Dys, that's amazing news. I didn't know you could buy brain insurance.
well sure you can but you have to provide proof that you have a brain and since some of my family are registered Republicans (tainting my credibility) the insurer demanded an independent MRI)
Dys, what a sad story. Congress should pass a law that all babies shall screen their prospective families to avoid Republican contamination before being born.
I'm certain my kids will be conservatives, and probably listen to new country music, just because I think the universe has it in for me.
cav, the universe doesn't give a damn.
Well, I know that, but a man can dream. Nah, postulation is more satisfying.
tut, tut, Dys, there you go again, stealing Rhett Butler's famous line.
How's Ms Otis by the way? She really gets around.
Too many crushes - too little time !
I like you, too, dys! Thanks for remembering me. Let's you & me & Diane go get a drink and talk about everybody else, okay?
hmm to add some fuel to the fire
The capability of Dys to be misunderstood is one of the many reasons I love him so. As long as he is never misunderestimated, I will remain with him until the end of time.
For me, unlike the irrascible Dys, the crushes are numerous.
Hey, what's going on in here?
Yeah, me and my crazy questions
Dys cracked a joke, some people went sensitive ;-)
I was just funnin' with him myself....I thought we were all in on it.
Postulation before breakfast?
You folk are too much for me...