Conservative Positions
This is not a spitting contest.
Foxfyre I thank you for your return to the quest. I appreciate it. To those of you who believe that Windoze is better I'm sorry for the MAC comment.
Foxfrye what you wrote is great and I also believe in those ideals, however they are not exclusive to conservatives.
Would it not serve to return to our discussion about social policy in general, where both agreed that there is a national obligation to help those less fortunate. We left the chapter where is was getting exciting, the place where we were discussing the delivery of those services deem social, and in particulary social security.
How can we as a nation, based upon conservative/liberal points of agreement, deliver to the soon to be retired, 77 million baby boomers, a stipend for the rest of their natural lives. It is not a discussion that requires we justify the stipend, we have already agreed upon that, we want to deliver it(or another way to say this is to pay for it).
It conflicts with the less government rules and the cradle to grave help both factions discuss.
One way both parties could agree, change the governments behavior towards SS.
One way to do this would be to take the money currently be collected and simple put it in the bank. Don't convert it to TBills, that's debt.
Foxfyre, if we follow your dictum and look at the US a a person, should be not be saving for a rainy day, i.e., self-reliance!
So if the money was not converted to debt then would could reduce at least half of the burden.
A simplistic example: The employee/employer pays FICA, once collected its converted to TBills, i.e., debt(its loaned to foreign countries), the money obtained is spent on general revenue items.
Then the money has to be paid back, it is paid back out of the general revenue funds, if we don't have it we raise taxes or worse borrow more money to pay the debt.
It seems to me that I have paid twice. If the money is in the bank none of the above happens. So both conservatives and liberals have a delivery system that works, it meets a test of self reliance(the system is sound) and it gives a small bit of security to those who worked before us.
I realize that my kindergarten example has many holes in it, so please if you want to be critical, please explain it better than I did or even better, invent a better delivery system.