I have to work tomorrow, too! But, I'm still up! :wink:
I have to work tomorrow, but I'm havin' a drop and maybe some nicotine to go with it.
Wee spirits! I must r.u.n.o.f.f.t. (O' brother where are't thou? anyone?) to get some STAT! Reading what I just wrote, perhaps I better not.
Haven't had a cig since some time last week.........But it's still the emotional crutch I can't give up. A cucky day will probably always cause a nicotine fit.
Oh, Hebba, Hebba, I never meant to forget, it was only for a moment in time...
Now I'm getting a craving for popcorn and punk.
ciggs, popcorn and rock'n'roll? heehee, where's the sex? Where's the drugs?
I'll refrain from admitting what I'm doing.....
you already have elephants hovering above you?
rae, that won't do! i most strenuously object! not sure what strenuously means exactly, but i do insist that i object just so!
Sex and drugs? Are you nuts? I gave those up for lent!
hee hee...I thought I could edit faster than you could catch the typo.
damn, now no one will get what I'm saying.... oh well, what else is new?