Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion?

Wed 16 Sep, 2015 10:07 am
It's a useful skill. You should try it. You will find refutations for most of the recycled arguments you are bringing here.
Wed 16 Sep, 2015 10:49 am
It's a useful skill. You should try it. You will find refutations for most of the recycled arguments you are bringing here.

Then when are you going to bring those refutations up?

I'm not talking about details like 'what is the organism with the shortest genome' but a logical argument. You are boring not because you can't use Google, you are boring because you are unable to use those facts to advance the argument in any meaningful way. If I just wanted raw facts, why would I come to A2K?
Wed 16 Sep, 2015 11:00 am
You mean like your silly argument about throwing computer parts up in the air? Or your silly argument about finding a tricorder on the beach?

The funny thing is you are not using facts to advance the argument. You are using false analogies and logical fallacies.
Wed 16 Sep, 2015 11:12 am
Wed 16 Sep, 2015 02:21 pm
Yes, you are boring. When you are shown to be wrong, you change the subject. It tends to be something most people with your beliefs do.

Let's examine your claim that throwing computer parts up won't create a computer. I pointed out that if they could magically combine they would actually create basic logic circuits. Logic circuits are computers. Rather than admitting your analogy was silly or false, you simply pretended it was never answered and moved on.
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Wed 16 Sep, 2015 02:23 pm
I know you are but what am I.

Nyah, nyah, nyah.

If I just wanted raw facts, why would I come to A2K?

Oh, I think I see the problem now. You didn't bring any facts and you're embarrassed everyone else did?
0 Replies
Wed 16 Sep, 2015 02:50 pm
The anti ID crowd is always harping on the false idea that ID does not have the predictive power of "real science". I have previously made two predictions based on it but they probably can't be tested with available technology in my life time so I though I'd add one that potentially could.

Scientists are currently excited about the possibility of finding conclusive signs of life on both Mars and Saturn's moon Enceladius which has a subterranean ocean (where life theoretically began on earth). So, based on the thought that a designer who was capable of setting up conditions appropriate for life would not bother starting it where it could not evolve into something that interested him, here is ID prediction #3.

3. Life will not be found on either Mars or Enceladus.

I would include other exoplanets but that couldn't be effectively tested in my life time.
Wed 16 Sep, 2015 02:55 pm
Leadfoot wrote:
Although the Wiki excerpt states it as fact, RNA world hypothesis is just that, and currently not seen as the most likely route to abiogenesis.
I don't think RNA itself was the first replicator either. I was merely using it as an example of a simple replicator, I assume much simpler replicators came before it and that it is the result of chemical evolution from even simpler forms.

Leadfoot wrote:
Your appeal to see chemical evolution as the route to life is the best argument so far but random molecular bonds forming your hypothetical replicating molecule in the early days of earth still seems far beyond the ability of chance. That too is a streatch too far for me. If we can't achieve it in the lab (with the assistance of considerable intelligence) it's pretty hard to see it happening by chance.
First I would like to make clear that I am not the originator of the idea of chemical evolution. That just seems like the most likely scenario to me. I'm sure others have thought of it way before I did.

To address your challenges as the the likelihood/probability of replicative molecules organizing on their own when we haven't been able to produce them in a lab, I would offer a few things to make sure you are adding to your evaluation. The first thing to note is that we don't know what molecule to build yet. We "might" be able to build one if we knew what it was already, but we don't. The other thing to consider is that the primitive earth provided conditions which we cannot reproduce. For example, the first replicative molecules might require large doses of solar radiation (something much more common 4By ago), and they may only form randomly in 1sq meter of water every 1000 years. Given the size of the earth's surface with billions of square meters and millions of years to cook, these events would be quite common, each one potentially able to start a cascade of successful replicative molecules. But in a laboratory with at best, a few square meters of liquid to test with and not even a hundred years to work in yet, it would not be at all surprising if we could not produce these types of molecules.

Leadfoot wrote:
But I do appreciate the dilemma that science finds itself in. Science does not have the option to accept any other answer than "If it happened, it had to have a natural cause", no matter how unlikely it may seem. But as a human being, I am not bound by that limitation. I can consider the possibility of intelligent design. Of course just as science often gets it wrong, I could be too.
It's good that we can agree that Science is limited to naturalistic explanations, and I of course, prefer that methodology for answering questions (if that's what your goal is), but putting that aside for the moment, and accepting that you prefer to work from the "unbounded human" perspective, what I don't understand is when you know to stop asking questions and just say to yourself, an Intelligent Designer must have done it. Do you just give up trying to figure things out once you have decided that the answer is ID? I mean, people have been doing that since the beginning of time, right? And now as science continues to answer questions right down the line with more and more detail, the ID just gets pushed further and further into the cracks. So my question to you is, what good does it do you? It doesn't really answer any questions does it. All it does is provide you a convenient place to stop trying to find answers, presumably to things you would like to find answers for. So why do it.

And as far as the improbability of options goes, I would point out that science is proposing the natural occurrence of "simple molecules" and you object to that because your say molecules aren't that simple, but then you offer an Intelligent Designer as a "simpler" solution. Yet any such Intelligent Designer would be infinitely more complex than any molecule no matter how you slice it. So your argument for "simpler" solutions seems illogical given the options you are proposing.
Wed 16 Sep, 2015 03:21 pm
3. Life will not be found on either Mars or Enceladus.

Why would ID predict that? Why would you think this is falsifiable?

I don't recall your other 2 predictions. Can you repost them?
0 Replies
Wed 16 Sep, 2015 04:06 pm

what I don't understand is when you know to stop asking questions and just say to yourself, an Intelligent Designer must have done it. Do you just give up trying to figure things out once you have decided that the answer is ID? I mean, people have been doing that since the beginning of time, right? And now as science continues to answer questions right down the line with more and more detail, the ID just gets pushed further and further into the cracks.

First, let me thank you for the clarification on RNA. It shows me you are really dialed into the subject. But no, I would never advocate stopping the search for answers even after deciding ID was a viable possibility. I'm too curious about everything to do that. I don't even understand how anyone could bear to see a TV and not HAVE to know how it works.
The thing that draws me to the ID debate is just the opposite of how you portrayed where science is taking us in these two fields (cosmology and biology). In every other field, science has come amazingly close to a 'Standard Model' for explaining everything. It is very impressive. The 'cracks' keep getting smaller and smaller as you say.

But These two fields seem to be the exception. The more we learn, the bigger the cracks in our understanding get. For example, when I was in school (before the discovery of DNA was taught) the cellular diagrams showed the nucleus surrounded by 'protoplasm' enclosed by a membrane. I thought 'sure, that could happen naturally' but much later when I learned about the thousands of complex molecular machines that made up that simple gooey protoplasm stuff I had to reconsider. The picture gets more and more complicated and harder to rationalize as 'natural' all the time, at least that's how it looks to me. Same story on Cosmology where it gets so confounding that even Stephen Hawking has to resort to that nutty claim I've mentioned before.

So my question to you is, what good does it do you? It doesn't really answer any questions does it. All it does is provide you a convenient place to stop trying to find answers, presumably to things you would like to find answers for. So why do it.

It's a good question. My over thinking probably caused all three of my divorces. I must admit that I would not be as interested if I had no interest in theology. Even though they are separate magisteriums, there are obvious connections. Sometimes I wish I could stop trying to make sense of it all because it makes my head hurt. But Wow, when something adds up and your head makes a new connection it's like mainlining heroin. I'm hooked.

And as far as the improbability of options goes, I would point out that science is proposing the natural occurrence of "simple molecules" and you object to that because your say molecules aren't that simple, but then you offer an Intelligent Designer as a "simpler" solution. Yet any such Intelligent Designer would be infinitely more complex than any molecule no matter how you slice it. So your argument for "simpler" solutions seems illogical given the options you are proposing.

I probably didn't make myself clear on that. I'm saying that the complexity of a molecule capable of both reproducing itself AND evolving (capable of passing along inherited traits) is no longer 'simple'. I think of molecules as forming exclusively through the well known mechanisms of atomic bonding, co-valent, ionic, etc. I won't say that a reproducing molecule is impossible through those mechanisms but when you add the unrelated mechanism of inheritance, it complicates the picture to the point where it doesn't seem possible.

True, a designer would have to be a more complicated object than even that incredible molecule. But that would be true of the watch maker or the tricorder builder too :-)
Wed 16 Sep, 2015 04:15 pm
I won't say that a reproducing molecule is impossible through those mechanisms but when you add the unrelated mechanism of inheritance, it complicates the picture to the point where it doesn't seem possible.

Probable quickly becomes possible in a universe that may well be infinite. If we say the chance is 1 out of some number so large that there is only a 60% chance of it happening once in the entire universe that would make it more likely than not for it to occur in the universe. Earth may be the only planet in the entire universe with life but it certainly doesn't require a designer.
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Wed 16 Sep, 2015 04:24 pm
parados wrote:
In short, there is absolutely NO REASON FOR IT TO BE EXTINCT! The Earth should be over run with them.

Did you bother to think before you said that? A self replicating molecule that is highly dependent on a single environment can not exist outside that environment. Earth would not be overrun with them. That single environment might still contain them but they would be fighting biological competitors that would probably have a distinct advantage.

There are several forms which exist from long, long ago. Sharks and cockroaches have been around for hundreds of millions of years. Remains have been found from the Silurian which the majority of zoologists consider to be the first remains of sharks--more than 400 million years ago.

But more to the point, are the obligate anaerobes which dominated the earth more than two billion years ago. About 2.3 billion years ago, oxygen levels in the atmosphere reached levels which are lethal for obligate anaerobes, due to the rise of cyanobacteria about two and half billion years ago. Obligate anaerobes still exist, they just cannot occupy environments with high oxygen concentrations. This was the first major extinction event, but even so, anaerobes evolved and adapted. They're still around, they're just not very common any longer.

Then there is the coelacanth, which is actually more closely related to mammals and other land animals than it is to ray-finned fish. The fossil record shows that they arose at least 390 million years ago. It was thought that they had gone extinct at the time of the K/T extinction 65 million years ago (the extinction at the end of the Cretaceous, which did for the dinosaurs, or at least the ones that couldn't fly). Then one was caught off the coast of South Africa in 1938. Others have been sighted and caught since then. They didn't go extinct, life just became difficult for them.

You'll always have such silly discussions with ignorant people who put their religious dogma ahead of actually learning the subjects about which they spout off.
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Wed 16 Sep, 2015 04:27 pm
There was a fascinating article in The Scientific American in about 1970 about organic molecules which would replicate in clay tubes, the clays providing the chemical bonds which stabilized them while they replicated. I don't recall that the article mentioned any evidence of poofism.
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Wed 16 Sep, 2015 04:34 pm
This from the Wikipedia article on abiogenesis, which also contains some interesting material on the RNA world hypothesis. This is a précis of what is known as the clay hypothesis:

Montmorillonite, an abundant clay, is a catalyst for the polymerization of RNA and for the formation of membranes from lipids. A model for the origin of life using clay was forwarded by Alexander Graham Cairns-Smith in 1985 and explored as a plausible illustration by several scientists. The clay hypothesis postulates that complex organic molecules arose gradually on a pre-existing, non-organic replication surfaces of silicate crystals in solution.

At the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, James P. Ferris' studies have also confirmed that clay minerals of montmorillonite catalyze the formation of RNA in aqueous solution, by joining activated nucleotides to join together to form longer chains.

In 2007, Bart Kahr from the University of Washington and colleagues reported their experiments that tested the idea that crystals can act as a source of transferable information, using crystals of potassium hydrogen phthalate. "Mother" crystals with imperfections were cleaved and used as seeds to grow "daughter" crystals from solution. They then examined the distribution of imperfections in the new crystals and found that the imperfections in the mother crystals were reproduced in the daughters, but the daughter crystals also had many additional imperfections. For gene-like behavior to be observed, the quantity of inheritance of these imperfections should have exceeded that of the mutations in the successive generations, but it did not. Thus Kahr concluded that the crystals "were not faithful enough to store and transfer information from one generation to the next.

Note the remark about lipid membranes, which could have provided the first cells.
Wed 16 Sep, 2015 04:40 pm
Adding a little detail here on the self reproducing / evolving molecule.

If the molecule were formed by the known mechanisms of atomic bonding, I don't think it would be subject to the same mutation mechanisms that are required for evolution in cellular organisms.
Wed 16 Sep, 2015 05:04 pm
At the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, James P. Ferris' studies have also confirmed that clay minerals of montmorillonite catalyze the formation of RNA

Great, you decided to contribute instead of sniping.

ID does not refute or deny any of the findings you cited from Wiki. It does point out the improbability of the specified order required of the RNA/DNA sequence to be functional.

Yes, there is a lot of ocean and time for improbable things to happen but there reaches a point where the laws of chance just don't explain it. Evolutionists sometimes draw the example of a sufficiently large number of monkeys randomly typing away would eventually come up with all the works of Shakespeare . It's theoretically possible. They might build a watch or a tricorder too. But the math says it probably won't happen in the 13.8 billion years available. You can verify that by programming a computer to do the random typing. They type much faster than monkeys so you don't have to wait that long.
Wed 16 Sep, 2015 05:59 pm
Yes, there is a lot of ocean and time for improbable things to happen but there reaches a point where the laws of chance just don't explain it.
I would love to see your math, that you think supports that statement.
Wed 16 Sep, 2015 06:22 pm
Don't make snotty remarks about me, and i might take you seriously. But i'd advise you not to bet on it.

As Parados points out, your math is rather quixotic. If a species produces a new generation every year, and the species population is in the millions, then over thousands of years, the probability of viable mutations could well be in the millions. You also don't seem to understand that there always exists a reservoir of variation in every species, and a change in environmental conditions can give individuals with those variations an enhanced reproductive opportunity, which is the mechanism of natural selection.

No one expects monkeys to build watches, except perhaps for contentious holy rollers with their fairy tales of a magic sky daddy to defend. But the evolution of new forms of monkey is not only possible, it's probable.
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Wed 16 Sep, 2015 06:26 pm
I thought you knew how to Google...

Here is the method of calculating probability for the formation of specific combinations nucleotides. This example is just for 6 base pairs but you can carry that out to the number in your simplest organism.

Probabilities of Nucleotide Sequences

DNA sequences have a 4-letter alphabet: A, C, G and T

The probability that a given six nucleotide DNA sequence is GAATTC (the EcoRI endonuclease recognition sequence) is

P(GAATTC) = P(G) x P(A) x P(A) x P(T) x P(T) x P(C)

If each of the 4 nucleotides is equally likely, then P(A) = P(C) = P(G) = P(T) = 1/4

P(GAATTC) = 1/4 x 1/4 x 1/4 x 1/4 x 1/4 x 1/4

= 1/4096 ≈ 0.00024

Wed 16 Sep, 2015 06:35 pm
No useful computations can be made without knowing the viable population and the time period over which the changes are expected. For the combinations of what we call organic molecules over a billion or more years, the probabilities are quite high.

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