What does our population look like?
What does an
American Face look like?
There are more Americans of
German ancestry (14.7%) than of African (12.3%) or Mexican (10.9%)
You'll get a better idea of American demographics from articles like the following than from commercials on TV or films and TV series that force diversity on casting that is highly disproportionate to reality.
Most Americans think that homosexuals (male & female) comprise a larger percentage of the population than is the case because of their strictly disproportionate representation on TV and in films. No big deal really, except that what they believe is not factual, and supposedly,
facts matter...at least they do when Republicans twist them.
Have you noticed lately how many bi-racial couples appear in TV commercials? What is that all about? Aspirational representation? It's certainly not based on actual demographics. Again no big deal, but not accurate. I can't imagine the sort of person who would allow the races of a couple in a commercial influence their decision on purchasing the product advertised, so I don't know why it's being done. Virtue signaling? Clearly, every company that has such commercials is counting on socially open-minded consumers vastly outnumbering rabid racists. So either racism is much less of a problem that we are so often told it is, or a great many corporations care more about a diverse harmonious society than the almighty dollar.
Advertising is the art of manipulation.