The US, UN & Iraq II

Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2003 10:25 pm
For an alternative viewpoint to all the biased and generic Western news services I suggest ummah.net and ummahnews.com an islamic website. Also try www.iraq2000.com/babil which is the site of the newspaper run by Uday - Saddam's son.

George.W.Bush is possibly the anti-christ. Has the US ever used laser weapons during a foreign incursion? I'd like to know.
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Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2003 10:32 pm
He is clearly saying "failure" meaning stopping the war before it starts - not meaning he hopes our military is vanquished. I think that's an important distinction... especially if you're bringing someone's loyalty into question. Tell me, exactly what is your point?

Yes, snood.

All those hopes are now lost. We must deal with what is.
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Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2003 10:33 pm
Offensive as it appears to be to some, I cannot defend a situation -- a war -- which is the result of lies, arrogance, and imperialism -- and deliberate failures of diplomacy. The troops are caught in the middle. I hate to see Bush sacrifice them to his willfulness. I don't want anyone killed. I have been fighting to stop the war from happening for months. But worse than the death of a soldier is the death of democracy, freedom and honor. Our soldiers in fact fight for democracy and honor, important American gifts which I many believe we're about to lose. I believe those who argue with antiwar activists so angrily are doing so from a political, not a moral, position and that those who support the use of the American military to a) preemptively strike another country, and 2) defend a criminal administration rather than their own people and country, have their own consciences to answer to. I maintain: Bush is the murderer, not the peace activists, not I.

Our local weekly paper, staunchly conservative in a community which is conservative and full of military retirees, surprised me today by printing a cartoon on its editorial page showing a sinister Uncle Sam, his finger poised to knock over a domino which will tough off hundreds of other dominoes. The lead editorial urged "support of the troops" but evinced distaste for the war.

The Tom Paine ad today had an Uncle Sam pointing at us, only it was Osama bin Laden warmly thanking George Bush for setting off a process making it easier for him, bin Laden, to recruit so many more angry Muslim activists.

Blatham -- Yes, Anan's statement was great -- and sad -- and pointed.
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Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2003 10:41 pm
The Husseins are invoking their god. As is President Bush. I guess god is with the side who has the best weapons.

An early morning Iraqi radio message from a representative of Saddam Hussein's eldest son, Uday, said: "God protect us from foreign aggressors. God give us patience. God protect our leader."

Yes, tartarin. There is no way to defend this war.
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Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2003 10:54 pm
It is apparent that these explosions outside of Baghdad to the south were at a target of opportunity at the Iraqi leadership. A preplanned target to be sure that had been identified by, on the ground, intelligence sources. Cruise missiles were fired from both the red sea and the gulf by at least two different ships plus F-117 stealth bombers. Even though the missiles were fired from roughly 600 miles in the red sea and approx. 350 miles in the gulf they arrived at the same instant---interesting.

The President has given the military the authority to take out the Iraqi leadership as targets of opportunity-----in other words the president will not try to micro-manage the war as Jimmy Carter would have. General Franks has now been given authority to conduct the war as he sees fit----this is as it should be.

This just in ---- a large attack against the enemy in Afghanistan in an attempt to capture Bin Laden by 1000 troops---this was meant to be a simultaneous attack with the start of the war in Iraq.
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 12:23 am

I was referring to Boutros Ghali's statement, not Kofi Anan's...was it noted or linked here?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 01:00 am
As far as I remember: no, blatham.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 01:03 am
The attempt to "decapitate" the Iraqi government appeared to have failed, when President Saddam made what Iraqi state television said was a live TV address. In a short but defiant address, the Iraqi dictator vowed to lead his country to victory after "America's criminal acts".
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 01:43 am
by Steven Malik Shelton
(One Ummah Network)

The more I hear of President Bush and his maneuvers regarding the beleaguered nation of Iraq, the more I am reminded of the strong-arm tactics of a street thug, and the verbal dexterity of a seasoned con artist.The Real Reasons for Targeting Iraq

The American capitalist economic system thrives on war, and armed conflict is often a desired condition to feed its military-industrial complex and to provide fresh markets for its insatiable production conglomerates.

Although the United States has billions of gallons of oil in reserve, it does not want to tap into these when there are other sources available for plunder; and it is well known that Iraq contains a tenth of the world's oil supply. Iraq is also an extremely strategic area militarily because it borders other oil-rich nations [and areas considered threatening to the U.S.] such as Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, and the Persian Gulf. Thus, once Iraq is subdued, it can easily be utilized as a launching pad for military excursions into other oil and mineral rich regions.

The Corporate War

Although President Bush is perceived as the person initiating the war with Iraq and spearheading U.S. policy, the real power behind the throne are a group which makes up approximately two per cent of U.S. families and who control the world’s most powerful and influential multi-national corporations.

Make no mistake about it - the United States has always been a nation run by the wealthy and for the wealthy; a country where at any given time a mere tenth of the population has 86 per cent of the nation's financial assets.

Historically, transnational corporations prosper at an accelerated rate during war
because of the golden opportunity war affords them to sell the products, materials, and machinery of war to various governments.

War also furthers the plans of globalists who belong to secret organizations such as The Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderbergers, The Trilateral Commission, and The Illumanati. These organizations and secret societies work to cut across nationalistic lines and [by the alliances facilitated by war and necessity] produce a World Government or a New World Order, and thus more easily be able to enslave humanity and to control the world's resources.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 03:24 am
Iraqi missiles struck near British forces.
Several gas alerts.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 03:36 am
Traffic reports on BBC make reference to roads blocked near Bradford. Sounds as if muslims are taking to the streets.
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Joe Nation
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 05:21 am
Massive protest in NYC on Saturday. You may be able to watch it here.

Camera One is live stream and needs a cable modem hookup but the other cams punch through video shots fairly quickly.

I'll be the one in the Pick-A-Bagel hat.

S T I L L possible.

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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 06:04 am

I'm sure peace is S T I L L possible, but not until after the war.
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the prince
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 06:11 am
Joe, all chances of peace were lost today morning when the first missile was fired
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 06:25 am
Joe, I am watching a large stop-the-war demonstration in Washington DC. They have marched to Donald Rumsfeld's house and are standing in front with a black coffin.

There are demonstrations going on in LA and other big cities.
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the prince
Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 07:23 am
After talking abt quick surgical srtikes, only days to end the war, shock and awe strategy, now they tell us :

War may not be short, says Hoon

The war against Iraq could take longer than people expect, Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon has warned in the wake of the first fighting.

He spoke as British troops wait at Iraq's southern border following US-led missile strikes on and around Baghdad.

The RAF's Wing Commander Dave Bye says its aircraft have not yet been involved in offensive action but could be sent on operations "within 24 hours".

In a Commons statement, Mr Hoon cautioned MPs against suggestions that the military campaign would be over in a very short time.

He said: "We all certainly hope that offensive operations will be over quickly.

"But we should not underestimate the risks and difficulties we may face against a regime that is an embodiment of absolute ruthlessness with utter disregard for human life."
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 07:31 am
I'm sorry, gautam. I believe everything our leaders tell us. They have promised that the war will last only a few days and that the casualties will be insignificant.

Please do not distract me with the facts.
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 07:57 am
Senior White House anti-terrorism director resigns...

Another long term diplomat resigns...
News of Beers's departure was followed yesterday by the third resignation of a U.S. diplomat over Iraq policy since last month. Mary A. Wright, the number two official at the U.S. Embassy in Mongolia, had spent 15 years in the foreign service and 26 years in the Army and Army Reserves.

"I strongly believe that going to war now will make the world more dangerous, not safer," Wright said in a letter to Secretary of State Colin L. Powell. "In our press for military action now, we have created deep chasms in the international community and in important international organizations. Our policies have alienated many of our allies and created ill will in much of the world." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A58934-2003Mar20.html

Wright, the highest-ranking diplomat to resign over the current situation, also criticized what she called a "lack of policy on North Korea" and said she disagrees with the administration's "lack of effort" in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She said the United States has "done little" to end the violence. She called on the administration to "exert our considerable financial influence" on the Israelis and Palestinians alike.
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 07:57 am
Sorry Blatham -- assumed it was a slip of the finger! No -- I saw Anan's statement but nothing from Boutros Ghali. Have you checked today's NYTimes?

Now is the time to keep one good eye on what is happening, politically, inside the US (and Britain). There is quite a lot on Congressional plates, budgetary and other matters which we don't want to let slip through without awareness, comment and/or protest.
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2003 08:12 am
Blatham -- You're probably 'way ahead of me on this, but here's what I've found re: Boutros Ghali:

Former UN head calls Iraq war 'illegal'
Last Updated Wed, 19 Mar 2003 22:44:26
WINNIPEG - The man who ran the United Nations following the last Gulf War isn't hopeful the attack that began Wednesday night will leave Iraq a better place.... Even before the strike against Baghdad, Boutros Boutros-Ghali said any U.S.-led invasion of Iraq without specific UN authorization would violate international law.
"This intervention is illegal," he told an audience in Winnipeg on Tuesday.

Globe and Mail et al. also have reports, as does the Asian press, but I've found no mention (surprise! surprise!) in the media in The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. In Britain, Ali G has done a spoof of B-G.
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