What works for me
First of all, get this into your head: There's no quick way
that will last.
It takes a certain degree of disipline for awhile, until it becomes natural.
You need to learn to Balance.
If the above didn't scare you off, read on
I'm 26. I'm 5'11. I weigh just under 170. I haven't weighed this little since the 7th or 8th grade.
About 2 months ago, when I weighed 190-195 (it changed a lot), I decided to make a change, and it was going to have to last. I couldn't do diets anymore, they never worked for me. Why? Because after I lost the weight, I would eat like I did before the diet and put the weight right back on. I had to dig deeper, and I knew it.
One day at Subway I picked up one of their little menus that lists the calories etc for all of their sandwiches, just out of curiosity. I was stunned to read that a 6 inch Club only has like 320 calories (plus it has like 20 or so grams of protein)! I thought to myself "I love their Club sandwiches! They're good, they fill you up, they're good for you! This is it, I've got to change my diet!".
The easy part for me to changing my diet was the fact that this Subway resturant is only a block from my office. So I figured I'd eat one Subway sandwich in the morning, sometime between 9am & 10am, and another around 2pm to 3pm. Limiting my calorie intake to below 700 calories a day.
I also started working out to complimet my new diet. I knew if I could limit my calories that much, without going home everyday and gorging myself with food, the weight would fall off. And it did, I lost 15-20 pounds in a matter of weeks. Then the wieght stopped falling off a couple weeks ago. I figured I must be building a lot of muscle mass, and I was right, because I'm really starting to see it now
One other thing that I think has really helped me is, if I go out to eat with some friends/family or there's some type of special occasion, I'll eat whatever I want, be it a nice big juicy steak (MMM!), cake, whatever. I figured this would be a wise choice for a few reasons. For one, it will help me not to get burned out on my regular eating habits. Two, I think it's good to have variety in your diet (whether the foods good or bad). It's just a matter of balance
I hope this short story helps, or inspires you somehow. You CAN do it, but you have to change the way you eat, seriously. Find some good foods you like, make a little plan for yourself and stick to it.
Have patience, give it time, and I promise, the weight will come off. The reason I say "come off", instead of "fall off" is because most females don't lose wieght as easily as males. It's just the way most of us are built.
The reason I bring it up is because my older sister had a baby about 9 years ago and she's been struggling with her weight ever since. Now that she's seen the weight more or less fall off of me, I can tell she got a little discouraged because she works out so hard and it doesn't come off... she knows she needs to change her diet, but she won't, or, she doesn't know how I guess.
Oh, I really think if you let your mother know how much it bothered you, she may bring you to see the doctor. That really is the best route. If the doctor makes you feel fat, it's because YOU think you're fat. The doctor isn't doing it to you, YOU'RE doing it to you.
What I'm describing is working for a 26yr old guy. My guess is it should work for you to, but it's best you take the safest route.
- There's no quick way that lasts (repeat this in your head 10 times!)
- Disipline
- Balance
- Change the way you eat/diet
- Get active somehow, workout, play a sport , rollerskate (I have no idea what 13yr old girls do, sorry)
- A litte variety in your diet is ALRIGHT...the other 90% of the time you're sticking with your little diet plan.
- Have patience
- Don't become discouraged. If you give it an honest effort and nothing happens, try altering slightly or designing a new plan. People I know call me "Jared" (ie Jared from the Subway commercials) now because I tell them how I did/do it. I won't let them phase me.
- Please speak with a doctor, they know better than I. This is just what works for me.
Oh, I'd just like to note, I have no affiliation with Subway other then eating their sandwiches everyday.