Quote: This **** just couldn't happen by accident
when you spend a bit of time on how chem bonds work and happen. Maybe the inevitability of bonding and surface chemistry reactions will sink in and not require you to finish your quotes with your above conclusion. Just because somethings complex qnd occurs under special rules, we see it happen every day and the only commonality is that all these chemicals have same structures(just different arrangements). A protein in beef is the same as a protein in a cell. Polypeptide linkage a plus on one side and minus on the other with same **** in between.
kinesins are a whole family, and spacific ones can enact specific proteins in mitochondria to provide the energy and control mechanisms of seed germination in plants or mitosis and meiosis in all orgqnisms. Im glad you brought em up because, Like the control of blood clotting in animals, the functions of proteins in the energy source cells, can be traced further and further bck in simplified structures s a result of evolution.
Think about it, all raties hqve evolved in separate climes isolated reproductively yet the reactions are roughly the same (minus on one siide, plus on the other and sevearl ADP/ATP bodies providing the enrgy that is "mined " by a bunch separate groups of kinesins.
The adaptation of the various sevral genera of ratites to their environments causes the chemical works to "kick in" and provide the same functions but usually
by developing different anatomical structures doing the work.
You seem to be amazed at all the same type of chemistry eeking out different results.
ASI said before, the use of the word "coded" doesnt imply that some high power is behind anything. Whereas you have provided yourself with two outs
1Its either coded
2or its chaotic
can you try to keep your mind a bit more critically open to whats implicit or not.
Remember, there are archeozoa that do not have mitochondria in their cell walls and do not use the biochemitry we talk about. And there are whole groups of extremophiles that get all their energy from sulfur metabolisis or ferro- oxidation. We sit within a small category of life forms that have taken RNA to a higher form.
Im gonna read frescos paper now. Lets see ho we see that ubmission "differently" eh?
PS, top trying to needle me about being subversive to my stated methods . I dont try to disport with all this and Im certinly open to focused argument. JUST PLEEEZE stop accusing me of being rude when I see you as being similarly rude except in a fashion that's quite passive aggressive .
You often sound like some southern politician whose saying "Im not gonna call my opponent an asshole, NOOO not me"