Acquiunk and rap, like Erasmus and Charles , have presented a side benefit of the parochial school systems,ie expulsion as an aid to improving performance stats as much as the use of "demographic loading" is the way that health insurance providers penalize those that need the service most. Set already made the point that I reinforced in that the State ed depts. (In Pa at least) have grown substantially to , in their perspective, adequately administer to all the new Charter Schools that have popped up in the Commonwealth since , I believe, about 1999.
georgeob saidQuote: There are several topics overlaid on the discussions in this thread, ranging from the objections of some Christian fundamentalists to the teaching of evolutionary theory in Biology, to the objections of others to what they call "creation myths" - apparently embracing any possibility whatever that a God or creator played any role in the existence of the observable universe. There is a very wide range of possibilities between these points, and ,for reasons I have outlined previously, I find both extremes equally absurd.
In a dispassionate , data driven manner, surely you must see that all the predictive models of the generation of species and higher taxa are adequately explained by a "nat selection" or even a punctuated equilibrium basis, while no ID or Creationist model fits the available data.
In fact, none is adequately addressed at all, by a Creationist or ID model.
We can predict going forward past the 3.8 Billion year horizon via Nat selection, we cannot do anything with ID or Creation because it simply has no available data save the invocation of a "miracle".
The fact that life on earth follows and is "shuffled about" by periodic extinctions, after which new species arise, does not follow the genesis or ID model.
The fact that geographic isolation through geologic processes results in entirely new taxa for the separate geographic areas does not support the Creationist nor the ID model.(Even Darwin, when he collected his birds, had no idea that his finches were of the same genus, they were that different. He actually had to rely upon his manservant MrSyms Covington's collection because Covington kept his bird specimens catalogued based upon which island they came from while Darwin, who believed in Lyells Creationist teaching, did not. Darwin never realized he screwed up until he returned from his trip and John Gould, the noted taxonomist told him that all his different variable beaked birds with different morphologies were finches )
The fact that we can trace these morph changes in clades through geo time is counter to the Creationist model. ID is silent on "ongoing creation episodes"
Geochemical models of the earths environment clearly show the increase of that toxic "contaminant" gas , Oxygen being coincident with the appearance of most of the fossil phyla in a billion year period (plus or minus 15 years) does not fit the creation gospel.Other climatological conditions, including supersaturation of O2 in the Carboniferous left other predicive tools available that support a natural selection mode , whereas Creationists talk of a "water vapor" cloud that coincides with this period (cept they want it at about 5500 years bp).
The fact that Nat selection can be used "playing forward" whereas Creationist and ID thinking cannot, is one of the less "absurd " features of the present scientifically derived models of the earths history.
DONT even get me going about plate tectonics and how species can be traced by their "ring" evolution about continental breakups.
My, and most ofthe approaches that will be taken in the various ID /naturalistic cases, will involve, once again, the appeal to the scientific method and its necessity to define what is , or is not, real science to present to the kids and students of science. We can predict and use these models based upon discoveries in the various sciences . (Like in Mine hydrology, we often dont have a complete pumping test to determine the size of a reservoir, but we can jump in at a number of points during ongoing pumping and measure head/pressure changes and drawdowns,from these we can develop good enough models to estimate basin sizes. All that time we were never there at the beginning,we just "play it forward "with our data that can be measured).
The use of data based analogyis a powerful tool to use wih our legislators and lawyers,and one that, ID has shown no real ability to counter. In fact, most IDers only wish to argue "origins of life" while stipulating to all the other scientific data. It then boils down to your desire to have room "left" for a Creator Intelligence. A devestating follow up to that is simply, who would that Creator Intelligence be? and how do we keep it purely scientific so as not to invoke the boundaries of amendment 1?