Timber thanks for yours links of April 14th.
I prefer links that give me raw information that will allow me to form an opinion rather than those links whose purpose is to supply an opinion which, if adopted, forces one to search for links that give information to support that opinion. The former process is a lot more work but is preferable to wearing informational blinders and in any case I am not a fan of self-imposed intellectual slavery.
Thanks, JM ... I've never been big on predigested news myself, and I favor History over Hysteria, even though the prose of trial records and business dealings is rarely as engaging. Facts, figures, and transcripts are tough slogging sometimes, but I've always preferred homegrown to storebought.
Oh, and perc ... thanks for the canonization ... but fer chrissakes, dude, at least wait 'tll I'm dead, huh?
You're assuming I will outlive you---that's interesting. I just thought I would make you a legend in your own time----take a deep bow.
No matter how I deplore what my country did and how we did it -- not to mention why -- I am fascinated as I watch what is happening at this crossroads of history, as the US attempts nation-building.
There are so many issues: what role will Islam play? Will the US insist that the goverment in place be totally secular, in a country and a region where the two are never really separated? We look at Turkey, whose democracy we despise when it does not favor the US. We see Iran, wavering back and forth between secular and sacred society. I read pages and pages every day and follow every site that gives, as timber puts it, unpre-digested opinion. NPR has had both sides well represented, and the debates are fascinating, keeping me from the work of the day.
I keep wondering how the ordinary people are getting along, what they are doing without paychecks, and security. Also, are banks operating, or are the usual underground and unique money systems in the Arab world still operating, systems that leave no money trail and manage to get money from place to place undetected. I guess school is on extended spring break, and that is unfortunate. But the children are living through history that is an education in itself. I read that food is fairly plentiful; are people living on the barter system? Is this the gotterdammerung: the strong will survive, and the weak will be winnowed out?
timber, I will not bestow sainthood on you, but I must say that you are an even-handed moderator and have, for the large part, kept control of this group in that ugliness has not been an interference. I always read your posts with respect and consideration.
Thanks, Kara ... I find much value and source for contemplation in your posts as well. In The Political arena here at A2K, I'm certainly in the minority. There are many among the majority who consistently merit respect and consideration, and you are quite notably among them. Its good to be able to disagree without being disagreeable about it.
As to my "Style" of Moderation, I do try to be even-handed, and I really appreciate being told I come off as such. On the otherhand, I wish there weren't so damned much Moderating to be even-handed about

makes me wanna hug you both
How can you describe the gut wrenching wail of a young mother, picking up bits and pieces of her first child, blown to shreds by a bomb intended for Saddam, on a spread sheet?
One of the tragedies of fighting in far off lands is that the people never really appreciate the suffering that the invaded endure. A lot of lives have been saved, but just as many have been desimated.
Welcome, dafdaf...This is the best forum going.
Obviously you've not played on the 'Bush Broken Constitution Game'
This is a very long forum though. Was intimidated about entering it as there's no way i can go back and catch up on everything. So my apologies in advance if i repeat anything.
This is only a small part of the whole. The other part got too big and was split to here - The US, The UN and Iraq
Yeah I read the first few posts on this forum which mentioned that - that's what made me think I wouldn't be able to catch up.
I'll try to read what i can of it, but I have exams from now until June so my presence in all the forums will be going down.
dafdaf, Welcome!
Don't worry about not having all the info about a topic, that fact seldom stops most from forming opinions. The advantage of such a thread is that participants are always more than eager to share their own opinions and those sources from which those opinions are formed.
Certainly join in. Just pick some corner of an issue and wade in on it. Happy to have you aboard.
Now, be fair ... perhaps Abu's presence in Iraq had nothing to do with his past terrorist activities. Its easy to jump to the conclusion that he might have been involved at very high level in Iraqi fostering and promotion of terrorism, but it could also be he chose to retire there for the stimulating, urbane conversation, the lively theater circuit, and the balmy climate. Heck, it could even be mere coincidence that a world-class terrorist took up residence in a State alledged to be a major enabler of terrorism. Then again ... appearances need not be deceiving.
JamesMorrison wrote:dafdaf, Welcome!
Don't worry about not having all the info about a topic, that fact seldom stops most from forming opinions. The advantage of such a thread is that participants are always more than eager to share their own opinions and those sources from which those opinions are formed.
Oh i never said I didn't know about the issues, I just said I haven't read everything that's been written in this forum

. I will certainly be showing my opinions, and backing them up with facts.
You have been warned
and thanks for the friendly invite ya'll!
timber, I remember something about 2 or 3 years ago where they were saying that Abas was probably in Baghdad. You would have thought he would have got out back in the fall when he had a chance. Gees, you think he believed the Information Minister?