@Frank Apisa,
Quote:The evolutionary process seems to be a series of steps up a ladder from where we were...to where we are now.
That betrays a lack of understanding of life Frank. There are no steps, there are no ladders and there are no ups and no downs. Even "process" is anthropomorphic. Direction is an illusion and the prime symbol of the Christian world. Perspective, cathedral spires, light patterns and even rocket take offs are Christian through and through and such things don't exist in other Cultures. Your post is fully Christian.
Homer has no religion. The tension between the nobility and the priesthood is settled in favour of the former. Maybe that is due to priestesses. It was forbidden to disclose their mysteries on pain of death. The Divinities of the peasants in the countryside, Dionysus and Demeter, went unsung by Homer.
But the peasant is eternal. BUT-- our science could change that. You are seeking to change that. Nothing else ever destroyed the
eternal peasant. Anything can happen in cities they shrug to each other.
It's the tension between deeds and contemplation. The castle and the cloister. And the castle exhausts itself in fighting. It has no direction.
I know you won't like this but the masses are irrelevant.
How does a sexually active man concerned with money, predation and being different get around to pure contemplation. He's bound to be subjective. And impatient. The whole image of contemplation is timeless patience. The illuminated scrolls were done with pen and ink. Have you seen some of them. Just one letter of the alphabet taking a few years. Incomprehensible to Jumpin' Jack Flash.
And absent contemplation we are back with castles. Armed camps either at war or preparing for war. But what do we do if we have to make war to prevent it. Think of the scope that leaves for the
dilettante to make specious and spurious propaganda and to show his ignorance of evolution and our sort of science.
The interesting question is how he came to need to make specious and spurious propaganda. My hypothesis, which is not all that tentative, nor original, is that it derives from pantsdown mode and the search for a less inconvenient method of getting your rocks off than that of Christian morality.
This whole matter is at the root of the Leveson Enquiry into the ethics, culture and practice of the press. Ethics and culture cannot derive from Jumpin' Jack Flash. Such things need long contemplation. The Enquiry has been going on for months and is on TV live and being streamed to lap-tops. It has months to go. Lord Mandleson compared the problem to wrestling with a crocodile.
A picture emerges from the mysterious background. The press is extremely competitive. It thus selects in, in the good old evolutionary sense, JJFs, who have no ethics but do have fantastic technology. If they don't winkle the small change out of your pocket or purse they are carbonised. So the JJF mentality more and more pervades the general population and if you want that---well---that's what you want.
The JJFs who can look ethical best are employed to read the news on TV or comment to camera on the goings on. So urgently that there is no time for contemplation.
Which begs the question--what are ethics when even the lingerie has been stripped off? It's just a word people are fond of using to try to establish their ethical credentials in the eyes of their fellow men. Oh--and women.
Ants behave as if they have ethics. I don't anticipating us ever finding out whether they are aware of having ethics.
There are circumstances where taking women by force, or buying and selling them, have been ethically correct. Sacrificing 5,000 prisoners during the Feast of The Moon Goddess was an ecstasy of ethical good form.