Stop being offended, you're starting to sound like one of the snow flakes.
There are people that think the Earth is flat and no amount of evidence will convince them otherwise.
A2K is a bastion of Liberal thought with 4 or 5 Conservative voices that hang on to the hopes that we can cure their insanity. We all get down voted into oblivion, but it doesn't really matter. Stick around, say your piece and fight for your beliefs.
But, seems like everytime I read your posts they are just complaining about being downvoted by crazies. You've siad that, we know. Move on to the next topic.
Like how the MSM is a bunch of biased fuckwads who jumped on a story because they were triggered by a MAGA hat. Imagine being so hypersensitive that a hat triggers you. A hat.
Like how Pelosi is such a **** that there is absolutely NO negotiations happening with the closed govt. Maybe if she took the stick out of her ass and conked herself in the head with it she might figure something out.
Problem with the Wall is that it's a Republican failure so bitch about that too. Fuckers had 2 years to get wall built and sat on their dicks the whole time. 100% a Republican problem that Nancy is just exasperating.
There is a **** ton of stuff to be angry about, getting thumbed down on A2K shouldn't be one of them.