I never said that fact and science are separate. Just expressing a viewpoint. But regarding the facts, here is an example.
The sunflower. It comes in many sizes, but the largest ones can reach 12 feet tall with a flower head that is a foot or more in diameter. The head is not really one blossom, but a cluster of hundreds of ray flowers around the edge and disc flowers in the center.
Sunflowers have a capacity known as phototropism or heliotropism, the ability to rotate their head so that they always face the sun as it moves across the sky. In the morning the flowers face east, and at sunset they face west.
This tracking of the sun is accomplished by a hydraulic system built into the stem. Water accumulates on the shady side of the stem, and as the pressure builds it forces the head in a steady arc toward the direction of the light. Because it is a hydraulic system and a fluid is being used, the pressure is distributed uniformly on the back surface of the head so it does no damage to the plant while providing enough force to move a large surface in a 180 degree arc.
Copying this design and putting in to use in various applications has proven very beneficial. Imitating this has allowed us to create hydraulic systems that are used in many mechanical devices such as cars, trucks, airplanes, trains, and earth moving equipment. Engineers carefully design these systems in order for them to work. Intelligence is needed to design a system that will function with great force without damaging the object being steered or stopped
When one takes the time to seriously examine facts such this without a preconceived belief or viewpoint, it does give one, if only briefly, reason to pause consider the possibility that an intelligent mind was behind the design.