Ah, what the heck, onyxelle, the nature of the internet pretty much moots the relevance of personal plumbing
Suzette wrote:That all depends on what the word 'sucker' means. :wink:
I now have a crush on Suzette as well....
Excellent - Gautam, Husker and Suzette shall meet by the fountain in the center of A2K for chocolate covered peanut butter suckers...at the very least :wink: !
uih uh timber.....if i'm gonna crush...it's gonna be w/ plumbing unlike my own :-)
You just from pg13 to R
We're gunna loose the youngones
Suazette is insulted on a different thread because I paint women as manipulative.......
cavfancier wrote:Original thoughts on a kiss:
Take me to the tip of your tongue
and show me the pleasures hidden in your smile.
Naw !! This is pretty harmelss to deserve a "R" rating
Oops....it's a quote, so therefore legal, heh heh. If anything, it will bring in more young 'uns. They love the bad language.
I've had a crush on Dys since I met him in April. Its the leather leggings thing. But, sob, I know his heart is filled with Diane. Too late, again!
You are distorting, BPB! Under the 'Women in Control' thread you stated that women were as cold as could be; you painted us to be less than human.
Speaking of human, cavfancier, I have changed my mind - you are my next crush. To quote the great Mary-Chapin Carpenter, "Shut Up and Kiss Me!"
Then I got a crush on Edgar. Fell in love with his poems. But his heart is also taken. I'm just too late for anyone. Sigh
When I discovered Gautam was a glider pilot, he stole my heart, but I'm not on his course.
Whoa...as Suzette caught my post before it was removed, as I expected, my heart is yours. Nuff words...<smooch>
Fbaezer's charm melted my heart when I met him in April. But Mexico City is too long a commute. Alas.
I'm not distorting Suzette, just playing...not less than human, human times pi perhaps and look at how you are toying with these boys with your insinuations of peanut butter and chocolate group love trysts......how cold and calculating is that you cyber succubus you?

say gautam isn't maroon on another site is he?
where'd you all go to aid Gautam???????
Funny this thread's back to life again.
"Come into the garden
I'd like my roses to see you".