Gimme gas money and I'll come and get ya ~ and bring you back! I've always wanted to visit Canada ~ I'm a cold-weather gal.
Okay -- so get going, the lot of you! I want to be left alone with Rae's cat!
Tartarin! You smooth-talker, you!
Just the gas would cost a small fortune that I just don't have right now. I really envy everyone who's going and I truly wish I could be there. Thanks so much for you're sweet offer though and you're welcome to come up and visit anytime ;-)
LOL, yeah, but not in airplanes ;-)
Well, you'll certainly be missed, gezzy. I'll be sure to pack up a care-package with souvenirs and glossy 8 x 10's of Roger in garrish tourist gear.
Going to sleep now.....sweet dreams, don't let the bed bugs bite..... :wink:
Thanks Rae :-D Sweet dreams ;-)
Damn, did I miss the party? I was, uh, busy.
I'm still here Littlek ;-) So, you have me wondering now what you were busy doing. You sounded so mysterious in your, uh, response.
It was an attempt at a joke. Sigh. Maybe my sense of humor isn't much improved (as I stated on your other thread) in my 30s.
LOL Littlek! Your sense of humor is just fine. I was laughing ;-)
okay - going to sleep, don't stay up too late, sis.
Okie dokie Little sis. Sweet dreams :-)
Can't forget Gautum. When I read his valentines list I, lets not go there
Oh boy! Look who just strolled in and took my breath away ;-)

Love that picture. :wink:
Gee, thanks sweetie. I love yours as well. I think we look pretty darn good together ;-)