parados wrote somewhat disingenuously-
Quote:Why teach math? Very few of the kids are going to be mathematicians?
Why teach great literature? Very few of the kids are going to be great authors?
Why teach history? Very few of the kids are going to be historians?
Why teach philosophy? Very few of the kids are going to be philosophers?
Why teach foreign languages? None of the kids are going to become foreigners?
For that matter, why ever teach kids religion? None of them are ever going to be Gods.
To keep them off the streets.
To get them out of their parents way.
To force them to learn social skills in mixing.
To provide business opportunities.(see education budget for guidance)
To teach them the basics of reading,writing and numeracy so they can decipher road signs and instruction manuals,fill in application forms and greeting cards and manage their money.
To give them a grounding in submissiveness in power relations.
To prepare them for citizenship and work.
To prepare then to begin a study in adult life of mathematics,literature,history,philosophy,languages and religion should they wish to or any other subject they might fancy.
Do you seriously think they are taught those things in schools.These threads are quite ample proof that nothing so fanciful as that has taken place.
One thing they don't try to teach them is computer hacking and yet some of them are quite good at that despite the absence of the subject in the school programme.
I would like to know how they manage to learn that making an assertion is proof of its validity.That's one area,seemingly,which your schools deserve congratulations for.