Tue 26 Apr, 2005 06:37 am
hey, my grandad passed away on sunday, and i have something that i would like to write in his remembrance card.
he always loved that i could do latin, and he would have loved this, but unfortunately it's been too long since i last did it and my knowledge wasnt enough to enable me to translate this message.
i apologise for its complexity.
anyone of you veterans who know latin, please help. i need it asap!
i see the stars at night and remember how you shine
i see the sun in day and am warmed by thoughts of you
i see my family and see you
and i tell them,
he lives in you.
hi confused one,
i'm sorry for your grief and hope this helps (if but a little)
nocte stellas video reminiscorque te quemadmodum lucere
die solem video foveorque a tui cogitatis
familiam meam video et te video
atque eis enuntio
eum in vobis vivere
thankyou so much!
i can't tell you how much it means. it will make the perfect message for him.