Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Thu 23 Feb, 2006 11:47 am
I thought there was a superintendent or something equivalent to our Chief Education Officer with a bureaucracy under him.
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 12:42 pm
As the case with most of your expostulating spendi, the superintendent was not relevant, pertinent, or otherwise material to the matter at question. Having been soundly beaten back here in The US, the ID-iots now are seeking global attention - perhaps on the theory less well developed legal systems and less clearly defined constitutions may give them a foothold. Ain't gonna help 'em a bit, but they're gonna try - watch for an episode or 2 appearing on a station near you over there in Blighty. Don't expect the pilot to be picked up for a season run, though ... the story just has no legs, and the cast is inept at best.
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 02:30 pm
I seem to remember wande mentioning the Superintendent having something to say but I may be wrong.

I'll take your word for it that they have been "soundly beaten" on the say so of one retired judge who drives round with attention seeking number plate gimmicks on his motor.

I'm surprised though.There must be other places with a $1m or two to spare waiting to be plucked.I'm also disappointed because it has been quite good fun and I would like views to wande's thread to reach the magic 50,000 number.Do you really think it's all over?

I can't see them appearing here.Our education officials don't have any interferences from local Know-nothings out to make waves.Billy Graham once came and made a spash and is supposed to have cured a few humble neurotics of various unspecified and undiagnosed conditions.But we all laughed.
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 02:37 pm
spendius wrote:
I seem to remember wande mentioning the Superintendent having something to say but I may be wrong.

Yes I did mention something about that. The superintendent testified at the Dover trial that he cooperated with the board's decision about "intelligent design" because he considered it to be a compromise. (The Board had previously been trying to include creationism in the curriculum.)
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 02:56 pm
It is a tribute to self-promotion and loud gabbling that Spendi actually has all of you constantly responding to his drivel. He has demonstrated that he knows nothing about the science underlying a theory of evolution. He has demonstrated that he has absolutely no knowledge of the the theses of "intelligent design" and their derivation from creationism. He has demonstrated that he knows knothing of Behe, Dembski, the Discovery Institute nor any of the players on the ID side of the field. He has demonstrated that he knows absolutely nothing about local school boards and local democracy in the United States. He has consistently demonstrated that he does not understand the concept of fifty sovereign states and their relationship to local government and the Federal judiciary. He has demonstrated that he does not understand the decision made by Mr. Justice Jones, and blithely continues to ignore the criticism that he has not read the decision, and continues to comment despite refusing to read the decision.

Every "contribution" that Spendi makes is a monument to conceited, opinionated ignorance--and yet you all continue to respond to him.

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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 02:59 pm
In Pa, any school board can remove a superintendent and other admin positions. The school boards cannot touch the teachers because they have a Union.

To say that the Dover decision has impact is an understatement. Its already being felt in the several states who have recently rethought their active ID approaches.Ohio for one.
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 03:11 pm
Hes harmless set, and besides, there are some good posts with valuable information re: the status quo on "the movement" that spendis hardly a burden sir. Every hour spent here keeps spendis liver from seizing up for one more hour .
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 03:35 pm
Setanta wrote:
Every "contribution" that Spendi makes is a monument to conceited, opinionated ignorance--and yet you all continue to respond to him.


I used to talk to Chaiyah too. I must be sick Smile

What ever happened to that lady, did she ever get that tin foil cap off her head?

In Spendi's defense I will say that he doesn't get ruffled very easily and is generally not inclinded to outright nasty comments. And considering that he's swimming against the stream and we keep him under some pretty withering preasure, I think that's pretty good.

On those occasions when he does get ruffled his counter attacks come out in these mile-long psychobabble stream of consciousness diatribes. And those are kinda fun to watch, in a slow-motion train wreck sort of way. Smile
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 03:46 pm

I am afraid that I still respond to spendius whenever he makes a flattering remark about me or this thread.

(and if I drank as much as he does I would probably be mrs. spendius by now Smile )
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 03:55 pm
FM, yes, that is the charitable view . . .

Ros, the last i saw of her, she started a thread about the "new planet" which has been seen by an observatory in California (think, visual illusion caused by refraction in the lens--about two or three years ago) . . . she was so heavily ridiculed, i think she gave it up . . .

Wandel . . . fie on thee . . .
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 04:03 pm
Setanta wrote:
Ros, the last i saw of her, she started a thread about the "new planet" which has been seen by an observatory in California (think, visual illusion caused by refraction in the lens--about two or three years ago) . . . she was so heavily ridiculed, i think she gave it up

Ah yes, Chaiyah never understood simple lens flare. Always thought every glowing orb in a photo was another new planet. I hope she gets the right meds one of these days.
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 04:07 pm
wow, talk about swimming upstream. I remember a thread she started about how the entire westcoast was in iminent danger from deep focus seismic events that were gonna wrench away the entire stateline. That was a thread that was in caps.

Remember Dominic John? There was never a conspiracy he couldnt get his arms around
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 04:09 pm
PS, I borrowed a line from Steve this AM. I was laughing really hard when I read it , so I adopted it for a sig line for awhile
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 04:23 pm
setanta wrote-

fifty sovereign states

I didn't know it was 50.
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 04:32 pm
I will say one thing about Set's (he doesn't like me calling him Set so watch out) post above.It is very well written.It shows he has given the subject a great deal of thought.

The fact that I disagree with the sentiments expressed in such classic scientific style is really neither here nor there.It was a pleasure to read and goes to show that I have at least improved one American's literary style if not more among our vast readership.

It is now pub tiuume!
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 04:42 pm
spendius wrote:
...goes to show that I have at least improved one American's literary style if not more among our vast readership.

Ahhhh, this must be one of those monuments to conceit that Set was talking about.

Setanta wrote:
Every "contribution" that Spendi makes is a monument to conceited, opinionated ignorance...

Good job Spendi, proving Set right.
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 06:17 pm
Yes ros-

It is a bit of a challenge.I am quite proud of reaching such an impoosible objective.
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 07:24 pm
spendi, now we shall proceed to work on your writing skills.
The curriculum shall include.

Creative metaphor 101-By the end of this segment you will be able to draw freom a deep cistern of metaphorical reference.

Litotes surpression-Litotes, a singularly English speech impediment shall be removed from your written communication, and you shall thank us for the much needed Litotomectomy

last but not least

Making your point 102-Here we shall aim for clarity and precision in our speech. We shall, at the segments completion be testing you so that you will be able to give street directions to a complete stranger without one reference to thorstein veblen or
Bob Dylan.
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Thu 23 Feb, 2006 09:28 pm
spendius wrote:
Yes ros-

It is a bit of a challenge.I am quite proud of reaching such an impoosible objective.

Ooooo, good one Spendi. A nice short quip, right to the point. Smile We'll have to add adaptable to your list of talents.

Best Regards,
0 Replies
Fri 24 Feb, 2006 06:10 am
fm wrote-

Creative metaphor 101-By the end of this segment you will be able to draw from a deep cistern of metaphorical reference.

The whole thrust of my project on this ace thread monsieur is one long,understated metaphor which you have not yet felt the impress of except for what Ms Burchill famously called "a little local irritation" but I can assure you that if you could surrender fully to it you may achieve to a pinnacle of delight to which you are obviously unaccustomed;litotes being a not unimportant aspect of the technique most suitable for the purpose.(Apart from the end bit I mean).

When you finally do grasp the point,which may be some way off due to what I presume to have been
an unchallenging intellectual historical experience,you will know you have grasped it.You might even go "oooowooohhooooWow" but for longer than it takes to say that.

Clarity and precision are all very well for such simple social actions as providing strangers with directions but for the more subtle,and more rewarding,challenges of life they are not infrequently counterproductive.

PS.A tip for you in return for your advice-words like "shall" ought never to appear more than once in the same sentence and,ideally,as Flaubert insists,on the same page.

Oh-I nearly forgot-words such as "really" should be confined to ironic expressions unless one wishes to be mistaken for a refined lady.
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