Mon 25 Apr, 2005 11:39 am
I want to get, seriously, "Mind Your Own F**king Business" translated to Latin. My birthday is coming up in two weeks and I want to get it tattooed on my bicep. I understand that the word f**k may not be translatable so I'd settle for a mere "Mind Your Own Business"
Can anyone help out?
As I suspected the old "f" word doesn't translate and oddlyenough neither does the word own, not in that context anyway so I settled for
Mind your Business and No One Elses.
It looks like this
Mens vestri res quod nemo alius
Can the f-word be translated into Latin?
Well, that depends. We know that the f-word means "to have intercourse
with." It would be amazing if Latin had no word for this. And in fact it
does: futuo.
But the f-word has further negative connotations. That's interesting in
itself. Why should I take offense if some says "F*** you!" to me if that
means "Have sex!"? And if something is f***ed up, shouldn't that mean
that it is sexy?
Such ponderings aside, I do not know whether futuo connoted the same
derision and anger then that f*** does now.
However, assuming that it did:
Tua propria res futuenta cura!