Wed 30 Oct, 2002 09:41 pm
A man and a woman walk into a very posh Rodeo Drive furrier. "Show the lady your finest mink!" the fellow exclaims. So the owner of the shop goes in back and comes out with an absolutely gorgeous full-length coat. As the lady tries it on, the furrier sidles up to the guy and discreetly whispers, "Ah, sir, that particular fur goes for $65,000."
"No problem! I'll write you a check!"
"Very good, sir." says the shop owner. "Today is Saturday. You may come by on Monday to pick it up, after the check has cleared."
So the man and the woman leave. On Monday, the fellow returns. The store owner is outraged: "How dare you show your face in here?! There wasn't a single penny in your checking account!!"
"I just had to come by," grinned the guy, "to thank you for the most wonderful weekend of my life!"
That is quite cute. Might I tell you of a personal story?
Previous to a date one evening, I zipped over to a local used clothing store and purchased a fur coat in absolutely fine condition, but of a design that won't likely be popular anywhere in this solar system for another century at best. It cost $25. That evening, after a bit of wine and herb (not my trusty mount), I told her I had a gift, then blindfolded her, removed her clothes, then draped the fur coat around her.
Blatham, great story! If she only knew, huh?
Well, of course, eventually she did, and the sense of humour I was counting on did make a welcome appearance.