Foxfyre wrote: Just don't try to impress me of Kerry's sincerity or virtue on that issue.
hahaha! foxy, i said "naive" not "stupid". sincerity and any politician's name in the same sentence is an oxymoron.
LOL DTOM. Well at least on that one, I can mostly agree. Actually there are one or two on both sides of the aisle that I honestly believe have not compromised either their integrity nor their principles. But oh my God, they are soooooo rare.
This is not the proper thread to get into a deep discussion of your list,but there are a couple on the list I must respond to.
You said..."How about the many arguments made by Liberals and Progressives about Energy Indepence?"
I totally agree that we need to be energy independent,but answer me this.
Why do liberals and progressives (same thing to me) block EVERY effort to drill on our own soil for oil?
I know that long term we need to wean ourselves off of oil,but short term we need to find more of our own.
Yet,libs have blocked EVERY effort.
We cant drill off the Ca coast,the libs blocked drilling in Anwar for quite a while,etc.
Having a long term goal is fine,but you have to allow for the short term to reach the long term.
You also said..."How about the many arguments made by Liberals and Progressives about Shrinking the National Debt?"
The main idea I have seen is to raise taxes.
Now,lets see how serious you are about cutting or eliminating the national debt,ok.
First off,we cut off ALL international aid,of ALL types,and demand immediate payment of the money due us.
Those countries that refuse will immediately have ALL their assets siezed.
Next,we slash EVERY lawmakers salary to $25,000 per year,no more.
Third,we slash EVERY govt program by 50%.
That means that we cut their budgets in half.
We fire all the people that work for those programs,we close offices,we cut people off of the govt tit.
Next,we cut every penny of pork from the budget,no matter who it benefits.
If we do all of those things,we can balance the budget in one year.
Are those on the left willing to go along?
Although I appreciate comments from MM & McG and am madly in love with both, I'm not sure that even the most conservative guru on Capital Hill would agree to what would surely be seen as a draconian solution to balancing the budget as outlined by MM. Though it is not particularly a partisan thing, I think many Conservatives are in fact free traders and would be unwilling to alienate just about everybody and risk cutting off most important world markets.
(MM is quite right of course that the liberals who take their shots at the opposition wouldn't do it either.)
The hardline conservatives like Pat Buchanan of course would favor just that prescription and would have a very well defined theory for why we should do that.
So that really could be a legitimate topic to debate that would maintain the integrity of the thread.
Gerrom is also pushing for comments on the conservative position on social security and our obligations to the people to maintain the integrity of that kind of program.
Conservative Positions
Read. Read. Read...Write. many topics, so little time.
In reading the last several posts I'm reminded(warning age dating, age dating)that I watched a program where a frog had a magic wand. The host would cry "Hit the magic twanger froggy" The frog would and everything would be okay.
If I had the magic twanger I would wave it and all the bad stuff would go away and all the good stuff would remain. This magic would take care of the messy stuff required to accomplish the task.
In reading the last several posts, most would agree with the "end result", and most know that it could never be achieved in the political domain.
Keeping the magic twanger handy, assume for a moment that it could bypass that political problem, it would plunge the world into such chaos I fear that anarchy would result.
Sorry, unfortunately I'm in overwhelm. I really want to know the conservative positions, so I started this post, now I realize that what I thought was a microdot sized issue is really the entire body politic.
There are no answers, just labels. Foxfyre put it plainly, which I appreciate, those principles supported by conservatives. Cyclo claimed those same ideals for the other side.
I've lost my vision in this thread, I'm back to "they said vis they said" or "spitting" posts about one persons candidate vis the other persons candidate.
Here is what I was attempting to do:
A Plan for America: The blending of Liberal and Conservative Thought.
One: decide what are all the issues, list everything. No discussion, just list the issues.
Two: Break the issues into conservative and liberal positions(i.e., this posting)
Three: Resolve each issue based upon liberal or conservative position. No discussion, just this is how liberals solve the issue; this is how conservatives solve the issue.
Four: Resolve the issue by compromise between both points of view.
In my view politics is the "art of the possible" and "the art of compromise" so the last goal is attainable. It requires respect, learned reasoning, and the conviction that no one person/group/political/religious has a lock on the truth, the spirit, or what it all means.
We are eating from the same bowl of soup and all I'm asking is that no one spit in it.
So where do I go from here? I must think.
Re: Conservative Positions
GERROM wrote:Read. Read. Read...Write. many topics, so little time.
In reading the last several posts I'm reminded(warning age dating, age dating)that I watched a program where a frog had a magic wand. The host would cry "Hit the magic twanger froggy" The frog would and everything would be okay.
I believe that was "pluck your magic twanger Froggy" and it was yelled out by the kids in the audience. (Andy's Gang)
If I had the magic twanger I would wave it and all the bad stuff would go away and all the good stuff would remain. This magic would take care of the messy stuff required to accomplish the task.
In reading the last several posts, most would agree with the "end result", and most know that it could never be achieved in the political domain.
Keeping the magic twanger handy, assume for a moment that it could bypass that political problem, it would plunge the world into such chaos I fear that anarchy would result.
Sorry, unfortunately I'm in overwhelm. I really want to know the conservative positions, so I started this post, now I realize that what I thought was a microdot sized issue is really the entire body politic.
There are no answers, just labels. Foxfyre put it plainly, which I appreciate, those principles supported by conservatives. Cyclo claimed those same ideals for the other side.
I've lost my vision in this thread, I'm back to "they said vis they said" or "spitting" posts about one persons candidate vis the other persons candidate.
Here is what I was attempting to do:
A Plan for America: The blending of Liberal and Conservative Thought.
One: decide what are all the issues, list everything. No discussion, just list the issues.
Two: Break the issues into conservative and liberal positions(i.e., this posting)
Three: Resolve each issue based upon liberal or conservative position. No discussion, just this is how liberals solve the issue; this is how conservatives solve the issue.
Four: Resolve the issue by compromise between both points of view.
In my view politics is the "art of the possible" and "the art of compromise" so the last goal is attainable. It requires respect, learned reasoning, and the conviction that no one person/group/political/religious has a lock on the truth, the spirit, or what it all means.
We are eating from the same bowl of soup and all I'm asking is that no one spit in it.
So where do I go from here? I must think.
And if I recall correctly, and I believe I do, once Froggy plucked his twanger, everything wouldn't be alright, but instead the obnoxious foil that always accompanied Froggy would have his toupee blow off, or his pants pulled down, or something of a similar nature.
The twanger was an offensive weapon, the use for which the kids screamed holy hell.
An interesting sidetrack would be to explore the social undercurrents of that particular show, but that's for another thread (if any).
Force to bring relevance to this thread I would suggest that the social programs of the Left are much like what you recalled the twanger to be; Pass them and everything will be alright. In reality they are a force for mischief, unintentionally perhaps but mischief nonetheless.
Gerrom writes
Quote:Here is what I was attempting to do:
A Plan for America: The blending of Liberal and Conservative Thought.
One: decide what are all the issues, list everything. No discussion, just list the issues.
Working strictly off the top of my head as no reasonable amount of research would identify them all, plus they change on a daily basis, the following are what the think are the most common issues on which conservaties and liberals would likely or could hold widely different points of view:
1. Religious influence and/or expression in the public life.
2. Ideology of judges versus their credentials
3. What constitutes equal rights, opportunity, and circumstances of people based on gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic standing, sexual preference, etc.
4. Fiscal accountability - how the government should collect and spend the people's money.
5. The constitutional role of government - what is and is not appropriate for the government to do. Subcategories:
a) National defense
b) Social services
c) Foreign relations/trade/treaties, etc.
d) Regulations and policies
e) Education
f) Law enforcement
g) National security
h) Immigration policy
6. What is free speech and under what, if any, criteria can speech be restricted or restrained. (Freedom of the press could be included in this one.)
7. Crime and punishment
No doubt others will have suggestions to scrap, amend, or append this list.
Conservative Positions
Thanks. Foxfyre, again you have provided me with a path to study and some research topics. I will see if I can organize them into some distilled group of issues.
Thanks Finn, You are a mystery wrapped in an enigima, covered by a shield of what appears to be conservative steel. You seem to brook no promise nor compromise as if some Lefty in the past stole your girl and you have never recovered.
However you are exactly what this thread needs. A "my way or the highway type of person." In this way we can start to identify the edge of the political world.
I try to imagine your world where all the lefty's have passed and there are only strong or ultra strong conservatives. The Federal Government only employs 1 million personnel. Most are in the military.
There are no social programs at the federal level. The Republic of the US only protects for the common defense and transportation, both of which are underfunded do the strength of the common States. There is strong segregation in all States.
Come on Finn, work with me here. What does a world(US first) look like from inside your mind?
Finn said:
[In reality they are a force for mischief, unintentionally perhaps but mischief nonetheless. ]
Please describe to me the conservative positions that would omit the mischief. I would tell you right now, if you could plan, develop, implement or even suggest a conservative program that was without unintentional consequences I would get on board(gee what a great incentive).
No offense, please do not take any, for I do believe that you would be a person to know, but if you do not tell me what you think, how you think, how am I to know those principles you so acerbically insert into the thread?
Oh yea, thanks for the correction on the Froggy thing.
Re: Conservative Positions
GERROM wrote:Finn/Foxfyre.
Thanks. Foxfyre, again you have provided me with a path to study and some research topics. I will see if I can organize them into some distilled group of issues.
Thanks Finn, You are a mystery wrapped in an enigima, covered by a shield of what appears to be conservative steel. You seem to brook no promise nor compromise as if some Lefty in the past stole your girl and you have never recovered.
If Lefties stole anything from me it was my idealism. I am totally ammenable to compromise - if not I would hardly have flourished so in my business career - but I do not find my friends on the Left open to compromise. I certainly do not place any faith, whatsoever, in the promises of the Left.
However you are exactly what this thread needs. A "my way or the highway type of person." In this way we can start to identify the edge of the political world.
I am hardly so ridgid as you would suggest, but that you do suggest it confirms my opinion that you have started this thread with a liberal bias.
I try to imagine your world where all the lefty's have passed and there are only strong or ultra strong conservatives. The Federal Government only employs 1 million personnel. Most are in the military.
There are no social programs at the federal level. The Republic of the US only protects for the common defense and transportation, both of which are underfunded do the strength of the common States. There is strong segregation in all States.
Argue that you have no bias if you will, but one need only looks to the preceding comments to appreciate that the bias exists and is strong.
First of all, I have never argued that there should not be social programs at the federal level. Find where I have and I will gladly acknowledge that you are right. Secondly, why you believe it is axiomatic that if the Feds concentrated on defense and interstate commerce (for surely this is what you meant by "transportation."), that such efforts would be underfunded is beyond me. Finally, the assertion that a constrained federal government would necessisarily lead to "strong segregation" (as opposed to its weak varient) is blatantly indicative of your bias and, totally unsubstantiated. (Or perhaps you can - have at it).
Come on Finn, work with me here. What does a world(US first) look like from inside your mind?
The world inside my mind looks pretty identical to the world outside of my mind. Unlike my friends on the Left, I do not attempt to advance policy based on what I might like to believe rather than what I actually know.
Finn said:
[In reality they are a force for mischief, unintentionally perhaps but mischief nonetheless. ]
Please describe to me the conservative positions that would omit the mischief. I would tell you right now, if you could plan, develop, implement or even suggest a conservative program that was without unintentional consequences I would get on board(gee what a great incentive).
Your membership on whatever team you may or may not think exists presents no incentive for any action whatsoever. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.
Conservative positions omit the mischief by not being intrusive and manipulative. That is the gist of conservatism: as limited as possible governmental intrusion on the affairs of citizens. Now you may choose to counter with what you perceive as conservative intrusions into society: making abortion illegal for example. And you would be wrong here in that resistance to abortion is nothing new. Legal abortions are new. Preserving practices and behaviors that have been accepted for centuries may or may not be advisable, but it is hardly radical intrusion.
No offense, please do not take any, for I do believe that you would be a person to know, but if you do not tell me what you think, how you think, how am I to know those principles you so acerbically insert into the
This is the second time you have suggested that my contributions to this thread are acerbic. Sharp and biting they may be, but what can I tell you? I have to work with the material I'm given.
Oh yea, thanks for the correction on the Froggy thing.
Oh yea...Interesting that you could recount such an obscure cultural reference, but as interesting that you fashioned your memory around your current argument.
Conservative Postions
I don't want to turn this into a two person thread. I will respond to you because I started this to foster conservation positions discussions, something that Foxfyre has been doing, and you seemed a person that could handle that discussion given your ideas and thoughts.
I did not intend it for purposes of a review of me. What matter does it make if I'm liberal, biased or any other scoundrel ?
So lets clear the air if that will keep you in this thread for I value your input and am struggling to gain your point of view.
First let me answer what appears to be your most pressing question, that I'm a liberal, have a liberal bias or in some way connected to the lefty movement.
I started this thread on the basis of inquiry, in query of conservative positions because I know the left better, not that I are one. It matters not to me what label is placed upon me, for I think and reason.
That I am left or right, liberal or conservative, independent, vis any of the current topics, I'm not sure which label I should adopt in order to gain an understanding of the true issues. However, a label matters not if such understanding would result in a solution and a solution would result in a better America. A solution that would exhibit both parties viewpoints as compromised solutions for a diverse population and points of view. In all it is the betterment of America and its people that such discussions take place.
I can tell you that I was raised in a strong middle class America where no one party held sway. The function of 3rd parties was to force the other two more towards the center. So if you want a label its Centrist at this point.
If Lefties stole anything from me it was my idealism. I am totally amenable to compromise - if not I would hardly have flourished so in my business career - but I do not find my friends on the Left open to compromise. I certainly do not place any faith, whatsoever, in the promises of the Left. [/color]
Then I offer to you that option, if you will state your position, I will work with you on compromise. I cannot speak for the rest of the leftys they might not be so open
However you are exactly what this thread needs. A "my way or the highway type of person." In this way we can start to identify the edge of the political world.[/color]
I am hardly so ridged as you would suggest, but that you do suggest it confirms my opinion that you have started this thread with a liberal bias
My question referred to your solid conservative attitude as shown in this thread, no more, and certainly not rigidity. As to the bias, lets get beyond that. Here is your first chance to work a compromise, with a suspected lefty, can you state your conservative view so that we can discuss them? Can you see the request there to reveal examples of your conservative thought?
I try to imagine your world where all the lefty's have passed and there are only strong or ultra strong conservatives. The Federal Government only employs 1 million personnel. Most are in the military.
There are no social programs at the federal level. The Republic of the US only protects for the common defense and transportation, both of which are underfunded do the strength of the common States. There is strong segregation in all States.
Argue that you have no bias if you will, but one need only looks to the preceding comments to appreciate that the bias exists and is strong.
The larger point was a chance for you to tell me what are the conservatives positions. Below I'm again trying to prime the conservative pump. I have no idea what you think. I can tell you that I did not write this to smear your honor or integrity. I did not and never intended, in this thread or another, to place words in in anyone's mouth.
First of all, I have never argued that there should not be social programs at the federal level. Find where I have and I will gladly acknowledge that you are right. Secondly, why you believe it is axiomatic that if the Feds concentrated on defense and interstate commerce (for surely this is what you meant by "transportation."), that such efforts would be underfunded is beyond me. Finally, the assertion that a constrained federal government would necessarily lead to "strong segregation" (as opposed to its weak variant) is blatantly indicative of your bias and, totally unsubstantiated. (Or perhaps you can - have at it).
Here is the core of my question. I ask you directly to share your mind so that we might know what you think the world would look like, if fact I almost beg you to share. Tell me how you would write the question?
Come on Finn, work with me here. What does a world(US first) look like from inside your mind?
The world inside my mind looks pretty identical to the world outside of my mind. Unlike my friends on the Left, I do not attempt to advance policy based on what I might like to believe rather than what I actually know.
The most unkind cut of all, you tell me that inside and out you're a solid conservative citizen and compare yourself to all those lefties who obviously are not, so what did that contribute to what I know about your beliefs.
Finn Quote:
In reality they are a force for mischief, unintentionally perhaps but mischief nonetheless.
Please describe to me the conservative positions that would omit the mischief. I would tell you right now, if you could plan, develop, implement or even suggest a conservative program that was without unintentional consequences I would get on board(gee what a great incentive).
Your membership on whatever team you may or may not think exists presents no incentive for any action whatsoever. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.
Thanks for the above. You reject my request to join a team. That's a start. Point 1.
FINN Point:
Conservative positions omit the mischief by not being intrusive and manipulative. That is the gist of conservatism: as limited as possible governmental intrusion on the affairs of citizens. Now you may choose to counter with what you perceive as conservative intrusions into society: making abortion illegal for example. And you would be wrong here in that resistance to abortion is nothing new. Legal abortions are new. Preserving practices and behaviors that have been accepted for centuries may or may not be advisable, but it is hardly radical intrusion.
Finn, your doing great. Point 2,on your conservative position, "limited as possible governmental intrusion." I agree, I agree, I agree
No offense, please do not take any, for I do believe that you would be a person to know, but if you do not tell me what you think, how you think, how am I to know those principles you so acerbically insert into the thread?
This is the second time you have suggested that my contributions to this thread are acerbic. Sharp and biting they may be, but what can I tell you? I have to work with the material I'm given.
Thats the third. I'm not sure of the first. I don't really understand it, but the writing seems to be pointed, personal rather than on point. You know what I mean?
Oh yea, thanks for the correction on the Froggy thing.[/color]
Oh yea...Interesting that you could recount such an obscure cultural reference, but as interesting that you fashioned your memory around your current argument.[/color]
GERROM Response:
Finally, this is your at your best and me at my worst. I have no clue as to what your last comment means.
When your as old as I am you fashion what memory you have around anything that will keep you focused, usually this is something that happened in the last two days or 60 years ago.
Okay. I did get your message in general. You are not a team player and that the government is one as limited as possible. Can we move on and simply discuss each others point of view on each of the topical issues of the day rather than trying to determine my political affiliation.
Do you care to outline your view a" limited as possible governmental intrusion" pertaining to the current issues of today?
Conservative Positions
It appears that my exchange with Finn killed the thread. I apologize for that and will refrain from responding direct, instead I will keep focused on the thread.
To that end I will put into play the items Foxfyre noted in a previous thread, these are listed below. I'm going to leave them as stand alone and discuss each on a separate posts, starting with what is very topical, religion.
Thanks again for the participation on this thread.
Quote Foxfyre:
[1. Religious influence and/or expression in the public life.
2. Ideology of judges versus their credentials
3. What constitutes equal rights, opportunity, and circumstances of people based on gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic standing, sexual preference, etc.
4. Fiscal accountability - how the government should collect and spend the people's money.
5. The constitutional role of government - what is and is not appropriate for the government to do. Subcategories:
a) National defense
b) Social services
c) Foreign relations/trade/treaties, etc.
d) Regulations and policies
e) Education
f) Law enforcement
g) National security
h) Immigration policy
6. What is free speech and under what, if any, criteria can speech be restricted or restrained. (Freedom of the press could be included in this one.)
7. Crime and punishment
As noted, this is the first of a list of discussion items. You can see the entire list in a previous post. I thank Foxfyre(FF) for these items.
Quote:(FF-1.)Religious influence and/or expression in the public life.
Quote:The first amendment states that "Congress shall not establish a religion nor prohibit the free exercise of religion"
This seems clear to me, however since "Justice Sunday" and the current debate over judicial nominees and the current "faith-based charities" it seems confusing.
Are those 40 million or so christian voters out to change the first amendment. Are we close to a Theocracy?
According to P. Bush his religion is his own personal relationship to Jesus/God/Messiah and disavows any connection to the christian right, however he does support the "faith based initiatives". How does one determine a breach in the First Amendment?
So the simple liberal/conservative questions is: Can we agree that there should be a solid wall between religion and government.
Further, can we agree that nominating judges or establishing programs where money and politics are involved, does mix religion and government is not in alignment with the First Amendment?
Gerrom writes
This seems clear to me, however since "Justice Sunday" and the current debate over judicial nominees and the current "faith-based charities" it seems confusing.
Quote:Are those 40 million or so christian voters out to change the first amendment. Are we close to a Theocracy?
I'm not sure where you got the 40 million or so Christians. The last objective polling data I've seen said that 90+ % of Americans believe in some sort of diety and the vast majority of those are Christian. The percentage nevertheless has been reported to be down; in other words there are presumed more agnostics or athiests now than there were some decades ago. But despite all that religious influence, and much less restriction on religion in the past compared to what we have now, there was never a theocracy formed nor any danger of one being formed.
Quote:According to P. Bush his religion is his own personal relationship to Jesus/God/Messiah and disavows any connection to the christian right, however he does support the "faith based initiatives". How does one determine a breach in the First Amendment?
There is no breach in the First Amendment in this case that I can see. Faith based organizations already provide critical services to the poor and disadvantaged, and they have staff and infrastructure in place. It seems to me the government will get the biggest bang for its buck helping such organizations to do what they do better or more of it.
Thomas Jefferson may have been the only president the U.S. has ever had who was not a professed Christian, and he strongly advocated and defended Christian values. The fact that our present president is Christian and religious is nothing new or different.
Quote:So the simple liberal/conservative questions is: Can we agree that there should be a solid wall between religion and government.
I don't agree with that in the way it is being used by some today. The only 'wall' that was envisioned by the founders was that government would not be allowed to require, favor, or reward any particular religion or interfere in any way with the free exercise of religion.
Quote:Further, can we agree that nominating judges or establishing programs where money and politics are involved, does mix religion and government is not in alignment with the First Amendment?
I'm not sure what you mean by 'where money and politics are involved.' I don't know how you can establish programs where money isn't involved. Politics by its very nature will determine what programs are established or funded.
So long as a judge believes in and practices strict Constitutional constructionism and resists making decisions that in effect create laws, that judge's personal religion and ideology should not matter in the least.
Re: Conservative Postions
I don't want to turn this into a two person thread.
And yet you felt compelled to resond.
I will respond to you because I started this to foster conservation positions discussions, something that Foxfyre has been doing, and you seemed a person that could handle that discussion given your ideas and thoughts.
I did not intend it for purposes of a review of me. What matter does it make if I'm liberal, biased or any other scoundrel ?
If you present an objective question in an objective manner, it matters not. I'm afraid I have a greater regard for your personal opinion than do you.
So lets clear the air if that will keep you in this thread for I value your input and am struggling to gain your point of view.
First let me answer what appears to be your most pressing question, that I'm a liberal, have a liberal bias or in some way connected to the lefty movement.
It is not a question
I started this thread on the basis of inquiry, in query of conservative positions because I know the left better, not that I are one. It matters not to me what label is placed upon me, for I think and reason.
Clearly you know the Left better, and clearly your have engaged in this discussion with a prejudice about conservatives. Deny this prejudice as you will , but in so doing you do nothing to support the objectivity to which you lay claim.
That I am left or right, liberal or conservative, independent, vis any of the current topics, I'm not sure which label I should adopt in order to gain an understanding of the true issues. However, a label matters not if such understanding would result in a solution and a solution would result in a better America. A solution that would exhibit both parties viewpoints as compromised solutions for a diverse population and points of view. In all it is the betterment of America and its people that such discussions take place.
Labels are immaterial. Attempting to develop an understanding of an issue(s) while holding on to a bias, is material.
I can tell you that I was raised in a strong middle class America where no one party held sway. The function of 3rd parties was to force the other two more towards the center. So if you want a label its Centrist at this point.
If Lefties stole anything from me it was my idealism. I am totally amenable to compromise - if not I would hardly have flourished so in my business career - but I do not find my friends on the Left open to compromise. I certainly do not place any faith, whatsoever, in the promises of the Left. [/color]
Then I offer to you that option, if you will state your position, I will work with you on compromise. I cannot speak for the rest of the leftys they might not be so open
I have stated my position(s). Offer your compromise.
However you are exactly what this thread needs. A "my way or the highway type of person." In this way we can start to identify the edge of the political world.[/color]
I am hardly so ridged as you would suggest, but that you do suggest it confirms my opinion that you have started this thread with a liberal bias
My question referred to your solid conservative attitude as shown in this thread, no more, and certainly not rigidity. As to the bias, lets get beyond that. Here is your first chance to work a compromise, with a suspected lefty, can you state your conservative view so that we can discuss them? Can you see the request there to reveal examples of your conservative thought?
I try to imagine your world where all the lefty's have passed and there are only strong or ultra strong conservatives. The Federal Government only employs 1 million personnel. Most are in the military.
There are no social programs at the federal level. The Republic of the US only protects for the common defense and transportation, both of which are underfunded do the strength of the common States. There is strong segregation in all States.
Argue that you have no bias if you will, but one need only looks to the preceding comments to appreciate that the bias exists and is strong.
The larger point was a chance for you to tell me what are the conservatives positions. Below I'm again trying to prime the conservative pump. I have no idea what you think. I can tell you that I did not write this to smear your honor or integrity. I did not and never intended, in this thread or another, to place words in in anyone's mouth.
First of all, I have never argued that there should not be social programs at the federal level. Find where I have and I will gladly acknowledge that you are right. Secondly, why you believe it is axiomatic that if the Feds concentrated on defense and interstate commerce (for surely this is what you meant by "transportation."), that such efforts would be underfunded is beyond me. Finally, the assertion that a constrained federal government would necessarily lead to "strong segregation" (as opposed to its weak variant) is blatantly indicative of your bias and, totally unsubstantiated. (Or perhaps you can - have at it).
Here is the core of my question. I ask you directly to share your mind so that we might know what you think the world would look like, if fact I almost beg you to share. Tell me how you would write the question?
Come on Finn, work with me here. What does a world(US first) look like from inside your mind?
The world inside my mind looks pretty identical to the world outside of my mind. Unlike my friends on the Left, I do not attempt to advance policy based on what I might like to believe rather than what I actually know.
The most unkind cut of all, you tell me that inside and out you're a solid conservative citizen and compare yourself to all those lefties who obviously are not, so what did that contribute to what I know about your beliefs.
Finn Quote:
In reality they are a force for mischief, unintentionally perhaps but mischief nonetheless.
Please describe to me the conservative positions that would omit the mischief. I would tell you right now, if you could plan, develop, implement or even suggest a conservative program that was without unintentional consequences I would get on board(gee what a great incentive).
Your membership on whatever team you may or may not think exists presents no incentive for any action whatsoever. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.
Thanks for the above. You reject my request to join a team. That's a start. Point 1.
FINN Point:
Conservative positions omit the mischief by not being intrusive and manipulative. That is the gist of conservatism: as limited as possible governmental intrusion on the affairs of citizens. Now you may choose to counter with what you perceive as conservative intrusions into society: making abortion illegal for example. And you would be wrong here in that resistance to abortion is nothing new. Legal abortions are new. Preserving practices and behaviors that have been accepted for centuries may or may not be advisable, but it is hardly radical intrusion.
Finn, your doing great. Point 2,on your conservative position, "limited as possible governmental intrusion." I agree, I agree, I agree
No offense, please do not take any, for I do believe that you would be a person to know, but if you do not tell me what you think, how you think, how am I to know those principles you so acerbically insert into the thread?
This is the second time you have suggested that my contributions to this thread are acerbic. Sharp and biting they may be, but what can I tell you? I have to work with the material I'm given.
Thats the third. I'm not sure of the first. I don't really understand it, but the writing seems to be pointed, personal rather than on point. You know what I mean?
Oh yea, thanks for the correction on the Froggy thing.[/color]
Oh yea...Interesting that you could recount such an obscure cultural reference, but as interesting that you fashioned your memory around your current argument.[/color]
GERROM Response:
Finally, this is your at your best and me at my worst. I have no clue as to what your last comment means.
When your as old as I am you fashion what memory you have around anything that will keep you focused, usually this is something that happened in the last two days or 60 years ago.
Okay. I did get your message in general. You are not a team player and that the government is one as limited as possible. Can we move on and simply discuss each others point of view on each of the topical issues of the day rather than trying to determine my political affiliation.
Do you care to outline your view a" limited as possible governmental intrusion" pertaining to the current issues of today?
Conservative Positions
Hi Everyone:
Just a last note. Sorry the thread ended. It started to go somewhere and then bogged down into opinion vs opinion and that's not what I wanted or intended to accomplish.
I have gone back to my reading, with a new point of view, that no one knows exactly what conservative really means. It's like pornographic material, you know it when you see it, but you cannot define it for the public discussion.
I did get some good book leads on Conservative thought. One, about the Constitution and the First Supreme Scalia, he is an "Originalist". He views the text of the Constitution only.
Now that is what I call a Conservative Position. I want to see how that applies in the daily political world.
Currently my conjecture about conservative thought is that it does not exist in todays practical everyday political world if we strip away all the opinions about it. It is like free markets or capitalism, it is a label we attach to something we think we understand. Reality is so much different.
Of course it goes without this note, but all of what I said applies equally well to liberals
See you all later.
I think you're very wrong, Gerrom. Modern conservatism is not even close to classical conservatism, but those who are conservatives for the most part know what they believe and why they believe it. They are conservatives because of it. Those who consider themselves liberals or at least anti-conservatism usually don't want to see or acknowledge that, and in fact often resent the conservative's strength of convictions.
Liberals also usually tend to deny their own peculiar ideology when it is written down in black and white, and yet they defend it passionately. I think conservatives sometimes can recognize and define the virtues within liberalism better than the liberals themselves are able to do.
It could have been an interesting discussion but you have to present the questions you want answered objectively and with no prejudicial coloring included. When you present questions that appear to be loaded, you deflect the discussion from an objective evaluation to one that is ideologically partisan at the outset. That is what I think Finn responded to and why there was not more response to the thread. (I was frustrated by it myself.)
Loaded question: Why do men beat their wives?
Objective question: What are the primary causes of wife beating?
Loaded question: Why do conservatives hate taxes?
Objective question: What is the conservative view of taxation?
Well anyway it could have been an interesting thread. Best of luck to you.
Re: Conservative Positions
GERROM wrote:Hi Everyone:
Just a last note. Sorry the thread ended. It started to go somewhere and then bogged down into opinion vs opinion and that's not what I wanted or intended to accomplish.
I have gone back to my reading, with a new point of view, that no one knows exactly what conservative really means. It's like pornographic material, you know it when you see it, but you cannot define it for the public discussion.
I did get some good book leads on Conservative thought. One, about the Constitution and the First Supreme Scalia, he is an "Originalist". He views the text of the Constitution only.
Now that is what I call a Conservative Position. I want to see how that applies in the daily political world.
Currently my conjecture about conservative thought is that it does not exist in todays practical everyday political world if we strip away all the opinions about it. It is like free markets or capitalism, it is a label we attach to something we think we understand. Reality is so much different.
Of course it goes without this note, but all of what I said applies equally well to liberals
See you all later.
Go with the flow.
None of these threads progress precisely as their originators would prefer.
A desire to control the discourse on a subject is so characteristically Liberal, that it is not surprising that throughout your comments you throw in "And so you too Liberals," as, almost, an afterthought.
I know, I know, you are an objective soul in search of knowledge; with no political bias whatsoever.
Regards to you too.
Conservative Positions
Ah Finn...
To you I defer.