Wed 5 Mar, 2003 08:04 am
Within a matter of weeks, President George Bush is prepared to make a preemptive strike against Iraq, which is purported by some to be a part of a much larger plan. He would like the U. N.'s approval. Thus far, a few nations are going along with him, and he is trying to solicit the support of many others. In essence, this president, who declared the United Nations "irrelevant" and threatened to attack Iraq with or without its approval, has perhaps suddenly realized he might need their votes now, not only to attack but to carry out his "democratization" program.
It is obvious that many of the citizens of the world are against this war and do not want their governments to pay for it. Even here in the U. S. the peace movement is growing exponentially. Thomas Friedman, hardly a peacenik, remarked a few days ago that in the twenty states he had recently visited, 95% of the people wanted U. N. approval before any attack. But by "U. N. approval", did they mean approval acquired through devious means? The Bush administration is assembling a coalition not of the willing, but of the bribed and coerced, as they twist arms and hand out tens of billions in an attempt to manipulate member nation states.
Is this the way international law should work? Should it be "for sale"? And what does this bode for the future of the United Nations and the citizens of the world who once had faith in it? Have we no recourse because U. S. Imperialism has grown so powerful that it is able to trump the desires of the people themselves?
I strongly agree with what you have posted Joan. I applaud
you for BEING A THINKING HUMAN BEING!! And for stating
what you SEE is happening. Meanwhile, other members of
our countryjust listen to the TV propaganda & the all news
channels, but totally fail to truly THINK for themselves.
I, too can understand what the Bush money can purchase.
I am only praying that the UN will not be BOUGHT. AND
that citizens of this country will wake up, take their heads
out of the sand, just long enough for them to SEE FOR
THEMSELVES that the war Bush is trying to BRIBE the UN for
its approval - is totally unjust. War is always unjust. It is the
answer for native tribal primitive humans to solve disputes.
affairs today. Bush is also attempting to convince Americans
that this is being done in OUR best interests. Meanwhile, none
of this is ANY of our business. THE USA HAS NOT DISARMED!
If we WANT TO, OR CHOOSE TO lead the way into world peace,
WE MUST BEGIN AT HOME - and not by creating a war over
which the majority of the world's peoples are strongly opposed.
And over something which the US isn't willing to do either.
*To go to war without UN approval simply shows all of us
that there is NO DOUBT about Bush's delusions of grandeur.
Thanks so much for responding. As I said, I inherited this group from Anon_voter and I have no idea how to proceed. So this is a start, eh? Really appreciate your help. Thanks, Joan
The person who had aired this view thro this thread
is one of the noblest HUMAN.
I know you probably already know this...our dear Joanlee passed away from lung cancer a year ago.
We miss her very much...she was on Abuzz with me from almost the beginning of Abuzz.
Me too.
It is my way of showing respect to the departed soul.
Mar 05, 2003. Those were trying days. And these are trying days. hi Rama and Diane.
Rama again is playing with our heartstrings. Is it intentional?
"Within a matter of weeks, President George Bush is prepared to make a preemptive strike against Iraq, which is purported by some to be a part of a much larger plan.'
Really? What makes you think this is going to happen "in a matter of weeks"?
Re: U. S. Imperialism v the United Nations
JoanLee wrote:Within a matter of weeks, President George Bush is prepared to make a preemptive strike against Iraq,
It's about time!!
Hi Mike, Littlek....Rama....
I will always remember losing Joan at the March in October or was it Jan? in Washington. Mike and I searched for her and we were so frightened...Joan was more frightened than we were! We finally found her at the Navy Yard Metro Station with some very kind people.
I think of Joan a lot these days. She inspired all of us for the first Voter march in DC after the 2000 fiasco in April 2001 even though it was a bust as far as attendance was concerned...I met Joan, David Silberman, and almost met Steeeve. That was the beginning of our marches.
Joan came to the two more in Washington. She marched with my husband and my State Dept friends in October. That was when I met you, Mike and Steeeve.
Oh, the days.....I miss her a lot.
Diane, I still think of Joan every day and you and Doc and all the others. Of course. We met because of the issues and war that mean so much to us all and we're still dealing with those issues daily. And those issues tie us together. So when reading the daily news I think oh Joan would be upset at this or happy about that. There's no getting away from thinking about her and I would not want that anyway. I fully expect to somehow make contact in the future when my days come to an end in this dimmension. Anyway today's a big day. Go Obama.
I have chatted with this critical departed soul.
Starting a thread wih personal political views is very easy in internet.
Opposing the hypocracy is not that much easy.
I extremely feel sorry to miss for those departed souls.
Views are different.
Opinions are based on personal life.
Courage is the word that comes to my mind to discribe the author of this thread.