I would say just five minutes contemplating the complexity of cognitive systems would arguably point out why ID is a self-refuting concept..., not in the context that things can't be intelligently designed, but in the context that if one's argument is that complex systems, structures, worlds, or organisms need an Intelligent designer, it must conclude itself self-refuting or deal with infinite regress, or infinite egress.
Hence the major problem with all this is that the very conscious state is not without cause, it is but rather a product of the processes and systems in which produce it. It is there for that no sentient source can truly answer the question of origins, and it is rather the obvious instead. The obvious being literally that of existence itself as the source origin and totality of all that there is, was, or will become.. Existence is the essence, mode, and soul of life, the Universe, and sentient existence. There is no-where else to which we could have come from, no other origin, and no other place to which we may exist. Hence we are literally that of our creator, and in being so, we create as we are very much a part of causality as well as a product there of.