonderful job who just shouts "bullshit" at anyone who questions his actions.

And let us see what the meat industry makes of dietary science being taught in schools like cigarette science has been taught.

You are choosing alright.

And another thing- I don't suppose you caught my post on Sat before it was deleted but it dealt with the use of crude terms like "bullshit" and the idea that such a method of debate only impresses people of low intelligence and thus people using it are basically politicians. It certainly doesn't impress more intelligent people except in ways I tried to show in that post.And neither does another attempt to link creationism with ID.

ID is an attempt to get science in the front door in manageble steps.

We will have to leave the sexual stuff out I'm afraid. Mr and Mrs Average are not ready for that but they are aware at some level that the 10th graders are agog to hear all about it.
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Tue 11 Jul, 2006 11:26 am

Thank for picture. I wondered when we were going to get a look at the people rather than cityscapes.

It sure does look a bundle of laughs.

timber wrote-

Just to be clear here; no need or reason for spendi to "shut up"

I was gagged on Saturday.A fairly long post which took some effort on my part. I was actually restraining myself. Just deleted after a few hours.
I wouldn't be human if I didn't wonder why.

despite a withering fusillade, not a shot fired so far has taken him out

Not a hair has moved.

Setanta wrote-

Fancy that . . . people in the Chicago meeting thread did not wish to discuss global warming . . . the intellectual cowards ! ! !

Yes. I was quite surprised myself. It was as if flying into Chicago from all corners and encouraging others to do so constituted the pinnacle of social responsibilty. The other 60,000 A2Kers were nothing but party poops.

But they didn't wish to discuss it and that's for sure.
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Tue 11 Jul, 2006 11:54 am
BTW Setanta-

What do you think of-

: "Neuroscience will give us a more authentic causal explanation for human behaviour than unscientific and hence unreliable folk psychology." By folk psychology he meant history, fiction, memoir, poetry, philosophy and religion.

The DNA man himself. Nobel prize and all.
0 Replies
Wed 12 Jul, 2006 01:35 pm

Church-State Watchdog Group Files Public Records Request Regarding Proposed Changes To State Science Standards
(Americans United Press Release, July 12, 2006)

WASHINGTON - July 12 - Some members of the Ohio Board of Education appear to be preparing for another assault on the teaching of evolution in public schools, says Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

Last month, board member Colleen Grady reportedly urged the Board of Education's Achievement Committee to consider giving 10th-grade science teachers guidance on teaching evolution and other "controversial" issues such as global warming, cloning and stem-cell research.

Grady apparently put forward a proposal that would change the language of Ohio's existing science standards in an effort to reflect religious criticism of evolution and other scientific principles. The proposal has not been publicly released.

On July 11, Americans United filed a request under the Ohio open records law that asks for copies of the Grady proposal as well as all documents and correspondence by the Board of Education and the Department of Education relating to proposed changes to the state's science standards.

The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United executive director, urged the Ohio board to reject any effort to reopen the dispute over science education.

"Public school students in Ohio deserve sound science education, not religious dogma masquerading as science," said Lynn. "It's time for Religious Right allies on the board to drop their unwise agenda and focus on policies that will benefit all of Ohio's students."

The teaching of evolution has sparked an ongoing battle in Ohio. In January, the board voted 9-8 to affirm state science standards that downplayed evolution. A month later, the board reversed itself and voted to drop language that singled out evolution for "critical analysis" and a lesson plan that promoted "intelligent design."

But Americans United says Religious Right allies on the board have apparently not given up, and have now expanded their focus to encompass other issues. AU made the public information request in an effort to learn exactly what the board is trying to do.

The AU letter requests copies of various documents, communications and other materials, including any contacts the board may have had with the Discovery Institute or other Religious Right organizations that seek to teach their religious perspectives in public school science classes.
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Thu 13 Jul, 2006 12:16 pm

"But when Jesus was taken before Pilate then[/I] the world of facts and the world of truths were face to face in immediate and implacable hostility . It is a scene appallingly distinct and overwhelming in its symbolism, such as the world's history had never before and has never since looked at. The discord that lies at the root of all mobile life from its beginning, in virtue of its very being, of its having both existence and awareness, took here the highest form that can possibly be conceived as human tragedy. In the famouus question of the Roman Procurator: "What is truth?"-- the one word that is race-pure in the whole Greel Testament--lies the entire meaning of history, the exclusive
validity of the deed, the prestige of the State and war and blood, the all-powerfullness of success and the pride of eminent fitness. Notindeed the mouth, but the silent feeling of Jesus answers this question by that other which is decisive in all things of religion--
What is actuality? For Pilate actuality was all; for him nothing. Were it anything, indeed, pure religiousness could never stand up against history and the powers of history, or sit in judgement on active life; or if it does, it ceases to be religion and is subjected itself to the spirit of history.

My kingdom is not of this world. This is the final word which admits of no gloss and on which each must check the course wherein birth and nature have set him. A being that makes use of a waking consciousness, or a waking-consciousness which subjects being to itself; pulsation or tension, blood or intellect, history or nature, politics or religion-- here it is one or the other, there is no honest way of compromise.

Oswald Spengler. The Decline of the West. Volume Two: Perspectives in World History.Chapter V11 Problems of the Arabian Culture: Historic Pseudomorphoses, Part V1.

You're fighting with a ghost which you don't even know exists.

In Series of Dreams there is-

Dreams where the umbrella is folded
And into the path you are hurled
And the cards are no good that you're holdin'
Unless they're from another world.
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Thu 13 Jul, 2006 12:20 pm
Apologies for the mess I made of the italics.
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Thu 13 Jul, 2006 07:06 pm

School board primary for state looms
(By Jeff Myrick, Baldwin City Signal, July 13, 2006)

Incumbent State School Board Member Janet Waugh, who represents most of the Baldwin City district, is hopeful that this year's elections will reverse the board's recent conservative majority that has caused embarrassment for the state.

But, in order for that to happen, Waugh needs to win her Aug. 1 primary race against Jesse Hall, a fellow Democrat. The winner of the primary gains the school board position because there isn't a Republican challenger.

"Naturally, I'm very hopeful we will regain control," said Waugh, who lives in Kansas City, Kan., as does Hall. "I'm getting a lot of positive feedback from all over the state and even outside the state and nation. I got the neatest e-mail from a guy in Australia, who is a resident of Kansas, and feels this race is the most important one in Kansas. He's in my district and is supporting me.

"I'm cautiously optimistic," she said. "This election is not something anyone can take for granted. We all have to work hard and make sure everyone knows the issues."

The conservative majority has removed evolution from Kansas classrooms and altered programs for sex education, among other items. The conservatives have a 6-4 advantage. Waugh doesn't mince words about the need for that to change.

"It is time to return the board to a more moderate viewpoint," she said. "The last few years have been extremely difficult with the conservative majority. Instead of focusing our attention on the crucial issues facing Kansas such as continuous improvement, closing the gap, raising graduation rates, increasing test scores and making sure all students achieve at high levels, the board has spent it's time debating issues that will do little to help schools and students.

"We've become the laughingstock not only of the nation, but the world and it's time we returned to making sure we are offering the best education possible for all students," said Waugh. "The state board needs to be the leader in helping districts use best practices so they can make sure we prepare all students for the 21st century, able to compete in a global economy, lifelong learners and contributing citizens."

To this point, Hall hasn't attended any of the forums for state board candidates. He has stated that he supports the conservative majority's actions.

He said he grew tired of complaining about the education system and decided to run for office and try to effect change.

He said he supported the science standards adopted by the 6-4 majority that criticize evolution.

"The way it was set up, evolution was the only thing that could be taught. That doesn't allow a child to step outside the box so that they themselves learn how to think," Hall said.

Opponents of the new science standards say they bring intelligent design -- the theory that a master designer formed life -- into science class.
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Fri 14 Jul, 2006 06:15 am
wande quoted-

"It is time to return the board to a more moderate viewpoint," she said. "The last few years have been extremely difficult with the conservative majority. Instead of focusing our attention on the crucial issues facing Kansas such as continuous improvement, closing the gap, raising graduation rates, increasing test scores and making sure all students achieve at high levels, the board has spent it's time debating issues that will do little to help schools and students.

So the more moderate viewpont is-

continuous improvement, closing the gap, raising graduation rates, increasing test scores and making sure all students achieve at high levels,

Even the kids here know what that flannel means. Easier marking sums it up with assertions added to prove scientific validity.Assertions such as "neatest" which is code for what Janet agrees with. The Aussie has only one vote hasn't he? Why is his opinion offered as any sort of support?

What about the Jesus/Pilate post and the HEAD FOR TROUBLE post? Not much feedback is there?

You are supposed to continue to defend your positions when you have been trying to point directions for a national educational system. It is an important subject and not suitable for playing games with.
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Sat 15 Jul, 2006 04:55 pm
spendius wrote:
... (a national education system) is an important subject and not suitable for playing games with.

Quite. Precisely why it is critically important to get the biblethumpers out of the excercize. Fortunately, the biblethumpers' own gameplaying hastens the demise of their pernicious influence.
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