goodfiedler, I don't think angeleyes is on trial here
Why should she have prior relationships with alcoholics in
order to be concerned about the man she loves? Quite
sterotypical don't you think?
12 beers per evening at least 3 times a week, probably more
often, since angeleyes comes home much later in the evening.
To me, he sounds like someone having a severe drinking problem, and unless he's getting proper counseling, it will
increase in quantity and become a daily routine.
A social drinker doesn't sit in front of the computer and
drinks 12 beer alone. It definitely is an additonal indication,
that the young man has a drinking problem.
angeleyes, welcome to a2k
in order to help your boyfriend you need to make him
understand that he indeed has a drinking problem and
that either AA meetings or counseling is mandatoryin order to
continue a relationship with you. Unless you force him
to make a choice, we won't oblige.
He himself doesn't see the drinking problem, thus he won't
act on it. It is you who needs to have some sort of intervention that will force him to do something about it.