Sez you. You know nothing about what she has experienced. She came here asking for help and all you gave was scorn.
Put the supernatural to one side for a moment and think of other areas where people aren't believed. How would you feel if someone claimed they had been abused by a prominent person only to be derided because such a person would not do such a thing?
Regardless of what your own personal beliefs are, she believes that she lived somewhere haunted and she came here for help. All you gave was scorn and derision because you think you know what's best for everyone. If you can't over anything but ridicule you should keep your mouth shut.
Compare your response to Edgar's, he was similarly sceptical towards a supernatural cause, but he did not insult, he talked of someone in a similar situation and said what the cause was.
He tried to help, you didn't, and like all religious fanatics you refuse to acknowledge that you did anything remotely unhelpful.