Fruitlups? Is that the lip of the cup?
I looked through all nineteen pages, I'm almost positive I saw no quotes from Citizen Kane. Wow.
Everyone has some knowledge of 'Rosebud', but some of my favorite lines were:
Emily: He happens to be the president, Charles, not you.
Charles Foster Kane: That's a mistake that will be corrected one of these days.
"You're right, I did lose a million dollars last year. I expect to lose a million dollars this year. I expect to lose a million dollars *next* year. You know, Mr. Thatcher, at the rate of a million dollars a year, I'll have to close this place in... 60 years. "
I could probably go on for awhile.
Casablanca has been quoted several times. with good reason, but I don't feel the need to repeat. Other of my favorite movie quotes I don't think are here are:
Clarice Starling: If you didn't kill him, then who did, sir?
Hannibal Lecter: Who can say. Best thing for him, really. His therapy was going nowhere.
"Amputate a man's leg and he can still feel it tickling. Tell me, ma'am, when your little girl is on the slab, where will it tickle you?"
All from Silence of the lambs. Hopkins had under 20 minutes of scream time and I stilll had nightmares.
"This isn't going to have a happy ending." - William Sommerset, Seven
"How do you shoot the devil in the back? What if you miss?" - Verbal Kint, The Usual Suspects
I should stop now before I go on for months =O
Kiyeho, welcome to A2K and the film forum. We did need "Citizen Kane" recognized on this thread and thanks.
'I'll have what she's having.' - When Harry Met Sally
'Where's the cat?' 'What cat?' 'The cat that **** in my mouth' - Promised Land
Don't ask me why they're both Meg Ryan movies.. i don't even like her that much..
'Wax on, wax off' - Karate Kid
'Go ahead. Make my day.' - Sudden Impact
"There's another old saying Senator, Don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining" - Outlaw Josey Wales
"Put down the bat Wendy, I'm not gonna hurt yah, I'm just going to bash your brains in." Jack Nicholsen, The Shining
"Wait'll they get a load of me" Jack Nicholsen, Batman
"Who's the guy that owns this shithole." Clint Eastwood, Unforgiven
I see Princess Bride (as the film with probably the highest concentration of great quaotable lines) has been done, I'm going to throw in Fiddler on the Roof (sorry if it's been covered already, haven't read whole thread):
Perchik: In this world it is the wealthy who are criminals. Someday their wealth will be ours.
Tevye: That would be nice. If they would agree, I would agree.
Perchik: Money is the world's curse.
Tevye: May the Lord smite me with it. And may I never recover.
[to God]
Tevye: I know, I know. We are Your chosen people. But, once in a while, can't You choose someone else?
[to God]
Tevye: Sometimes I wonder, when it gets too quiet up there, if You are thinking, "What kind of mischief can I play on My friend Tevye?"
Constable: You're an honest, decent person. Even though you are a Jew.
Tevye: Oh... THANK you, your honor. How often does a man get a compliment like that?
Tevye: Thank you, your honor. You are a good man. If I may say so, it's too bad you're not a Jew.
Constable: [laughs] That's what I like about you, Tevye. You're always joking.
Tevye: [is not laughing]
Mordcha: If the rich could hire others to die for them we, the poor, would all make a nice living.
Tevye: [to God] It may sound like I'm complaining, but I'm not. After all, with Your help, I'm starving to death.
[Hodel and Perchik begin dancing]
Rabbi's Son: She's dancing with a man!
Tevye: I can SEE that she's dancing with a man!
Tevye: And I'm going to dance with my wife!
Tevye: [to God] Anyway, Motel and Tzeitel have been married for some time now. They work very hard, and their as poor as squirels in winter. But, they're so happy, they don't know how miserable they are.
Tevye: [to God] As the Good Book says, ev...
Tevye: Why should I tell You what the Good Book says?
Villager: An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.
Tevye: Very good. That way the whole world will be blind and toothless.
I think "The Princess Bride" script is easily one of the ten best written comedies of all time. It has the wit of a more serious film like "All About Eve" and the flow of another great comedy "Some Like It Hot."
From The Shining, has anyone mentioned, "Here's Johnny!" ?
Also Nicholson, from Batman, I hope I have it right, "Where does he get those toys?"
Ther was a quote I heard as a kid, from a western. It was so long ago, I don't remember the speaker, or the movie, but it is forever etched in my brain. "Never been a man that couldn't be throwed, never been a horse, that couldn't be rode" ( C'mon LW, rescue me always
That's from the Louis D'Amour novel "High Lonesome" according to the Google hits but I can't find a movie made from the novel.
People I know are always quoting from Aliens. If we have to wait anywhere, we say:
"All we need now is a deck of cards." (Hicks)
There was a line in one of the Clint Eastwood films where he is propositioned by a skanky woman...and he replies with something along the lines of: "I only do humans!"
Can't remember the picture or the exact wording...but it is a treasure.
"Right on top of that Rose" - Don't Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead. I can;t believe that a saying that i use several times a week is actually stemming from that movie.
short on time: didn't read the whole thread, so if this is a repeat I'm sorry:
"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine!" - Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca
Just a fun factoid: I am related to Humphrey Bogart through marriage because he married a woman named Mayo Methot (his third wife I believe) and she was my grandfathers third cousin. That makes me happy!
I quickly scanned and read some in full all of the pages here, and I don't think I saw this one, which is definately ingrained in our every day speech:
"You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!!!"
I don't remember what movie it is from, but I know it is with Jack Nicolson and Tom Cruise.
Famous Movie Catch Phrases
Probably one of the most famous ones is "Go ahead make my day" evidently this was an adlib by Clint Eastwood who wasn't having a good one (actually this was the 4th Dirty Harry movie Deep Impact-Eastwood was said to have been reluctant to make it). Shot in a South Beach burger bar, San Francisco the place is now a McDonalds but this famous quip lives on!
Movie USA
The line-"You can't handle the truth is from the excellent play and, later,movie--A Few Good Man."
The line was done magnificently by Jack Nicholson.
One of my favorite lines is:
It is more disheartening to have to steal than to be stolen from
The Red Shoes-Boris Lermontov
My most used quote in every day conversation:
"What's your damage, Heather?"
It is so sad that man dies, those film stars of old movies are all dead, like thise in "Gone with the wind".
Well, I read the entire thread just now. Had to cross out many on my list. However -
A man's got to know his limitations - Clint Eastwood
Let's go - said countless times in every grade Z sci fi film by the star countless times each.
Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings - Wonderful Life
You wouldn't shoot me. There are too many witnesses - Broderick Crawford, just before he is fatally shot
You're always hitting me - Peter Lorre
You'll take it and like it - Humphrey Bogart
We could put it on in the old barn (Approximately) - Mickey Rooney
There's no place like home - Wizard of Oz
Who is the fairest of them all? - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs